What Is Being A Grade 6 Leader Like?

What Is Being A Grade 6 Leader Like?

Being a Grade 6 leader is something that most students look forward to throughout their years at primary school. One of the most exciting parts of being a year 6 leader is that we get to help the Prep students to settle into school as their buddy. We learn that even though we are their buddy we have a responsibility to help the Prep students to learn the school rules and to always try to use the TORCH values. The grade 6’s also help the Preps to find other students in their year level to play with especially on the playground. We spend time with our Prep buddies during special buddy sessions where the Prep and Year 6 classes get together to complete an activity or lesson. We also work with our Prep buddies during Friendship Groups.

Another big role with being a year 6 leader is doing our leadership roles. Some students are chosen to be a Friendship leader whilst others are an Environment, Learning or Arts leader and each position means that we work with a teacher on that chosen area in the school. I am looking forward to being the Liturgy leader this year because it is an important responsibility in a catholic school. It is a great responsibility being a Grade 6 leader and it is much more than just having a special jacket and wearing a leadership badge.

We hope that the year 6 leaders can help to set a great example for all the students at Holy Trinity in 2021.

Friday’s School Assembly (6 March)

Friday’s School Assembly (6 March)

Hi everyone,

Here is Friday’s school assembly.  During our assembly we hear from some of our year 2 students who gave us a good reminder of making sure we show respect for our school by putting rubbish in the red wheelie bins.  We also heard from our sports leaders who will be starting some sports clubs during lunchtimes over the next few weeks as well as recapping our fabulous athletics day (unfortunately this part was not recorded). Congratulations to all our wonderful ‘Student of the Week’ and TORCH award winners who displayed so many great values that we try to use at school.

We are hoping to do a live streaming of our next Friday assembly in 2 weeks time so please keep an eye out for the link to this assembly via our school newsletter, Operoo and our school blog.

A big thank you to Rebecca and Mya for your wonderful photography and video work during Friendship Groups and at our assembly.

Buddy Breakfast

Buddy Breakfast

Last week, the year 6’s welcomed the preps and their parents to the school community with a delicious buddy breakfast. Lots of people got to enjoy a yummy sausage in bread and the adults got some tasty coffee.

Buddy Breakfast is a great opportunity for everyone to welcome the preps and parents to our school community.

Here are all the Year 6’s and Preps with their buddies, friends and family.

Award winning Artwork

Award winning Artwork

Congratulations to Vivienne in Grade 2. Vivienne’s artwork ‘Rainbow Dreaming’ was awarded the National Gallery of Victoria award for Creativity – Primary.


NGV provided this feedback for Vivienne –

“This was such a joyous and expressive work”

Well done Vivienne! We are very proud of you 👏


Lego Engineering Lessons

Lego Engineering Lessons

This term in Digitech the students in years 3 and 4 have been participating in our Lego Engineering Program. The program helps to develop the students’ skills and knowledge in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) whilst building a variety of models such as a catapult, racing car, pantograph and carousel. During these lessons we learn about some of the different forces that help these machines work and students work with a partner to follow a series of instructions in order to build the model. We also look for ways to innovate our designs to help them to go faster, safer or work  with greater accuracy.

These sessions will continue throughout this year with the students in years 5 and 6 participating in the program next term.

Here are some pictures of our students working during our Lego Engineering lessons.

District Swimming 2021

District Swimming 2021

Yesterday (25th of February) 19 students from the years 4-6 went to Kilsyth Centenary Pool to compete in the Knox District Interschool Swimming championships.

Each Tuesday and Thursday morning since the beginning of term students went to Knox Leisureworks pool to tryout and practice our swimming so we were ready to compete.

Overall, it was an excellent result with Holy Trinity and St. Mary’s getting third place. Everyone swam amazingly and displayed great sportsmanship to the other schools.  18 of our students did such a good job that they will move onto the next level of competition –  Division Swimming that will take place on 3rd of March.

Thanks to Mr D, Mrs Rickard and the parents who helped set up and supported all the swimmers.

These were the Final Results for all the students

James G – 2nd Freestyle B, 2nd Breaststroke A, 1st mixed Relay
Darcy B – 3rd Freestyle A, 1st Breaststroke B, 1st mixed Relay
Maddie W- 3rd Freestyle A, 1st mixed Relay
Eden W – 4th Freestyle B, 1st mixed Relay
Jordan P – 4th Freestyle A, 4th Backstroke A, 2nd Boys Medley, 2nd Freestyle Relay
Lucas C – 1st Boys B, 2nd mixed Relay
Ella D – 4th Freestyle A, 2nd mixed relay.
Chloe M – 1st Freestyle B, 2nd Backstroke
Mitch B – 3rd Freestyle A, 2nd Backstroke A, 2nd Medley, 2nd Freestyle Relay
Max M – 1st Freestyle B, 1st Backstroke B, 2nd Medley, 2nd Freestyle Relay
Lyla M – 4th Freestyle A, 3rd Medley, 1st Freestyle Relay
Amy P – 3rd freestyle B, 1st Backstroke B, 1st Freestyle Relay
Zeke S – 1st Breaststroke B, 2nd mixed Relay
Jarvis K – 2nd Breastroke A, 2nd boys Medley, 2nd Freestyle Relay
Eve M – 2nd Breastroke A, 3rd Medley Relay
Holly R – 3rd Breastroke B, 1st Freestyle Relay
Matt A – 3rd Backstroke B, 2nd Freestyle Relay
Sunny B – 2nd Backstroke, 3rd Medley Relay, 1st Freestyle Relay
Amelia W – 1st Butterfly, 3rd Medley Relay.
Well done to our swimming captains Mitch and Eve!!
Here are a few photos from the day….
What A Time At Waratah Bay!!

