Andrew Chinn Concert

Andrew Chinn Concert

A few weeks ago our school was lucky to have Andrew Chinn join us as part of our celebrations for Holy Trinity Feast Day.

Andrew Chinn worked with each year level practising different religious songs and then in the afternoon the whole school gathered together in the Great Space for a concert. It was cool how almost a quarter of the students performed some kind of role up the front from singing with the chorus into the mic or doing the actions to the songs. Everyone had so much fun at the concert and we are thankful to Mr. Harvie and the school for organising this wonderful experience for the students.

Here is what a handful of our students thoughts about the experience ….

Harry (Prep Y) – I liked singing and doing the actions in the concert.

Leni (Prep B) –  I likes singing the songs in the concert and that everyone was sitting together. 

Parker (1/2 G) – I really like performing in the concert and doing the actions in the songs.

Marcus (1/2 Y) – I liked doing the actions in the concert and singing the cool songs.

Emilia D (1/2 B) – I liked how the whole school sang together for the concert. 

Zara (3/4 Y) – I liked the singomg the rainbow song and learning the different dances.  

Caitlin (3/4 B)  – I liked performing in the concert and all the singing and dancing that we did. 

Ella (3/4 G) – The concert was fun and my favourite was the rainbow song. I also got to call out “By Andrew Chinn” during the concert. 

Here are a few pictures from the concert for you to enjoy….



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