What have our Preps been learning about?

What have our Preps been learning about?

It is hard to believe that our Prep students have been at school for one and a half terms already. They have learnt so much already and their teachers are very proud of how well they have settled into school.

So this is what our Preps are learning about in term two ….

In Reading, the Preps are learning about different letters and sounds such as s,o,m,r,t and u. This helps them to decode the text and helps them to understand what is in the books. The students are encouraged to use the pictures in the books they read to give them clues about what the text is about.

In Writing, the Preps are learning how to write proper short sentences by themselves. It is amazing how well they are writing even though they have only been in Prep for a short time.

In Inquiry, the students are learning about the life cycle of a bean seed and how to grow it. They are finding this topic really interesting.

Overall, the Preps are learning lots of new and exciting things and we can’t wait to see what they learn next. Keep up the good work Preps!

Here are some examples of the Prep student’s good work.


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