Storybox incursion

Storybox incursion

To consolidate their learning of “Then and Now”, Grade 1/2 s had the opportunity to participate in an incursion from “Storybox”. They were so eager and attentive much to the admiration from the teachers  and learnt how times have changed, clothes they wore, the games they played and the gadgets and the gimmicks they used. The best discovery was the bedpan which they thought was a mixing bowl!!!!!!

Dreamtime Dioramas

Dreamtime Dioramas

The amazing Year 3 and 4 students have created Dreamtime Dioramas based on a Dreamtime story they wrote during their class literacy sessions.
After investigating the art work of author and illustrator Gregg Dreise the students created the diorama and then made the animals in the story using magiclay.

These look sensational, they should be very proud of their hard work.
This is just a few of the ones that have been completed.

District Cross Country

District Cross Country

On Friday 19th of May 58 students from years 3 to 6 participated in the Scoresby District Cross Country. The event took place at Jells Park. Despite the cold and wet conditions, these students represented our school with pride and tried their best. We are very pleased to announce that HT were the overall District champions, which is a wonderful achievement following our recent success at the Athletics District event. We are very proud of all the students! A number of students have also qualified for the Division Cross Country on the 2nd of June.

A big thank you goes to Mr. D and all the parents who have helped to train us to be ready for this cross country event.

5/6 Interschool Winter Sports – T Ball

5/6 Interschool Winter Sports – T Ball

On Wednesday 7th June and Friday 16th June our Year 5s and 6s represented Holy Trinity in Tee Ball. The boys and girls were separated into two teams for their T Ball games.

In the first match the HT boys played against the Scoresby boys. It was a hard fought match and in the end the scores were 17 – 16 which meant the HT boys won by 1 run!

In the first match for HT girls they played against Knox Park girls. Unfortunately for the girls lost even though they learnt a lot from the match.

After their first games the next match that each team played was against each other! HT boys Vs HT girls. At the end of the interesting match the scores were very close but the HT boys won the match.

For the boys, their third game was against Scoresby mixed. The match was fair but there was a big gap in the scores and HT boys won once again!

The HT girls third match was against Knox Park boys. Against all odds the scores ended up being the exact same that means the match was tied.

The fourth match and final match for the HT boys was against Bayswater boys. This match ended up in a tie but then the two teachers decided to do a sudden death round to decide on the result. In the end HT boys ended up winning by 2 points.

The fourth match for the HT girls was against Scoresby. The game scores ended up losing in a close fought match.

Overall, both the boys and girls represented HT with pride and played really well!

Thank you to all the teachers and parents that helped support us with our games.

Predicting before Experimenting.

Predicting before Experimenting.

Today 1/2 s gathered together learning how different materials can be combined, including by mixing, for a particular purpose. They discussed similarities and differences between mixtures, explained why they thought different mixtures created different outcomes and also brainstormed what they already know about mixtures and their uses. The best part was predicting the outcomes before the experiments and some getting their predictions right! Definitely some future scientists in the making!!!!!! 




Year 6’s Activities With Buddies

Year 6’s Activities With Buddies

The year 6’s this year have been doing lots of activities with their buddies. Once every two weeks the year 6’s go over to be with the preps and have lunch together. We also have done lots of different activities with them that include showing them around the school to teach the school rules, learning about different emotions and once we even just got to play together during a buddy session which was fun.

Overall, it has been so much fun being with our buddies and we are so proud of how well they are doing at school.

Here are some photos of what we have done…

Cross Country at HT

Cross Country at HT

On Monday (8th of May) all the students at HT and St. Mary’s participated in our school’s annual Cross Country event. The students walked to Egan Lee Reserve to complete the run. Even though the weather wasn’t ideal everyone tried their best & had fun! The younger students ran 1 lap of the track (1km long), the students in the 3/4 level ran two laps and the older students ran 3 laps.

The preps were lucky enough to run with their buddies. Even though many students felt quite nervous leading up to the event it was great to see so many students doing their best and ‘getting active’.

Thanks to Mr D for organizing this day and for all the parent volunteers for helping with running the event!

