Holy Trinity is participating in the 2024 Great Book Swap, a fundraising activity that supports the Indigenous Literacy Foundation and their works with remote Communities across Australia. The Indigenous Literacy Foundation is a charity that works with 424 remote Communities to supply books and literacy resources, and publish books in First Languages by and for First Nations Peoples.

The Great Book Swap is a fantastic way to celebrate reading locally, learn more about Indigenous culture, and raise funds for a great cause.

WHEN: Tuesday 17th September (during our book week celebrations)

WHERE: Holy Trinity Library

TIME: To be advised


We ask that students bring a  book or two (to be donated) before the event and a gold coin or note to school on the 17th September. Our fundraising site also allows you to make an online donation to your school’s Great Book Swap in the lead up to the event. Use the QR code for  the link to our online donation portal and where you can find more information. On the 17th September the students bring their gold coin and are able to choose a book to take home.

Please only books that are in reasonable condition! Students can either bring them to the library or place them in a tub located in the foyer of the school.

Please contact Wilma Honeysett if you have any queries and thank you for your support!

Prep P Day

Prep P Day

Last term our prep students celebrated Prep P day, where they go to dress up as something that started with the letter P. Some preps dressed up as Princesses, Pirates, Police and some even dressed up as a Pilot. During the day the prep students did lots of fun activities including making pizzas, playdough, and decorating pineapples. They had fun watching a ‘P’ movie with Popcorn which was a real highlight for the Preps.

Here are some photos from the day …

School Promo Video Task

School Promo Video Task

In Digitech during semester one the 5/6 students worked in groups to create their own promotional videos about our school. Groups were required to think about the highlights of our school and to plan a script to put into a two minute video. Students learnt to use the Open Shot video editing program to put together all of their photos, music and videos including those taken in front of the green screen to create their promo video. It was a huge project and most of us appreciate how difficult it is to create movies.

Here are some of the promo videos for you to view and hopefully enjoy. Please like or leave a comment if you get a chance …..

Zoo Designing in Maths

Zoo Designing in Maths

Over the past few weeks the 5/6 students have been designing their own zoos during Maths lessons. We have been applying our knowledge of perimeter and area of shapes to design a zoo that can fit different animal enclosures including giraffes, bears, seals and hippos. The design required us to use our problem solving skills to consider the different amounts of space each animal requires. As some animals use more space than others this impacts how many animals we could include in the zoo as well as influencing which animals we chose to use. We also had to think about which animals are more popular for visitors to our zoo.

Overall, everyone really enjoyed being the desingers of a new zoo.

Here were a few of the designs from 5/6 Blue.



Many hands make light work!

Today there were lots of helpers helping to pull out weeds.


The silverbeet continues to grow very well and last week we planted Pak Choy and Strawberries.


🏉5/6 Girls Footy 🏉

🏉5/6 Girls Footy 🏉

🏉 On Thursday 23 May a team of 5/6 girls were chosen to represent HT at footy 🏉 at Kings Park. Some of the schools we played against included Bayswater West, Kent Park, Karoo and the Basin.

It was a very fun experience to play against other girls and we all learnt lots of new skills. Overall, we won 4 out of 6 games with most games being quite close.

Here is a few photos from the day ….

Digitech – Pivot Projects🐴🦈

Digitech – Pivot Projects🐴🦈

This term in Digitech the students have been learning to how to use the Pivot program to create different types of animations. Pivot is an animation program on the tech lab computers where the students learn to move a stickman (or other figures) in a series of freeze frames. Once you combine all these frames together and push play this creates an animation.

The Preps have been learning to pass a ball between two characters, the 1/2’s are creating an animation about what the start of the day looks like in their classroom and the 3/4’s are creating an animation about an atheltics event.

Here are some pics of the different animations created throughout the school ….

These are the 3/4 animations …..

Here are the 1/2 animations ….

Here are two of the Prep animations ….

Overall, it appears like everyone is learning lots of new animation skills and we are excited to see how their animations turn out.

3/4 Animation Club

3/4 Animation Club

This year the ICT leaders have started an animation club for students to participate in on Thursday at second break. This term we have been working with the 3/4’s who have been working very hard on their animations using an app called FlipaClip. The students have learnt how to use the app and have created lots of fantastic animations!

This week the students worked on creating different emotions including upset, surprised and joyful. Here is a sneak peek of some of the 3/4’s animations …..


Andrew Chinn Concert

Andrew Chinn Concert

A few weeks ago our school was lucky to have Andrew Chinn join us as part of our celebrations for Holy Trinity Feast Day.

Andrew Chinn worked with each year level practising different religious songs and then in the afternoon the whole school gathered together in the Great Space for a concert. It was cool how almost a quarter of the students performed some kind of role up the front from singing with the chorus into the mic or doing the actions to the songs. Everyone had so much fun at the concert and we are thankful to Mr. Harvie and the school for organising this wonderful experience for the students.

Here is what a handful of our students thoughts about the experience ….

Harry (Prep Y) – I liked singing and doing the actions in the concert.

