Lego Car Challenge

Lego Car Challenge

On Friday 3rd December Holy Trinity gathered around the school to view our Lego car travel around the school. Mrs. Whelan has been working with students from a variety of levels during lunchtimes over the last few weeks to build a cardboard track that could carry our Lego car. The track began in the Mini Space where the 5/6 classrooms are located and passed through the office area into the Great Space. The students gathered around the track in the Great Space cheering the car on as it passed through the 1 Blue classroom and outside to the asphalt area near the basketball court. Finally, the track took one final left hand turn and finished outside the Year 3 classrooms. The journey for the car was smooth even over the stairs until the finish line was in sight where the car took spill.  After a quick repair job the car took the last few metres to the cheers of the school and an impressive time of 3 minutes 17 seconds.

Thank you to Mrs. Whelan for organising this enjoyable activity and to all the wonderful helpers who gave up their time to work on the track over the last few weeks.

Here is the video of Friday’s Lego car challenge…..

Car Track Challenge

Car Track Challenge

Hi everyone,

Here is a sneak peek for our car track challenge where a Lego car will be driven along a cardboard track made by the HT students from the Year 6 classrooms through the school and all the way to the 3/4 portable classrooms. Your challenge is to guess how long you think this will take in minutes and seconds.

What is your prediction after viewing the following clip?

Congratulations Amazing Artists

Congratulations Amazing Artists

The following students have had their art work accepted to be exhibited at the Catholic Education Melbourne Visual Art Exhibition in 2022.  So proud of everyone in the art room its incredibly difficult to choose just five pieces to submit for consideration.

Oscar -Year 2 

Love is all Around 

Nathan -Yesr 5 

The Annoyed Owl

Nicky -Year 4 

Contrasting Colours. Self Portrait

Maddy -Year 4 

Rainbow Valley

Victoria -Year 4

The colourful Snail



576 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne

Dates of the exhibition

15th-18th March 9am-4pm

17th and 18th 9am-7pm

19th March 11am-4pm

Assembly Term 4, Week 8

Assembly Term 4, Week 8

Welcome to our virtual assembly for this week, with some more special guest presenters…

or view the captioned version here…

Congratulations to all of our award winners – some amazing accomplishments! Keep up the great work girls and boys!

A great initiative from our Mini Vinnies group too, so don’t forget about next Friday’s Mini Vinnies Christmas Party – see the post further down the blog for more info.

Wishing everyone an amazing and safe long weekend! Remember, no school on Friday Nov 26 or Monday, Nov 29.





The Book Fair was a huge success!

The children had an exciting time looking at all the books and filling in their wish lists.

The total sales amounted to just over $4900!!

This equates to nearly $1600 worth of new resources for the library!

I am blown away by the generosity of parents and I want to say a huge thank you for supporting the book fair!

Eric Carl Inspired artworks -Grade 4

Eric Carl Inspired artworks -Grade 4

We are so happy to be in the art room and finishing off some awesome work we started months ago.

The students painted A3 paper creating patterns and textures using cardboard shapes. They made one from warm colours and one from cool colours. This week they created an artwork  using collage and the painted paper.

You can see from the end results how committed to completing these the students were, I’m very proud of them for their focus and enthusiasm.

Year 6 Smart Generation Webinar- T-shirt Design

Year 6 Smart Generation Webinar- T-shirt Design

On Tuesday the 9th of November, the Year 6s held a Webinar about why we shouldn’t drink alcohol at a young age and why we should drink responsibly when at highschool parties or hangouts etc. In Art, we had to design a shirt to wear at the webinar. We voted on which design would be made into a shirt, there were many amazing designs. My design was chosen and it was made into the shirt that we wore in the webinar. A HUGE thank you to Mrs Laming for helping us with the design.

We had to incorporate a slogan into our design, the slogan was “First you take a drink, and then the drink takes you.” so I put a big cross around a silhouetto of a bottle of alcohol, and inside the red X I wrote the slogan. I had a great time learning throughout this program.

Written by Abbey

Smart Generation

Smart Generation

Smart Generation- Year 6 Webinar. 