Here are some pictures of a some of our ribbon winners after their events ….

Sorry Day

Sorry Day

This morning, the students in 3/4 Blue learnt about Sorry Day and National Reconciliation. The students had a fantastic discussion about the rights of the indigenous and the stolen generation. The students decorated a hand to acknowledge the responsibility they have as our future generations to ensure all Australians are treated equally and with respect. 

This links the curriculum area: Identify how understandings between culturally diverse groups can be encouraged and achieved (VCICCD008)

How can we strengthen our relationship with God?

How can we strengthen our relationship with God?

This was the question the year 3/4 students explored during their prayer unit this semester.

They were invited to deepen their understanding of ‘what prayer is?’ and ‘what it looks like?’ through authentic dialogue and experiencing various types of prayer. Students came up with responses such as ‘prayer is communicating with God’, ‘prayer is tuning into God’, ‘prayer is loving God’ and/or ‘prayer is waiting on God’. Students learnt the skill of locating and reading scripture (Luke 11:1-5) from the Bible and made connections to how it relates to their own lives (The Lord’s Prayer).

As part of this unit of study, the year 3/4 students set up prayer spaces in their classrooms by designing and creating a class prayer cloth. Some classes even took them home to design with their family members as a way of praying and sharing their learning.

Check them out below!


Immigration Museum

Immigration Museum

On Monday 15 May, the 5/6’s were lucky enough to go to the Immigration Museum in the city for an excursion as part of our Inquiry unit. In Inquiry we have been learning about different people who migrated to Australia and how they have influenced life as we know it today. The museum was very fun and interesting. We learnt about all different types of things including giving us a fake passport to fill out with questions about the museum.

There were very cool and detailed designs throughout the museum including the long room which was built to be the grandest building in Melbourne at the time. It definitely looked like the grandest building in Melbourne with the giant ceiling and massive pillars!

Our excursion to the Immigration Museum was a amazing experience and everyone had a lot of fun and learnt lots of very interesting facts.

On the way back to school our second bus was a little bit late – but we all arrived back safely.

Overall, it was a fantastic day and we are thankful to our 5/6 teachers for organising this day for us.

Here are some photos!!

Persuasive writing in 5/6

Persuasive writing in 5/6

In year 5/6 we have been learning about writing different persuasive pieces. We learnt about persuasive techniques such as exaggeration (hyperbole), rhetorical questions, groups of three and alliteration. We organise our ideas into paragraphs and as we are getting used to using the different techniques we have learnt to compose our persuasive pieces in a smaller time frame. We also did a post assessment and wrote a full persuasive piece. 

Some of the different topics we wrote about included why foods that are high in sugar should be banned. We learnt a variety of different sentence starters such as ‘the fact is ……’, ‘it’s easy to see why’, ‘this will cause….’ , ‘the time has come to …..’, ‘you must know …….’ , ‘did you know …..’ , ‘can’t you see …… ‘ and much MUCH MORE!

Not long after we finished our topic of persuasive texts we learnt about author’s purpose. The three of the author’s purpose are persuade, inform and entertain.

Here are a couple of samples of our persuasive writing …..

National Simultaneous Storytime

National Simultaneous Storytime

Wednesday 24th May is National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS)!  Our book this year is The Speedy Sloth by Rebecca Young and Health McKenzie. Watch the slide show to learn more about NSS and some interesting information about sloths!


3/4 Lego Sessions

3/4 Lego Sessions

Late in term 1 and early term 2 the 3/4 classes have been participating in Lego Engineering sessions as part of our Digitech program.

The program helps to develop the students’ skills and knowledge in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) whilst building a variety of models. Some of the models that the 3/4 classes will build this semester include a ferris wheel, conveyor belt, blender, car lift and trailer. We even coded a high speed fan using our Chromebooks.

Here are the students in action from some of our recent Lego sessions …..

St Patrick’s Day Excursion!

St Patrick’s Day Excursion!

