Government in 5/6

Government in 5/6

In our 5/6 level we have been learning about the different types and levels of Government for our Inquiry unit. Some of the different topics we have learnt about include the different levels of Government (Local, State and Federal) and the different houses of Federal Government which are The House Of Representatives (Green House) and the Senate (Red House). We also learnt about how laws are made and that there is an incredible 4500 rooms in Parliament House.

To demonstrate our learning of this topic the 5/6 students created a presentation showcasing what we had learnt. Some students completed a poster and other completed a slide show.

Here is some of the work from 5/6 Red.


Year 4 Camp Adanac

Year 4 Camp Adanac

Greetings from the Year 4’s:

The students have settled into their cabins and completed the site & safety tour. Everyone is currently enjoying some free time now, but are very excited to begin their rotations shortly! 

-Mr Kumar

Buddy Breakfast 2023

Buddy Breakfast 2023

Last Thursday (March 30th), our Year 6’s and Preps came to school early along with their families for Buddy Breakfast.  This event is a special opportunity for everyone to get to know each other and enjoy some yummy food together. One of the most special parts of our Buddy Breakfast is when the year 6 students present their Prep buddy with a special ‘Buddy Bear’. The purple buddy bear is an initiative from the Alannah & Madeline Foundation that helps to let every student know how special they are in our HT / St. Mary’s community. Many year 6 students still have their purple ‘Buddy Bear’ which is a symbol of how special the prep / year 6 buddy relationship is.

Overall, everyone really enjoyed our buddy breakfast and are thankful for the opportunity to gather together.

Here are some of the photos from the day ……

Prep – Yr4 Swimming

Prep – Yr4 Swimming

Each Friday this term there has been lots of excitement amongst our Prep to Year 4 students as they have been have been participating in swimming lessons at Swim World in Glen Waverley. Each week the students dress with their swimming costumes underneath their school clothes. At their allocated time each class gets ready by putting on their swimming caps and goggles and then they go on the bus to Swim World.

During swimming lessons the students have been learning a variety of skills including floating, water safety techniques and practising the different swimming strokes.

Last Friday, the students brought along some old clothes to wear in the pool to practise what a person should do if they were to fall into the water. The students seem to really enjoy this adventure!

Overall, the students are having a great time at their swimming lessons and are looking forward to the last fun lesson this Friday.

Here are a few photos of the students in action …..



Recently the students in Year 3 and 5 have just completed NAPLAN which stands for National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy. NAPLAN is a combination of four tests including reading, writing, language conventions to mathematics. This year NAPLAN was completed online ou our school Chromebooks.

Even though some students got a bit nervous about completing these tests they were encouraged to do their best and most people did that.

Overall, we are thankful for the support that so many teachers and LSO’s provided and a big thanks  goes to Mr. Kumar for his organisation of NAPLAN for all of our students.

Harmony week in 3/4 Yellow – Everyone Belongs!

Harmony week in 3/4 Yellow – Everyone Belongs!

As part of Harmony week celebrations this week, Daniel Mobtadi from 3/4 Yellow shared part of his Iranian culture with his classmates during morning prayer. He shared his family traditions around celebrating Nowruz (Persian New Year) which was on the 21st of March. Daniel created an informative slideshow about Nowruz and prepared a Sofreh Haft-Sin, which means ‘The cloth of seven dishes’. He explained the significance of each of the 7 symbols and why they are used to celebrate the beginning of the Iranian new year. Daniel finished by giving everyone a red apple that symbolizes beauty and health.

Daniel showed great courage as he shared insights about his culture which was well received by the class. What a great way to embrace diversity and show respect towards others at HT!


5/6 Camp

5/6 Camp

One of the most exciting parts of being in the 5/6 Level is going on camp. This year the 5/6’s didn’t have to wait too long as we were able to attend camp in the first few weeks of this term.

Our bus trip to camp took about 3 hours and when our buses arrived we were welcomed by staff at Camp Coonawarra. After unpacking the Coonawarra staff explained about where the different areas of the camp were and when the different eating times took place. After lunch we were excited to begin our super fun activities. Some of the different rotational activities were raft building, canoeing, giant swing, flying fox, the labyrinth, rock climbing, high ropes as well as damper making and pool activities.

Another exciting part of camp is when we were able to spend some time in our cabins. Most students ran to claim a top bunk and then we spent some time with our other cabin roommates.

Another highlight of camp was the night time activities. On one night we went for a night walk and another night we watched a movie!

After three days and two nights of some of the best experiences of our life we travelled back to school with many fun stories to share with our families.

Overall, our 5/6 Camp to Coonawarra was amazing and we are thankful to all the staff and families for providing us with this wonderful opportunity to go on camp.

Here are some of the photos from camp:

Camp Photos Google Doc

Here is the slide show of camp photos shown at Friday’s Assembly ….

Assembly Camp Photos Google Slides

School Athletics Day

School Athletics Day

On Monday 20 February the students from Grades 3 to 6 went to the  Bill Sewart Athletics track in Burwood to participate in our school athletics day.

Students participated in a range of athletics events including the field events of long jump, discus, high jump, shot put and the running events of 800 m, 200 m and 100 metre sprint.

There were so many impressive results with lots of students achieving personal bests and some even participating in events that they had never participated in before.

Everyone had a great time and many students were chosen represent the school in district athletics championships in May.