Back in Term 1, the Year 6 level participated in a unit called Smart Generation organised by the EACH program. We learnt about the impact alcohol can have on young bodies. Over this unit we also learnt about the brain sustainability and when our brain fully grows. This topic was supposed to last only 1 term but ended up lasting all four terms due to the Covid-19 lockdown.

We participated in role positions to act in a scenario of what could happen when there is peer pressure. We also made a slogan which was “First you take a drink and then the drink takes you” and we designed a logo which was voted on by our Year 6 level. Our Year 6 level created a Webinar to show our parents what we have learnt about Smart Generation and to show them our reflection videos from online learning. We spent a couple of days practicing our readings and presentation and when the day came it was a huge success! 

We learnt a lot of things that could help us in the future and now we know what the responsible thing to do in situations that involve alcohol. A HUGE thank you to Mrs Smith, Mr D, Miss Tubby, Mrs Laming, and Mrs Johnson for all their efforts in teaching us this unit. Also, thank you to Mrs Whelan and Deborah from EACH for allowing us this amazing opportunity. 

Written by Luke, Sunny and Lara

Assembly T4 W6

Assembly T4 W6

Welcome to our virtual assembly for this week, with some special guest presenters…

or view the captioned version here…

Congratulations to all of our award winners – some amazing accomplishments! Keep up the great work girls and boys!

Students please remember to bring your school hat to wear at school.

Wishing everyone an amazing and safe weekend!

Remembrance Day Prayer Service 2021

Remembrance Day Prayer Service 2021

Today we held a Remembrance Day Prayer Service to commemorate all the men and women that have served, fought and died in wars and conflicts over the years.
In our Prayer Service, we prayed for strength and guidance to commit ourselves to creating peace in our own world. We recognised that peace begins in our own families, classrooms, schools and communities. Remembrance Day remind us to pray for peace, to think about what we are doing as individuals, as a community and as a country to bring God’s peace into the world. This is a time when a believing community should once again turn towards prayer and towards ideals Jesus gave us in the Beatitudes. The school community was encouraged to live out our school motto to “Love One Another”.



The children were soooo excited to come to the Book Fair today! Some children will see it next Monday. Look out for your child/ren’s wish list in their school bag.

On their wish list you will see the item name, the price and the location (BC1 or table). BC or bookcase indicates which number bookcase the item/s are from.

Below you will see photos of all the bookcases (numbered) so that you can see what your child/ren would like to buy. There is no obligation to buy, however every purchase earns the school a commission, which allows us to purchase more resources for the library. Please use this link to make a purchase and write the receipt number on the back of the wish list. Your child can then bring this to school and I can then send the items purchased home.  If there are any items that parents would like to purchase as gifts, please email me at and I can make arrangements for you to pick up them up. Thank you for your suppport!

Help Save the Emperor Penguins

Help Save the Emperor Penguins

Aryana D in 2 Blue has been concerned with the Emperor Penguins.

The Emperor Penguin is the largest penguin in the world. Unfortunately, they are dying because they have nowhere to live as the polar ice caps are melting due to global warming.

One of the big ways that we can help stop global warming is by using recyclable materials instead of single use plastic. Another option is to reuse items more than once such as to using a refillable drink bottle instead of buying water from the store.

Aryana would like to remind us that we can help save the Emperor Penguins from climate change by thinking about using recyclable materials such as cardboard, cloth bags or even recyclable plastic before we use single use plastic as much as possible.

Here is a poster to help remind everyone about how we can help these beautiful creatures to survive on earth for many years to come.



Welcome back everyone!

We are so excited to have everyone back at school, all together again. All the staff were so happy to see all your smiling faces this morning. The bubbles were a big hit and it was great to see everyone using their bubble wands on the playground and oval.



It was so lovely to have lots of helpers in the garden!

The weeds were growing taller than any of the plants!

Some before and after pics. Still more to do, but getting there!

We have some leeks and brussel sprouts growing! Very late in the season, but we’ll take whatever we can get! (Or eat!)


Assembly, Term 4, Week 4

Assembly, Term 4, Week 4

Welcome to our virtual assembly for this week…

…or view the captioned version here…

Congratulations to all of our award winners – students learning from home, don’t forget to check your email after assembly where you will find your certificates.

We are all really looking forward to having all students back to school next week.

Students please remember to bring your school hat to wear at school.

Wishing everyone an amazing and safe long weekend!