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Month: May 2019

3/4 Digitech Projects

3/4 Digitech Projects

At the moment in Digitech the students in Years 3 and 4 are currently trying to replicate an action shot they have found on the Internet using the our school’s green screen. Examples of such photos include flying through the sky like Harry Potter, trying to defend against Michael Jordan as he flies through the sky and swimming underwater in the Olympics. The students are learning to use Adobe Photoshop to recreate these photos where they use tools such as the magic eraser, cropping, resizing and adjusting the lighting to help make their photos look as realistic as possible. The amount of effort that each student (and their family) has gone to bring along clothing and equipment for these photo shoots has been outstanding and I thank everyone for their tremendous support with this project.

Here are some of the students having their green screening photos taken this week.

Art Show ….. Sneak Peek

Art Show ….. Sneak Peek

This years our Art Show theme is Feathers, Fins and Fur. The show will be taking place in term 3 (week 10) so the students are busy preparing their pieces of art to showcase during this event.

Here is a sneak peek of what the Grade 1’s have been working on. You’ll see lots of animals. Shhhhh!!!!!!

SSV Scoresby District Cross Country Carnival

SSV Scoresby District Cross Country Carnival

On Friday (last week) 10 boys and 10 girls from years 4, 5 and 6 travelled by bus to the Knox Athletics track to compete in District Cross Country.  Each age group had about 150 students compete with the under 10 students completing a 2km course whilst the under 11 and 12’s completed a 3km course. Everyone tried their best when they raced and overall we had 11 students from Holy Trinity make it to the next level of competition which is Division level. In the Scoresby Division our school (Holy Trinity) ended up coming 2nd out of the 8 schools that competed.

Well Done Everyone Who Raced.

Year 4 Lego Sessions

Year 4 Lego Sessions

On Thursday each week the Year 4 students come over to the STEM Lab (or more commonly known as the MPR) for a lego building session. So far the students have built a ferris wheel, conveyor belt and today we built a hand blender (maybe these could be used in the kitchen). By the end of the lesson we have lots of fantastic models and lots of new concepts have been learnt. Here we are in action recently …..

‘Watch, step, kick the ball’. This week in PE

‘Watch, step, kick the ball’. This week in PE

Over the last few weeks all students have been having fun in PE lessons. They have been developing their kicking skills, knowledge and game sense related to soccer. Each Monday we have been lucky enough to have Melbourne Victory development officers assist me in PE and with training our Senior Inter school Boys and Girls soccer teams at lunchtime. Overall, the students are having lots of fun as well learning lots of new skills.


Prep Wildlife Incursion

Prep Wildlife Incursion

On Wednesday 15th of May our prep classes were lucky enough to have an incursion as part of their Inquiry topic about Life Cycles. Wildlife Xposure brought along a variety of animals including snakes, crocodiles and birds to teach the students about the wonderful world that we live in. The students got to examine their behaviour and some even go to touch the animals.

Overall the preps had a great time and learnt a lot about animals for their Inquiry topic.

Friendship Groups

Friendship Groups

Every second Friday afternoon the students move into their Friendship Groups(multi aged groups from Prep to year 6) to participate in an activity based around our TORCH values. Our TORCH values are Tolerance, Optimism, Respect, Confidence and Honesty. Our lesson recently was based around Optimism where students created their own rose coloured glasses. The aim of this activity was for students to look at different events with ‘rose coloured glasses’ in order to see the bright side of things.

Here are a few photos taken from our Friendship Group activities a couple of weeks ago…..

Persuasive Writing in Year 6

Persuasive Writing in Year 6

Over the past couple of weeks the students in year 6 have been working on their persuasive writing skills. Persuasive writing is where you write a series of arguments to convince people about a topic that you think is important with the aim to get more people understanding your point of view. The year 6 students were writing persuasive arguments to  help make a real impact in the world.

Here are a couple of examples from 6 Blue ….

House Fun Run

House Fun Run

On Wednesday the 24th of April the students in Years 3 to 6 participated in our school fun run. Everyone tried hard and it was a really successful event. The top ten girls and boys in each age group will be going on to the District Cross Country in a couple of weeks (Friday 24th of May). Overall Mackay team (blue) won the day for earning the most points and and MacKillop team (green) won the spirit shield. Thanks to Mrs. Harrison for her great organisation and to all the parents  who came along to assist with the running of the event.

Year 4 camp

Year 4 camp

Last week the year 4’s went on camp to ADANAC (Canada spelt backwards) which was in Yarra Junction for 2 days and 1 night.

Camp went something like this …..

All the excited children left Holy Trinity at around 9am and it took about 45 minutes to reach our camp site. When we arrived we unpacked and explored our cabins. Makayla (our camp leader) showed us around the campsite. My favourite bit was the giant water slide that went all the way into the lake. Later on we had completed our rotational groups activities which were canoeing, zip line (flying fox), hut building and camp cooking.  My favourite activity was the zip line which was 150 meters long During the afternoon we also had cake to celebrate Jasmine’s birthday.

During the evening we had dinner that was  pizza and salad. Most of our favourites was a yummy dessert which included cake, chocolate fudge and topped with whip cream and chocolate sprinkles. Some children had gelato instead.  At night time we went on a long night walk around the lake and stopped at the campfire to roast marshmallows. The only problem was that Mr. Harvie had never started a campfire before so it took about 20 minutes to get going. After we roasted the delicious marshmallows we walked back up to the gym and played 5 different games. Suddenly the lights went out and some of us squealed. After a fun day we went to bed for some rest even if some of us went to sleep later than others.

On day 2 of camp we woke up and we packed up our room before 8 am because the next school was arriving soon. For breakfast we had a choice of porridge, cereal toast, yogurt and fruit. Afterwards, we finished off our last activity rotation and had morning tea which was cake for Lara’s birthday.  We got to play a game of bonbardment for 30 minutes. At lunch we had beef burgers and 25 minutes of free time. Finally, we drove back to Holy Trinity to find our “excited” parents waiting for us.

Overall year 4 camp was a 9 out of 10 and I can’t wait for our next camp in year five.

Lego lessons in term 2

Lego lessons in term 2

Lego sessions have begun for our Year 4 and 5 students in the MPR (renamed as the STEM Lab). Both year levels are learning about centrifugal and and centripetal forces in machines such as Carousels, Ferris Wheels and Flying Chairs. We have learnt how changing the size of the driving wheel can dramatically affect the speed that our lego models can work at.

Here are our Year 5 students in action this week building their flying chair models…..

Art Room News

Art Room News

Students in Grade Two were  working super hard last week as we begin to start thinking about our 2019 Art Show -Feathers,Fur or Fins.  Here’s a sneak peek of a Tiger you might see at the show, he’ll be hiding in the jungle they have created.  So exciting ……..