Leni (Prep B) –  I likes singing the songs in the concert and that everyone was sitting together. 

Parker (1/2 G) – I really like performing in the concert and doing the actions in the songs.

Marcus (1/2 Y) – I liked doing the actions in the concert and singing the cool songs.

Emilia D (1/2 B) – I liked how the whole school sang together for the concert. 

Zara (3/4 Y) – I liked the singomg the rainbow song and learning the different dances.  

Caitlin (3/4 B)  – I liked performing in the concert and all the singing and dancing that we did. 

Ella (3/4 G) – The concert was fun and my favourite was the rainbow song. I also got to call out “By Andrew Chinn” during the concert. 

Here are a few pictures from the concert for you to enjoy….


Italian Poetry Competition 🇮🇹

Italian Poetry Competition 🇮🇹

In 5/6 Italian this term we have had a poetry competition. The students have had to learn an Italian poem off by heart and present it to an audience using correct pronunciation, expression and drama skills. The students were all great and it was amazing how well they went! The students with the highest scores will go to the second round of the poetry competition which will be performed in front of the school.

Here are a few photos of the students presenting their poems ….

Art Show News

Art Show News

There is a lot of excitement in the Art room as we start creating artworks for the 2024 Holy Trinity and St Mary’s Art Show. 

The theme for the art show is 

‘You and Me and the Deep Blue Sea’

Dates for the Art Show are 

Opening Night – Tuesday 10th September

Here Are a few sneak peeks

Scoresby District Cross Country

Scoresby District Cross Country

Last Friday, Holy Trinity triumphed in the Scoresby District Cross Country. All students should feel extremely proud of their efforts as everyone showed exceptional sportsmanship and athleticism. Here are some reflections from some of our wonderful athletes –

Hamish W: “I enjoyed running with Owen J!”

Owen V: “I am excited I made improvements from last year!”

Grace S: “Our dance party at the start pumped us all up!”

Sienna H: “I’m proud of myself for making it through to the next round!”

Avery W: “I enjoyed making it through to the next round!”

Lachlan G: “Cross Country is great because I ran with my mates and we supported one another!”

Vivienne G: “It was fun having everyone cheer us on!”

Harrison H: “Crossing the finish line was the best because it was a feeling of relief and happiness!”

Winners are Grinners! 

5/6 Camp

5/6 Camp

Two weeks ago on May 1 – May 3 , the 5/6s went to Alexandra for camp! We had an amazing and fun time over there! Here are some things that we did:

  • Flying fox
  • Disc golf
  • Rock climbing
  • High ropes
  • Canoeing
  • Beach vollyball
  • Low ropes
  • Gaga ball and more

After all those activities, students got a chance to shower and changed for dinner. Other students also went to the basketball and tennis court before it was time for dinner.

Dinner started at around 5:00 – 5:30 and many of us were very hungry after such a big day of activities. On the first night we had pasta, garlic bread and a choice of salad. Our drink options were green and orange cordial. For dessert we had ice cream with a syrup of our choice (strawberry, chocolate and caramel). Most kids enjoyed dinner and we were all pretty much full!

The next thing on the first evening was to take a night walk. The teachers encouraged the 5/6s to talk with someone new and  get to know different people. We looked for star constellations in the night sky including the emu in the sky (the 5/6s are learning about this at the moment). In order to see the emu in the sky we had to find the Southern Cross first. Most of us did manage to the Southern Cross but I’m not sure if many of us found the emu in the sky constellation.

After our first night walk the students had a choice of another night walk or play a game (charades or another guessing game) with Mrs Cowie.

After the other students came back from their night walk we all got into our PJs and grabbed a stuffy toy and pillow in order to do a meditation session together. This helped us to feel a little calmer and ready for bed. After this we went back to our cabins to unwind and talk about the day. Some cabins may have talked well into the night and others were lucky enough to sleep the whole time.

On the second morning most kids woke up at 5  – 6 am or even earlier! Children got called at 7am to go to the dining hall to eat breakfast. The kids had cereal and toast with a choice of eggs and spread. Most of us chose butter or jam. The drink selections were apple juice and orange juice. After breakfast student continued to do more of their rotational activities and we had eating breaks between them. For morning tea and afternoon tea we had cake and fruit.

At 4:30 pm after another day full of activities we got to ‘do our think’ (change, shower or play). At 5:30pm it was time to eat again. This night we had chicken schnitzel with a side of potato and veggies. For dessert it was chocolate moose which was yummy! During the evening instead of a night walk we had a trivia night! There was tied between tables but but at the end table 7 ended up winning tie breaker. After another big day we had another meditation session and went to our cabins for a restful night of sleep …. hopefully!

On the last day most cabins woke up at 5:30am and packed their stuff. After we were done packing we put our belongings outside ready to pack on the bus. We saw some cool Australian animals before getting on the bus for the journey back to school. Half way back we stopped at a a park to eat our lunch and play for a little break. At around 1:50pm we arrived back at the school feeling to meet our parents/ grandparents feeling tired but happy to have such a great camp.

