House Cross Country

House Cross Country

On Friday 7 May the kids from years 3 to 6 participated in a house cross country at Egan Lee Reserve. Everyone did really well considering that it was a warm day. In PE lessons everyone had been preparing for weeks and many students were was really nervous.

The year 3’s and 4’s had to run 2km which was 2 laps around the track and the year 5’s and 6’s had to run 3km which was 3 laps around the track.

Some of the results were:

From year 3 Luke W got 1st for the boys and June got 1st for the girls.

From year 4 Darcy won it for the boys and Eden won it for the girls.

From year 5 Nathan won it for the boys and Ella D won it for the girls.

From year 6 Luke A won it for the boys and Sunny won it for the girls.

Sixty students will represent our school at the district country on 28th May.

Thank you to Mr D for organising the day very well and to all our wonderful parent helpers that assisted with running the event.

Here are some photos taken by our wonderful parent and teacher helpers from our recent cross country event……

Cross Country Photos Doc.

First Eucharist 2021

First Eucharist 2021

Over the last couple weekends students from year 4 and a couple from grade 5 and 6 have celebrated their first Eucharist at St Jude’s Church. Eucharist is one of the three sacraments of initiation which are important steps in the journey to becoming a full member of the Catholic Church (Baptism and Confirmation are the other two sacraments of initiation).  Eucharist is when you receive the bread (Body of Christ) from the priest reminding us of when Jesus shared the last supper with the Disciples. With such an important occasion it was natural that many students were nervous about receiving the host for the first time but were happy once they had the ceremony was completed.

Many students had their families come along to the First Eucharist Mass to support them during this very special event. Afterwards many families had a celebration to recognise this important occasion.

Here are a few photos from some of the recent first Eucharist masses.

Taster Day at Mater Christi

Taster Day at Mater Christi

Yesterday (18.5.21) all the year 4 and 5 girls went to Mater Christi in Belgrave for a taster day. A taster day is when students from primary school visit a secondary school to have some kind of experience of what it is like to go to high school. Some of the activities we had a chance to try were: Science, Monopoly and Sport. Monopoly was a bit different from the board game because we got to explore the different parts of the school and answer questions about these places.

What we did:

  1. – First we entered Mater Christi
  2. – Next we played Monopoly and explored the school
  3. – After that we had recess
  4. – Then we had P.E. We played Popcorn and Golden child
  5.  – After we had Science ( it was my favourite )
  6. Next we got show bags that had; crayons and pencils.

We are very thankful to Mater Christi for the chance to experience what it is like to go to secondary school.

Here are some pictures taken from Mater Christi …..

We had an amazing time at Mater Christi. It was a lot of fun to have experience of  High School.

Taster Day at St. Josephs

Taster Day at St. Josephs

Yesterday (18/5/21) the students in years four and five had a Taster Day at secondary school. A Taster Day is an opportunity when primary students can experience what it is like at high school, as they are choosing which high school to go to. The boys were lucky enough to go to St. Joseph’s in Ferntree Gully and had heaps of fun completing activities.

There were 4 different activities were drama, science, music and sport.  My group got to do drama first and I was very excited when I won the first two rounds of the first game.  Afterwards, my group did science and wow …… that explosion was huge!!!! We were amazed by what science could do.

We also go to experience what a recess is like by having snack and brain food.

We are all very thankful to St. Joseph’s for the chance to be part of the secondary school taster day.

Here are some photos from our day at St. Joseph’s ……

Spoiling our Mums at HT for Mother’s Day

Spoiling our Mums at HT for Mother’s Day

Last Friday (7th May) Holy Trinity celebrated Mother’s Day by having a Devonshire Tea and Mothers Day stall.

All the kids had a blast choosing out what their mums would like at the Mother’s Day stall and everybody loved the candles. In fact the candles sold out in the first 5 minutes!

The Devonshire Tea is a new part of our Mother’s day celebrations but one of the most fun things that we did. Scones with jam and cream were served together with a hot drink for the mums (and grandmothers) and a juice for the children and everyone commented about how nice the scones were. All the mums loved spending some extra time with their children and the kids loved showing their mum’s some of their learning at school.

Thank you to Mrs. Whelan for her fantastic cooking and to all the staff who helped to make this a special celebration for our wonderful mums.

Year 3 and 5 Naplan

Year 3 and 5 Naplan

Last week the students in year 3 and 5 participated in Naplan beginning on the 11th of May and ending on 13th of May. Naplan stands for National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy is a combination of four tests ranging from language conventions to mathematics. Tuesday is the day when everyone did two tests (writing and language conventions which is testing our understanding of spelling, punctuation and grammar). On Wednesday the students participated in a reading test and on Thursday we did a numeracy test. The aim of Naplan is to help students to understand where they are up to with their learning and and where they need help. Sometimes students can get a bit ‘stressed out’ about Naplan but my advice to all people who are doing Naplan now or in the future is to not to get worried by the whole Naplan business. You can just remind yourself that Naplan is just like any other normal test we do in class. I also highly recommend that you don’t talk to your classmates during the tests as this may look like you are talking about the test questions.

After Naplan was completed we all felt much better and look forward to doing lots of other fun learning in class.

School Assembly – Term 2 Week 4

School Assembly – Term 2 Week 4

Hi everyone,

Here is the link to today’s school assembly which is the first time we had done a ‘live stream’ of this event. We will continue to stream our Friday assemblies each fortnight particularly for those in our community who are unable to come into HT in person. We will continue to develop this stream (particularly the video and sound quality) over the coming assemblies.

Enjoy and thank you for your ongoing support!

