5/6 Camp

5/6 Camp

Two weeks ago on May 1 – May 3 , the 5/6s went to Alexandra for camp! We had an amazing and fun time over there! Here are some things that we did:

  • Flying fox
  • Disc golf
  • Rock climbing
  • High ropes
  • Canoeing
  • Beach vollyball
  • Low ropes
  • Gaga ball and more

After all those activities, students got a chance to shower and changed for dinner. Other students also went to the basketball and tennis court before it was time for dinner.

Dinner started at around 5:00 – 5:30 and many of us were very hungry after such a big day of activities. On the first night we had pasta, garlic bread and a choice of salad. Our drink options were green and orange cordial. For dessert we had ice cream with a syrup of our choice (strawberry, chocolate and caramel). Most kids enjoyed dinner and we were all pretty much full!

The next thing on the first evening was to take a night walk. The teachers encouraged the 5/6s to talk with someone new and  get to know different people. We looked for star constellations in the night sky including the emu in the sky (the 5/6s are learning about this at the moment). In order to see the emu in the sky we had to find the Southern Cross first. Most of us did manage to the Southern Cross but I’m not sure if many of us found the emu in the sky constellation.

After our first night walk the students had a choice of another night walk or play a game (charades or another guessing game) with Mrs Cowie.

After the other students came back from their night walk we all got into our PJs and grabbed a stuffy toy and pillow in order to do a meditation session together. This helped us to feel a little calmer and ready for bed. After this we went back to our cabins to unwind and talk about the day. Some cabins may have talked well into the night and others were lucky enough to sleep the whole time.

On the second morning most kids woke up at 5  – 6 am or even earlier! Children got called at 7am to go to the dining hall to eat breakfast. The kids had cereal and toast with a choice of eggs and spread. Most of us chose butter or jam. The drink selections were apple juice and orange juice. After breakfast student continued to do more of their rotational activities and we had eating breaks between them. For morning tea and afternoon tea we had cake and fruit.

At 4:30 pm after another day full of activities we got to ‘do our think’ (change, shower or play). At 5:30pm it was time to eat again. This night we had chicken schnitzel with a side of potato and veggies. For dessert it was chocolate moose which was yummy! During the evening instead of a night walk we had a trivia night! There was tied between tables but but at the end table 7 ended up winning tie breaker. After another big day we had another meditation session and went to our cabins for a restful night of sleep …. hopefully!

On the last day most cabins woke up at 5:30am and packed their stuff. After we were done packing we put our belongings outside ready to pack on the bus. We saw some cool Australian animals before getting on the bus for the journey back to school. Half way back we stopped at a a park to eat our lunch and play for a little break. At around 1:50pm we arrived back at the school feeling to meet our parents/ grandparents feeling tired but happy to have such a great camp.

Overall it was an amazing experience and we had so much fun on camp. We really appreciate all the 5/6 teachers (and the other HT & St. Mary’s staff) for giving up so much of their own time to both organise and be with us throughout our 5/6 Camp (including their own family time).

Here are some of the photos from our 5/6 Camp experience …..


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