On the 17th of March, ten Year 6 students attended the St Patrick’s Day Mass at the St Patrick’s Cathedral with Mr Harvie. It was a good opportunity to meet up with lots of other catholic schools around Melbourne. We also had a chance to explore the huge cathedral after mass including all the different chapels throughout the  building. Many people choose a pray in one of the chapels for a particular cause such as the Holy Souls chapel. The statues of saints in the Cathedral were also very detailed and really helped to make the chapel so special.

We also had the special honour of getting to meet ArchBishop Peter Comensoli. We even got to take a photo with him which we put into the newsletter. Father Mark was one of the celebrants during the Mass which was also very cool.

After mass we got to enjoy a special concert where the high school students performed together with all the other students who attended mass.  It was a really nice experience watching all the high school students perform.

Here is the link to the the website about the event.

St Patrick’s Day Event

Overall, our St. Patrick’s Day celebration was an amazing experience and we are very thankful to Mr Harvie for organising this excursion and Kylie for assisting us!

Here are some links with our thoughts about the day…..

Chantal, Zoe and Saraya’s Thoughts


Sean and Tyler’s Thoughts


Here are some photos from the day …..


Colourful Castles Grade 3 & 4

Colourful Castles Grade 3 & 4

The amazing Grade 3 and 4 artists have designed incredible castles. They explored colour combinations and used water colour paint to decorate these. They look super proud of themselves and I was very proud  of their efforts.

Year 4 Mater Christi Taster Day

Year 4 Mater Christi Taster Day

Our time at Mater Christi was so much fun, all of the girls in year 4 had a blast! We played with mini robots, made slime and even explored the school and answered questions too. 

When we first arrived at Mater Christi we used these mini robots that you had to control with an Ipad. You could change its colour and make it go wherever you wanted. For morning tea they gave us popcorn and juice.The highlight of the day was visiting the really cool science lab where we made slime but before we could make the slime we had to wear a lab coat and safety goggles. After we made the slime, some year 7s gave us this marker and told us to write on the sink then put the slime on top and the writing from the marker vanished on to the slime. 

Towards the end of the day we played monopoly scavenger hunt ‘Mater Christi version’. We had to go around the school and answer lots of questions and the students were able to decide which classrooms to visit. . At the end of the visit we received a goodie bag. 

The year 4 girls had such a fun time we wished we could go there again. 

Asha, Vivienne and Aryana

Year 4 St. Joseph’s College Taster Day

Year 4 St. Joseph’s College Taster Day

At St. Joseph’s we did lots of sport in the big hall, we also did science, STEM and music lessons. It is a really good school, every time we went into a room someone new would greet us! Jackson.

Last week we attended St. Joseph’s College, we did STEM and sport classes. In sport we played basketball games called Golden Child and Popcorn. In STEM we made rockets and tested them in a rocket contest, Harrison and I came in last place. We had a great time! Brodie.

When we attended St. Joseph’s College we attended the science class and learnt about elements and we also looked through a black light box to see how light is broken into different colours of the rainbow. Then we looked into different tubes which contained elements like sodium, neon and hydrogen gas. The teacher also showed us how he could shoot a laser into a mirror and then it bounced off onto the target. Owen.


Year 4 Camp

Year 4 Camp

On the last week of term one our Year 4 students travelled to Yarra Junction for their camp at ADANAC.

It was a very exciting camp for everyone with great weather and lots of fun activities.

Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves particularly as it was the first overnight camp for many of our students.

Here are a few pictures of our year 4 students in action at camp ….

Maths – Data Unit

Maths – Data Unit

One of the Maths topics we have been learning about in the 5/6 Level has been about Data. We learned about how you can use a tally chart to help keep an accurate summary and how we can present this information in a variety of different graphs. Some of the different graphs we have learnt about so far include a bar graph, column graph, line graph and stem and leaf plot.

One of our data surveys was based around collecting data about birthdays where we got to survey other students in the 5/6 level. We all tallied the data then presented this information into one of the graphs we learnt about. We finally posted these surveys on Seesaw for our families to see.

Overall, everyone enjoyed participating in our Data unit and learning about some of the different types of graphs

Here are a couple of photos of our work from our Data unit.