Year 4 Camp

Year 4 Camp

This week the year 4’s went on a sunny and hot camp to ADANAC which is located in Yarra Junction in Victoria. ADANAC has lots of wonderful activities for the students to enjoy including the giant waterslide, trampolines, canoeing on the lake, flying fox, hut building, volleyball and a low ropes course.

ADANAC is suitable for all ages and provides yummy meals for all. At camp the year four students got to enjoy ice-cream, burgers, hot jam donuts, cake and pizza as well as cereal, toast, fruit and salad. At night time the students got to go on a night walk as well as toasting some marshmallows around a campfire.

Overall, the year 4 camp sounded like so much fun and I bet they got the students had a great night sleep when they got home.

Here are a few pics from the Year 4 camp…..

Prep Learning

Prep Learning

This term has been a very exciting one for our Prep students as they settle into school. They have learnt lots of new topics including understanding their letters and sounds in words, and counting and understanding all about numbers to 10.

The Preps have also enjoyed learning about data and graphs in Maths, learning the sign of the cross and school prayer in RE and learning some Auslan with Miss Lucy.

Even though the Preps have learnt so much new in class sometimes the biggest learning for them is on the playground with their friends with support of their wonderful year six buddies.

Overall, the Preps have settled into school really nicely and have enjoyed their first term at HT.

Here is our wonderful Preps in action ……

TORCH Bearer Assembly, Term 1 2021

TORCH Bearer Assembly, Term 1 2021

Welcome to our end of term assembly.

Congratulations to our SRC members who were presented with their badges at assembly this morning.

We also presented the TORCH Bearer of the term awards to students who have demonstrated the TORCH values in everything that they do at school.

We also had some special Easter colouring prizes to present to Amaya and Jackson who placed 1st and 2nd in Mr Nick Wakeling’s colouring in competition.

Well done to all families for a successful term of learning. I hope that everyone has a Blessed Easter and a restful school holiday break.

Looking forward to seeing everyone back next term.

Mr Downie

Year 5 Government Incursion

Year 5 Government Incursion

Last Thursday, the year five students were lucky enough to have some special guests from the Victorian Parliament visit us as part of our Government unit for Inquiry.

During this session we revised what we had learnt about the three levels of Government (local, state and federal), the process for laws are made and we even got to reenact how laws are made in Parliament.

The best part of our incursion was when we got to decide on different laws by yelling out ‘”YAY” or “NEIGH”! We thank the teachers for organising this incursion and for our special presenters from Parliament for coming to HT to teach us about the different parts of our Government.

Here are a few pictures from the incursion.

Persuasive Writing Year 5

Persuasive Writing Year 5

In year 5 this term we have been learning about writing persuasive pieces, We have been focusing on organising our arguments into paragraphs, using statistics to help strengthen our arguments and using emotive phrases such as ‘I was mortified to realise that’ or ‘it was absolutely ridiculous that’ to help make our writing sound more powerful. The standard of our writing has really developed during this term which should be helpful for our NAPLAN writing in May.

Here is an example of our persuasive writing for this term ……

Stations of the Cross~ Prayer Service

Stations of the Cross~ Prayer Service

Today’s Prayer Service, focusses on the Stations of the Cross. We come together to remember the story of Jesus’ last few days. We know that while this is a very sad story, it has a wonderful ending – Jesus’ Resurrection.

During our prayer today, we can take time to think about our own lives, how we can treat others better and try to live like Jesus.

Today’s Response is:- You gave up your life to save us

5/6 Government Incursion Last week

5/6 Government Incursion Last week

The 5/6’s had a great time attending a Government Incursion held in our school last week. The students demonstrated that they knew quite a lot after being involved in learning all about the Australian Government throughout Term 1.
The 5/6’s were guided through a debate, similar to what could be seen in the Cabinet.

Garden Club

Garden Club

Look at all the delicious veggies we have been harvesting from our garden!

So many cucumbers, squash, peppers, tomatoes and now the egg plant!