Our Age Champions for this year were ….

Year 3 – Patrick S & Peyton

Year 4 – Owen V & Audrey & Asha

Year 5 – Josh R & June

Year 6 – Lizzie & Darcy

The winning house for the day was Dominic (Red) with Bunurong (Yellow) – 2nd, Mackay (Blue) – 3rd and MacKillop (Green) – 4th taking the remaining places. Congratulations to everyone in Dominic House!

Here are a few of the photos of some of our age champions and Oliver displaying holding the shield as the winning house captain.

School Production – The Land of Dance

School Production – The Land of Dance

There is lots of excitement around HT & St. Mary’s at the moment (particularly around the Italian room) as 2023 is going to be a School Production year. The theme for this year’s production is The Land Of Dance and our school concert will take place towards the end of term 3. Each class is learning their choreography songs and theme and over the coming months they will learn about the dances and costumes they will be using.

The auditions of the different parts of our production have been taking place over the past couple of weeks. The 5/6 students were given the opportunity to audition for these parts.  Seniora Formichelli is filming each auditioning character and then these videos will be shown to the Italian Production Committee to decide on who will be the different characters. Some of the different characters in the production include nonna, nonno, the mayor and the bus driver.

Seniora Formichelli has been working on putting the whole production together since last year and we are very lucky to have her helping to create so much excitement for the concert.

There will be lots of different posts on the school blog over the coming months as the production gets closer.

Here are a few photos from the recent auditions …..

Catholic Education Melbourne Visual Art Exhibition 2023

Catholic Education Melbourne Visual Art Exhibition 2023

Congratulations to the following students whose work is being exhibited at the 2023 Visual Art Exhibition.

Likana Bernardo Year  3

Nicky Tervakis Year 5

Amelia Frodshom Year 5

Elizabeth Younan Year 5

Matthew Hua Year 5

Rafael Godressi Year 5

Diviyani Raghvani and Bailee Egan

  Xavier Mallia and their Tazio Gabriel Ronchi

Details to view the show in person are as follows

Catholic Education Melbourne Visual Art Exhibition 2023


Catholic Leadership Centre – 576 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne, VIC

Exhibition opening times

 The exhibition will be open on the following dates and times to schools and families:

Tuesday 14 – Friday 17th March from 9am – 3.45pm with extended hours on Wednesday 15th to 17th from 9am – 3.45pm

Saturday 18th March 11am – 3.45pm

Exhibition booking system

Those planning on attending will need to book a session through this link.

Ash Wednesday (Lent)

Ash Wednesday (Lent)

Currently, we are in the Lenten season. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (which was a couple of weeks ago) and on this day we celebrated Ash Wednesday Mass in the Community Space. During our Ash Wednesday Mass each person had ashes placed on their foreheads in the shape of a cross to help us remember Jesus during this special time.

Lent is the time leading up to Easter where all Christians decide to make changes to their lives as a way to turn back to God. Christians try to turn back to God in three main ways …..

  1. Prayer – through trying to pray to God regularly.
  2. Almsgiving (giving to the poor – at HT we do this by donating to Caritas)
  3. Fasting – by giving up certain foods such as red meat on days such as Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

By doing these things we are preparing for the special celebration at the end of the Lent called Easter.

The new Liturgy Leaders helped set up and play the Mass slideshow. This was the Liturgy Leaders first Mass for the year so they were really brave to do something like this.

Here are some of the slides from our recent Ash Wednesday Mass ….

Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday

All the Grade Ones and Twos gathered together in the Great Space and celebrated Shrove Tuesday. They learnt about it’s connection to Lent. The students watched how pancakes were made and completed a procedural writing afterwards about how to make pancakes.  The best part was they got to eat delicious pancakes too!

5/6 Camp Day 2

5/6 Camp Day 2

Despite the warm day everyone has had a lot of fun on camp particularly completing all the different camp activities. The students have also enjoyed a couple of extra treats to assist with keeping cool.

Unfortunately, due to wifi issues no other photos have been able to be shared on this post but the staff wanted to let everyone know that all the students are having a great time.

Please continue to return back to the blog for any further updates we receive.

Enjoy a quieter house for one final night before our 5/6 campers return back tomorrow.

Happy 5/6 Campers

Happy 5/6 Campers

Our 5/6s have arrived happily on camp and have had a great first day exploring the camp site. They have been on a great walk and are looking forward to a lovely dinner. We will continue to try to update our blog over the time whilst the campers are away as more photos are shared.

Here is a picture from of our 5/6s on their walk today.

Garden Club

Garden Club

Over the school holidays the garden has grown like crazy! Especially the zucchinis! Some giant ones grew, as can be seen in the photos. I’d like to say a special thank you to Sharon Hunter for watering the garden over the holidays. Without her assistance, the garden wouldn’t be growing as well. As you can see from the photos the tomatoes, zucchinis and pumpkins are all growing very well.

Congratulations Year 6

Congratulations Year 6

On Friday, the Year 6 students were presented with their jackets and school leader pins at assembly. They were extremely excited to finally receive them and immediately put them on with beaming smiles of pride. We hope that they become a symbol of their leadership and learning journey in their final year of Primary School.
Congratulations to those Year 6 students who were elected as our school Leaders for 2023. We know that you will represent Holy Trinity spiritedly, and exemplify what it means to be a part of the Holy Trinity school community.