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Author: Jayme-Lea Jamieson

Sorry Day

Sorry Day

This morning, the students in 3/4 Blue learnt about Sorry Day and National Reconciliation. The students had a fantastic discussion about the rights of the indigenous and the stolen generation. The students decorated a hand to acknowledge the responsibility they have as our future generations to ensure all Australians are treated equally and with respect. 

This links the curriculum area: Identify how understandings between culturally diverse groups can be encouraged and achieved (VCICCD008)

Respectful Relationships

Respectful Relationships

Last week in 2 Yellow, we played some games as part of our Respectful Relationships Program. The games were designed to have the students work as a team and problem solve together. It allowed the students to work on skills such as turn taking and communicating.

They had a ball!



2 Yellow have recently started a new mindfulness activity this past few weeks called Zentangles. It allows the students to calmly draw patterns, practice focusing and taking their time. The students have enjoyed this activity, particularly towards the end of the day when we all need some quiet time. Take a look at some of their amazing patterns.


Peer Feedback in 2 Yellow

Peer Feedback in 2 Yellow

This morning in Writing, 2 Yellow had a go at providing peer feedback to each other. The students were asked to listen to their partners information report and provide a star 🌟 (something they did well) and a wish (something they could improve on). Giving peer feedback is a useful skill as it allows the students to reflect on the learning intentions and success criteria of the lesson, and provide useful feedback, rather than it just coming from the teacher. Very powerful stuff!

Remote Learning Rules by Xavier

Remote Learning Rules by Xavier

Hello everyone,

Xavier from 4 Blue has created a video to share some rules with you all about how he ensures all his work he does is done to the best of his ability. These are great things to try and remember to do before you submit your work to your teacher.

Thanks to Xavier and his mum for creating this awesome video!


Year 2 Camp Day

Year 2 Camp Day

On Thursday the 24th of October the Year 2’s enjoyed a camp experience day at school. There were so many fun activities! We started with a walk around Lakewood Reserve, then made some damper, played frisbee golf and lots of other games! There was some orienteering and a MASSIVE water fight. Ended with roasting some marshmallow before heading home. Whew, what a day!


Year 1/2 Mission Prayer Service

Year 1/2 Mission Prayer Service

This afternoon, the Year 1’s and 2’s had a Prayer Service celebrating Mission month. Mission month celebrates being a community and doing good things together. Thank you to all the parents that came to celebrate with us, as well as all the students that did readings.


Book Week Fun

Book Week Fun

Yesterday morning, 2 Yellow was lucky enough to get a visit from 5 Blue for some brainfood and bookweek reading!

” It was so much fun- can we do it every week?- Tyler G

” I really liked reading with my year 5 buddy, she was so nice!” Siana S

” That was a nice surprise from the teachers”-  Sean C

1/2 History Incursion

1/2 History Incursion

This morning, the Grade 1’s and 2’s were visited by the amazing team at History box. They talked to us about what things were like in the past. From the 19th century to the 21st century, we looked at artefacts they used in schools and houses, as well as took part in activities such as different games played back then and writing with a pen and nib.

Pen Pals

Pen Pals

This year in Year 2, we have been lucky enough to take part in a Pen Pal program with two Year 2 classes from a school in Queensland. The students received the letters today and are very excited about writing and sending letters back and forth throughout the year! 

Poetry in 3/4

Poetry in 3/4

This past couple of weeks in 3/4 , we have been exploring poetry. We have been learning about different types of poems and have been practicing creating our own. Here are some poems that some of the students from 3/4R have written.