First Eucharist 2021
Over the last couple weekends students from year 4 and a couple from grade 5 and 6 have celebrated their first Eucharist at St Jude’s Church. Eucharist is one of the three sacraments of initiation which are important steps in the journey to becoming a full member of the Catholic Church (Baptism and Confirmation are the other two sacraments of initiation). Eucharist is when you receive the bread (Body of Christ) from the priest reminding us of when Jesus shared the last supper with the Disciples. With such an important occasion it was natural that many students were nervous about receiving the host for the first time but were happy once they had the ceremony was completed.
Many students had their families come along to the First Eucharist Mass to support them during this very special event. Afterwards many families had a celebration to recognise this important occasion.
Here are a few photos from some of the recent first Eucharist masses.