School Athletics Day
Last Thursday, (4th of March) all students in years 3 to 6 attended Ringwood Athletics track participate in our school athletics day. This yearly event is an opportunity for students to learn and participate in a range of track and field events and the results are used to guide Mr. D (Our Sports Teacher) in selecting a school team to represent Holy Trinity and St. Mary’s at the District Athletics event next term. Some of the different events that the students participated in were discus, shot put, hurdles, high jump, long jump and triple jump as well as a range of running events such as the 100 metre sprint, 200 metre sprint and 800 metre run. Students competed against other students in their year level and the points they earned from each event contributed to overall house score. After such a big day a big congratulations needs to go out to all our wonderful athletes and to Bunarong House (Gold) for winning the house trophy.
A big thank you must go to all the wonderful parents who gave up their time to help with the running of the day and for the staff with helping to make the day so smooth for everyone. Well done to Mr. D and Mrs Patmore for organizing the school athletics day and to Lara for helping Mrs. Patmore with scoring.
Here are some photos that were take in on the day.