What A Time At Waratah Bay!!

This week the year 5/6’s were lucky enough to go to Waratah Bay Beach Camp for an amazing 3 days. Some of the activities we participated in were surfing, the giant swing, aeroball, dolphin dodge, rockpooling and the disco. The food was delicious (particularly the of pancakes where we got to play the pancake frisbee game), the staff were nice and the beds were comfy. But I think everyone most enjoyed surfing and the disco most of all!

Thank you to all our wonderful teachers and the HT and St. Mary’s staff for their organisations and for helping to make camp such a memorable experience.

Here are a few pictures from our camp experience.

5/6 Campers have departed Waratah Bay

5/6 Campers have departed Waratah Bay

Hi everyone,

After three awesome days at Waratah Bay including getting one final session down at the beach the 5/6 students have departed camp and are on their way back to Holy Trinity. The buses will stop off at Leongatha for lunch and for everyone to stretch their legs before the final journey back to Wantirna South.

At this stage the buses should arrive back at school between 2.30 and 3pm but if this timing changes we will notify you via Operoo.

Thanks for your support of the 5/6 camp!

Day 2 of 5/6 Camp at Waratah Bay

Day 2 of 5/6 Camp at Waratah Bay

After an ‘action packed’ first day at Waratah Bay the 5/6s enjoyed a night walk together on the beach where they learnt about some of the star constellations that are difficult to see in Melbourne and shared some good stories around the campfire whilst toasting some delicious treats.  After such a big day everyone had a ‘restful’ sleep (except the teachers who forgot to bring their teddy bears).

This morning we enjoyed ‘the Great Waratah breakfast’ then everyone participated in some more ‘rotational’ activities including surfing, ropes course and rock wall climbing. After lunch everyone took a walk along the beach to Chicken Rock where the students explored the rock pools and discovered some of the beautiful creatures that live in this part of Victoria. They were encouraged to use all their senses during the rock pool ramble and many students noted the interesting ‘smells’ that were discovered in this area.

This evening everyone is looking forward to the disco and tomorrow morning we are really excited to participate in the beach games.

We will try to update everyone once we board the bus and return to school but at this stage we are planning to depart at approximately 12.30pm (the journey takes about 2 and a half hours).

Here are a few photos from our recent activities …… (more will be posted once we upload the photos from the iPads).

The 5/6 Happy Campers have arrived!

The 5/6 Happy Campers have arrived!

This morning (Monday 22nd February) our 5/6 campers departed Holy Trinity at about 8.45am destined for Waratah Bay for their beach camp adventure. After a short stop off at Leongatha for recess the happy campers arrived at the Waratah Beach Camp at just before 12pm.

The students have familiarised themselves with the beautiful surrounds of the camp, settled into the dorms and will this afternoon participate in group activities including giant swing, nitro crossing and surfing.

By this evening the students will all be ready for a delicious dinner.

Keep posted for future updates including some photos over the next couple of days.

Assembly Term 1 Week 4, 2021

Assembly Term 1 Week 4, 2021

It was great having everyone back at school this week.

We are experimenting with new equipment to record the Assemblies and due to technical difficulties, children receiving awards were not ‘captured in the frame’.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Ash Wednesday Prayer Service

Ash Wednesday Prayer Service

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, which lasts for six weeks.

We call it Ash Wednesday because many, many Christians around the world receive a cross of ashes on their foreheads.

Although, this year we can’t place a cross of ashes on our forehead, we invite families to prepare themselves for the Season of Lent by using this Ash Wednesday Prayer Service.

Year 6 2021 Leadership Roles

Year 6 2021 Leadership Roles

At our Beginning of Year Mass last Friday, Fr Mark blessed our leadership badges before they were presented to our school leaders. Congratulations to all of our Year 6 leaders. I am confident that you will all lead your various areas with great enthusiasm.

School Captains:

Liturgy Leaders:

Arts Leaders:

Learning Leaders:

Environment Leaders:

House Captains:

Friendship Leaders:

Digitech Leaders:

Artists ‘Make their Mark’ in the Art Room

Artists ‘Make their Mark’ in the Art Room

In the Art room students listened to ‘The Dot’ by Phillip Reynolds. They discussed ways they can ‘Make a mark’ in the Art room and at a deeper level, making a mark in life. Such thoughtful and insightful discussions on choosing to be kind and always doing their best.
The display includes a dot from every student from 1-6. Prep B and 6 Blue students created Dotty paper for the letters. It looks amazing and is in the Great Space. Prep Y will create their dots next week.
Well done to our amazing artists.

Assembly, Term 1, Week 2, 2021

Assembly, Term 1, Week 2, 2021

Welcome back everyone to another exciting year.

This is our first assembly for the year. Please excuse the technical difficulties as we were experimenting with some exciting and different equipment.

I hope you enjoy!

Have a safe week and I look forward to seeing lots of parents on Tuesday and Thursday next week at the Parent/Teacher Meetings.

Garden Club News

Garden Club News

Just before the holidays last year we planted squash and as you can see from the photos it has been going gang busters!

Although I think we’ve let them grow too big and they might end up being too tough!

The children helped me to plant potatoes last year and unfortunately they were ready to be harvested during the Summer holidays. I harvested approximately 40-50 potatoes and the one above is the largest of them.