Narratives in 5 Blue

Narratives in 5 Blue

This term in 5 Blue has been learning about narrative writing and how to make it interesting for audiences of different ages.  Some of us are even publishing our stories for kinder kids and preps!

Mr B has taught us about using an engaging start, having a dramatic problem and a cracking ending to leave the reader wanting more.

Some of the topics we have written about so far include a big fight in a high school, a magic pool, kids that get sent to Jupiter and a Magic Tree that has a wormhole to a whole new land.

The following chart helps to keep everyone on track during our writing sessions and well as to inform Mr. B where each student in up to.

Overall, we are very excited to publish our narratives and we are hoping to put some of our narratives on the school blog in the coming weeks.

Here are some photo of us at work!


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