The environmental team and the children that come at lunchtime have been helping to water, weed and harvest all the veggies.

Market Fresh Fun

Market Fresh Fun

The Year 1/2s enjoyed an educational presentation and smorgasbord of seasonal fruit and vegetables provided by the Market Fresh Schools Program.

The presenters spoke about the importance of eating fresh fruit and vegetables as part of a balanced daily diet – and gave the kids the opportunity to taste and enjoy a variety of fresh produce.

We thank the farmers for working so hard to provide us with delicious and nutritious food to eat daily! 

Scan the QR codes below to hear some of the students talk about their experience:

  • Patrick and Peyton
  • Yianni:
  • Remy:

School Athletics Day

School Athletics Day

Last Thursday, (4th of March) all students in years 3 to 6 attended Ringwood Athletics track participate in our school athletics day.  This yearly event is an opportunity for students to learn and participate in a range of track and field events and the results are used to guide Mr. D (Our Sports Teacher) in selecting a school team to represent Holy Trinity and St. Mary’s at the District Athletics event next term. Some of the different events that the students participated in were discus, shot put, hurdles, high jump, long jump and triple jump as well as a range of running events such as the 100 metre sprint, 200 metre sprint and 800 metre run. Students competed against other students in their year level and the points they earned from each event contributed to overall house score.  After such a big day a big congratulations needs to go out to all our wonderful athletes and to Bunarong House (Gold) for winning the house trophy.

A big thank you must go to all the wonderful parents who gave up their time to help with the running of the day and for the staff with helping to make the day so smooth for everyone. Well done to  Mr. D and Mrs Patmore for organizing the school athletics day and to Lara for helping Mrs. Patmore with scoring.

Here are some photos that were take in on the day.

Friendship Groups

Friendship Groups

Every second Friday afternoon the students in our school gather together for Friendship Groups. Our Friendship Groups are formed from a mix of students in the different classes throughout the school. During Friendship Group activities we participate in a range of learning activities based around our TORCH values. Our school’s TORCH values are Tolerance, Optimism, Respect, Confidence and Honesty. Last week each group learnt about making paper plane and some students got to race their plane in the Community Space. Each Friendship Group learnt about the importance of being optimistic even if your plane was not chosen to race against the other groups and that it is important to show respect for others’ efforts with their paper planes.

Overall, Friendship Groups is really fun but it also is very important for all students at Holy Trinity and St. Mary’s in learning to display the TORCH values.

5/6 Students Posting on the School Blog

5/6 Students Posting on the School Blog

Recently in Digitech the Year 5 and 6 students learnt about how to create a post on the school blog. Posting on our school blog is a special responsibility given to the students in senior years of the school. It gives ‘us’ students an opportunity to share with the community about what happens in our school from a ‘kid’s perspective’. Each week students from grades 5 and 6 will post on the school blog about some of the learning and events taking place in our school.

Please keep coming back to our school blog each week to view some of the different posts created by our 5/6 students.

Being School Captain

Being School Captain

This year I am one of the lucky enough to be one of the four HT School Captains for 2021!

It is a great privilege to be a school captain because it is a role that many of our year 6 students aspired to be and with it comes a lot of responsibility. As a School Captain I have to take new families on tours around the school, lead assemblies on a Monday morning and even hand out awards at Friday assemblies. Sometimes we have to do random jobs such as yesterday where we were in charge of informing each class when it was their turn for school photos according to the timetable. One of the biggest responsibilities as a school captain is making sure we catch up on our learning when we are required around the school.

Overall, being a school captain is awesome and I am excited for what the rest of the year holds.



I’m very excited to announce that I won a competition run by SCIS on Facebook! I won all these fantastic books!

SCIS stands for Schools Catalogue Information Service and is the service used by  library staff to assist them to  catalogue their books.

To have a chance at winning I had to state why our library is special and this is what I wrote:

Our library is special because our students love coming to the library and reading and borrowing new books!

Holy Trinity Wantirna South would be so excited if we won some books!