Scoresby District Cross Country

Scoresby District Cross Country

Last Friday, Holy Trinity triumphed in the Scoresby District Cross Country. All students should feel extremely proud of their efforts as everyone showed exceptional sportsmanship and athleticism. Here are some reflections from some of our wonderful athletes –

Hamish W: “I enjoyed running with Owen J!”

Owen V: “I am excited I made improvements from last year!”

Grace S: “Our dance party at the start pumped us all up!”

Sienna H: “I’m proud of myself for making it through to the next round!”

Avery W: “I enjoyed making it through to the next round!”

Lachlan G: “Cross Country is great because I ran with my mates and we supported one another!”

Vivienne G: “It was fun having everyone cheer us on!”

Harrison H: “Crossing the finish line was the best because it was a feeling of relief and happiness!”

Winners are Grinners! 


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