Extraordinary Year 5 Artists

Extraordinary Year 5 Artists

The Year 5Y artists created amazing Owl Artworks using Charcoal. I’m so proud of them for not judging their work and committing to finish each effort. Sometimes we surprise ourselves and I think they were surprised by their extraordinary owl artworks.



Last term I placed a picture of the Mona Lisa on my classroom door. I waited all term for someone to notice that there was something a little different about this Mona Lisa. Finally on the very last day of term 1 Thomas in 6 Yellow said “Signora is that you?!!” Well done to Thomas you are our winner for finally noticing that it was Signora’s face on the Mona Lisa painting! Bravo!



Hello everyone! We are looking for donations of items for this year’s ‘Festa di Carnevale’ whole school production. Please have a look at the list below and if you can help in any way please email me and let me know ASAP:

Red tutu skirts: for Preps x 9

Vests:  to fit grade 6 boys any colour x 6

Bright coloured neon or fluorescent fabric/tops/skirts: etc…. (80’s look items.)

Baby onesies – sizes 2-4: x 6

A box will be left at the front office for all donations. 

Grazie Signora Formichelli

Easter Picnic

Easter Picnic

At the end of last term, Holy Trinity and St. Mary’s had a very exciting Easter Picnic. It was a great opportunity for many of our families to return to our school for a community event for the first time since COVID.  Lots of fun activities took place including a crazy hat parade, a ‘guess the number of cotton balls in the container’ and an Easter egg hunt. There was plenty of great food for us including a sausage sizzle, gelati truck, donuts as well as a few Easter eggs once we completed the Easter egg hunt. It was wonderful to see so many happy faces and it showed how much our community enjoys gathering for special events like this.

Thank you to our wonderful Parents’ Association who came up with this new event and for their hard work in putting the Easter Picnic together.

Here are a few photos from the Easter Picnic.

District Athletics

District Athletics

On Tuesday 27th April, a group of students from years 3 to 6 were chosen to represent Holy Trinity and St. Mary’s at the district athletics carnival. Our school competed against different schools in the Scoresby District at the Knox Athletics track.. Students were chosen to represent HT & St. Mary’s based on who came first or second during our school athletics day last term.

Some of the highlights of the district athletics competition were the performances of June (800m), Darcy (800m), Amelia F (1500m), Amelia W (shot put), Nathan (200m), Sunny (800m) with many, many more.

Amazingly, we had 17 students who came first or second in their selected events (A Division). These students qualified to compete at the next level where they will represent the Scoresby District at the Division Athletics Competition.

Overall, HT & St. Mary’s came fifth in the Scoresby District which is a a credit to everyone’s hard work.

Overall, Mr. D was very proud of the HT team in their wonderful efforts and particularly the outstanding encouragement they displayed towards both HT students and other competitors.



At Monday’s Assembly we celebrated Anzac Day. Anzac Day is a very special day where we remember all the people that fought and died for the freedom that we have in Australia.

Our Anzac Day ceremony was very special where we prayed for the sacrifices that our have soldiers made, we listened to the Ode, Reveille and the National Anthem, and followed the one minute silence out of respect for those that have served for our country.

Here is the video of our ceremony from Monday:

Narratives in 5 Blue

Narratives in 5 Blue

This term in 5 Blue has been learning about narrative writing and how to make it interesting for audiences of different ages.  Some of us are even publishing our stories for kinder kids and preps!

Mr B has taught us about using an engaging start, having a dramatic problem and a cracking ending to leave the reader wanting more.

Some of the topics we have written about so far include a big fight in a high school, a magic pool, kids that get sent to Jupiter and a Magic Tree that has a wormhole to a whole new land.

The following chart helps to keep everyone on track during our writing sessions and well as to inform Mr. B where each student in up to.

Overall, we are very excited to publish our narratives and we are hoping to put some of our narratives on the school blog in the coming weeks.

Here are some photo of us at work!

Year 1/2 Learning in action …..

Year 1/2 Learning in action …..

In the 1/2 level at the moment the students have been working really hard on their reading skills. The focus is on reading with fluency where the students read in class for 20 minutes each day as well as choosing ‘good fit books’ that use the five finger rule. The five finger rule involves the students choosing books that are not too easy or too hard.

In addition, the 1/2 students have been developing their understanding of spelling sounds, 2D shapes in Maths as well as learning about the Easter season.

Here are the 1/2 students hard at work …..

School Production 2021 – Festa di Carnevale!

School Production 2021 – Festa di Carnevale!

It with great excitement that I share with you the theme for this year’s whole school production! Our production will be all about Carnevale time in Venice! At this stage the production will be in term 3 on Thursday 9th September at Crossways – more information will be available in term 3 once we know more with regards to numbers at the venue etc..

Last term the grade 5 and 6 students had the opportunity to audition for a main role in the production – the auditions were absolutely fantastic! The production committee will be announcing the main characters very soon!

The grade 5’s theme for the production will be ‘Magia’ – Magic! They will be particpating in magic workshops with Tim Mason from the Melbourne Magic Academy. Their first workshop was on Friday 23rd April. The students had so much fun and are very much looking forward to learning some magic tricks.

Check out the video below:

Ciao a presto!

Signora Formichelli

Easter Resurrection Alleluia Prayer Service 2021

Easter Resurrection Alleluia Prayer Service 2021

As a School Community we celebrated the Easter Resurrection with Fr Mark. Easter is too important to last only one day. Over the next few weeks we will continue to celebrate the Season of Easter. The Easter Season is celebrated in the Church for fifty days, until Pentecost Sunday.

We celebrate because Jesus rose from the dead. As the people of God we have been saved and have this new life given to us through the dying and rising of Jesus at Easter. Jesus is risen and he is with the Church, to teach and guide us until the end of time. Join joyfully in the world’s ‘Alleluia’ by praying with your family.