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Month: May 2017

It’s Carnevale time!!!

It’s Carnevale time!!!

This term all grades have been learning about Carnevale time in Italy. The Preps & 1/2 classes have been learning about Arlecchino and his costume of many colours, the 3/4 classes have been learning an Italian tarantella dance and the 5/6 students have been learning about La Commedia dell’Arte – the Comedy of the Arts and creating ‘lazzi’ – which are short comedy skits. The students have been creating their ‘lazzi’ to music.

We are looking forward to our Carnevale themed Italian day and Holy Trinity Feast Day celebrations on Friday 9th June.

Year 3 First Reconciliation

Year 3 First Reconciliation


We congratulate all of our year three students who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time last week: Charlotte Harrup, Chanelle Meelky, James Kambouris, Jessica Gazik, Michael Chen, Dominica Lampa, Tasmin Ferdinands, Jesse Modica, Delinda Modica, Trent Green, Remy McCoy, Kasey Maloney, Tyrone Van Ravenstein, Cooper Warrin, Joshua Ferdinands, Catherine Habjan, Hannah McBurney, Thomas Evans, Aston Michel, Pippa Wilhelmsen, Monica Dell’Orso, Sienna Hunter, Marlee Williamson, Charlie Mawdsley, Riley Wood, Liv Bilston, Ava Bilston, Joshua Aguado, Nicholas Fisher, Aiden Barker, Annaliese Beggs, Gabriella Gazzini, Alexander Bondini, Dakotah Schwarze, Jordan Apostolopoulos, Ryan Rinnovasi.

Father John celebrated two beautiful liturgies with families on both Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Thank you to Mr John Downie, Mrs Becky Breen (from St Jude’s), Mrs Sally Campbell, Ms Jayneen Howes, Miss Liz Humphris and Mr Zac Natoli, for planning the celebrations and preparing the children to receive this important Sacrament. In October, these children will receive the Sacrament of First Eucharist.

House Fun Run

House Fun Run

They’re off and racing in the whole school house fun run. Congratulations to all of our enthusiastic participants. Special mention to Mackay House who won the overall Fun Run trophy and MacKillop for their enthusiastiasm and winning the SPIRIT shield for cross country.

Good luck to all year 4-6 students who will be competing this Friday in the SSV Scoresby District Cross Country Carnival.

Mother’s Day Breakfast

Mother’s Day Breakfast

Mothers were treated to a sumptuous  breakfast in the hall this morning, which was decorated beautifully with fresh flowers, fairy lights and candles. Children were also provided with a smorgasbord of toast, fruit and cereal.

Dedicated staff of Holy Trinity were up early in order to provide the well deserving mums their opportunity to be waited on.

By the look of all the smiling faces everyone enjoyed their ” cuppa and danish”. The sound of the chatter was a good sign the community had come together and were ready to share a few stories.

A huge thank you to all involved for making such an effort in celebrating “Our mums.”








Invasion at HT & St. Mary’s – the Ozobots Have Arrived!

Invasion at HT & St. Mary’s – the Ozobots Have Arrived!

The 5/6 students began learning about our new Ozobots which we have purchased thanks to a generous donation from our Parents Association. An Ozobot is a small robot that can be programmed to do different actions such as go faster, turn left or change colour according to the commands (or codes) the user gives them.

Here is a picture of an Ozobot.

Today the students drew coloured lines into codes that they hoped moved the Ozobots in a certain ways.

Here is the 5/6 students hard at work.

20170510-152945.jpg       20170510-153013.jpg

Many groups had success with their Ozobots and more importantly learnt lots of new skills that they will use in future lessons.

Here is one successful attempt.

Learning about Lions in 1/2M

Learning about Lions in 1/2M

In 1/2M we are learning how to write an information report and we have been learning about lions. We have done lots of research about lions. We have learned that lions live in a group called a pride and they are carnivores which means that they eat meat. The male lions have manes and they eat first because they need energy to protect their family. Lions are mammals and they feed their cubs milk. Some of the keywords we are using in our information reports are habitat, carnivore, omnivore, herbivore, breeding and endangered. The photo of the lions was taken in Africa by Miss McGing and we labelled it with their features. We are having lots of fun taking turns labelling photos on the Interactive TV.
Written by 1/2M

Mad about Science!

Mad about Science!

Image result for mad about science incursions


On Friday, 28th April, the year 5 and 6 students participated in an engaging “Heat and Energy Workshop” incursion. Throughout the workshop the students explored the properties of heat and other energies in a fun way. They were able to produce useful heat energy through friction, motion, electrically and chemically. They also explored transferring heat through conduction.  The students enjoyed the opportunity to explore the amazing ways in which heat can generate change!


On Thursday, 4th May, the level fortunate to have a visit from Fr. John who shared his knowledge of chemical science. He showed the students the periodic table of elements and discussed how and why changes occur to matter in its different states.

The students from 5/6R presented their new knowledge to the school community at assembly this afternoon!