Overall it was an amazing experience and we had so much fun on camp. We really appreciate all the 5/6 teachers (and the other HT & St. Mary’s staff) for giving up so much of their own time to both organise and be with us throughout our 5/6 Camp (including their own family time).

Here are some of the photos from our 5/6 Camp experience …..

5/6 Light and Shadows Unit

5/6 Light and Shadows Unit

This term the 5/6 students are learning about light and shadows as part of our Inquiry topic.

Shadows are formed when an object is placed in front of rays of light.  We have learned that the size of a shadow can change depending on how close the light is to the object. Also the type of shadow formed is different depending on the type of object that is casting the shadow.

In transparent (see through) materials – lots of light passes through these objects so if any shadows are formed they are very light.

In translucent materials (some light passes through) – the shadows are darker than transparent materials and can be different colours depending on the colour of the materials.







In opaque materials no light passes through so it creates the darkest shadows.  Wood is an example of an opaque material that light cannot pass through (unless there are holes in it). In the picture below the light cannot pass through the wood so it creates a shadow.

Overall, we have learnt a lot of interesting facts about light and shadows in our topic so far and we are looking forward to finding out more about the different properties of light and shadows.

What have our Preps been learning about?

What have our Preps been learning about?

It is hard to believe that our Prep students have been at school for one and a half terms already. They have learnt so much already and their teachers are very proud of how well they have settled into school.

So this is what our Preps are learning about in term two ….

In Reading, the Preps are learning about different letters and sounds such as s,o,m,r,t and u. This helps them to decode the text and helps them to understand what is in the books. The students are encouraged to use the pictures in the books they read to give them clues about what the text is about.

In Writing, the Preps are learning how to write proper short sentences by themselves. It is amazing how well they are writing even though they have only been in Prep for a short time.

In Inquiry, the students are learning about the life cycle of a bean seed and how to grow it. They are finding this topic really interesting.

Overall, the Preps are learning lots of new and exciting things and we can’t wait to see what they learn next. Keep up the good work Preps!

Here are some examples of the Prep student’s good work.

Cross Country 2024

Cross Country 2024

On Tuesday 7th of May the students in all grades participated in our annual cross country. This year the cross country took place around the school as Egan Lee Reserve is currently under renovations. Our Prep students ran one whole lap of the school including running through the car park and the basketball court whilst the 1/2 students ran two laps, the 3/4’s ran three laps and 5/6 students ran four laps. It was great seeing so many students being active whether it was walking or running all the way around the course. The Grade 6’s were luck enough to run an extra lap with their buddy which was really cool.

There were lots of amazing efforts throughout the school and the top ten students for each year level will get to represent HT in the district cross country.

The overall places for the house championship are as follows ….

Mackillop (Green house) won for spirit points which were earnt in sport class and at sporting events.

Dominic (Red house) came in 2nd place, Bunurong (Gold house) came in 3rd place and Mackay (Blue house) in 4th place.

Congratulations to everyone for your efforts with preparing and participating in our school cross country!

A big thank to Miss Humphris for all of her efforts with organising this event for our school.

TORCH Bearers for Term 1

TORCH Bearers for Term 1

At the end of last term our TORCH bearers of the term were awarded to one special person in each year level who displays each of our TORCH values. Our TORCH values of tolerance (T), optimism (O), respect (R), confidence (C) and honesty (H) are at the heart of what we teach at Holy Trinity and provide our students with practical examples of how to live out of school motto of ‘Love One Another’.

Congratulations to Aila (Prep), Kurshna (Yr 1), Audrey (Yr 2), Zach & Lily (Yr 3), Mila (Yr 5) and June (Yr 6) for being such fantastic recipients of the TORCH Bearers for term 1.

Mother’s Day Prayer Service 2024

Mother’s Day Prayer Service 2024

Last week we celebrated our mothers and the significant women in our lives. It was wonderful to have so many join our students for a Prayer Service and classroom activities.

We know that some Mums or special people were unable to join us at school for the Mother’s Day Prayer Service. You may like to use the Mother’s Day Prayer Service slides to pray together as a family.

School Athletics Day

School Athletics Day

On Tuesday 20 February the students from Grades 3 to 6 went to the  Bill Sewart Athletics track in Burwood to participate in our school athletics day. The students participated in a range of athletics activities like high jump, long jump, triple jump, discus, shot put as well as the running events including 100m, 200m and 400m.

Everyone participated well in the different athletics events and the spirit shown throughout the day was excellent.

The overall spirit points for school athletics were:
Dominic – 3200 points
Bunurong  – 3000 points
Mackay – 2900 points
The overall age championship winners for the day were:
Lola and Dallan (Year 3)
Peyton and Patrick (Year 4)
Cici and Owen V (Year 5)
June and William A (Year 6)
Dominic won overall for the day.

Overall, it was a great day for everyone.

A big thank you to all of our wonderful helpers and to Miss Humphris for all of her hard work in organizing the Athletics Day. Great job everyone!