Year 6’s ‘Race to Zero’ Game

Year 6’s ‘Race to Zero’ Game

Last Friday the year six students were set a task of playing a game called ‘race to zero’. This game involved using a number line that expanded from -35 to 35 and the goal of the game to be the first to reach zero. Instead of drawing the number lines on paper Mrs Rocha creatively decided to use chalk to draw the number lines outside on the asphalt. If you walked outside near the senior school classrooms you might have seen long number lines drawn with all our working out.

We all learnt a lot from this lesson and we certainly created some extra excitement for this lesson as well. Here are a few pictures of our lesson.

Prep ‘P’ Day!!!!!

Prep ‘P’ Day!!!!!

Today the Preps celebrated ‘P’ day! It is our letter focus for the week and students came to school dressed up in anything starting with the letter P! We had pizza for lunch and popcorn for afternoon snack and we even did a parade for parents. All in all it has been a positively fabulous day!

Check out the video of our great day!

Prep P day.mp4

Miss Rooney and Miss Rodrigues

Prep teachers

Ash Wednesday Mass

Ash Wednesday Mass

On Wednesday, 2nd of March, HT and St. Mary’s celebrated Ash Wednesday by gathering together in the Community Hall for Mass.

During our Ash Wednesday Mass each person had ashes sprinkled on their heads to symbolise new life.

Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the season of Lent which is a time leading up to Easter where all Christians decide to make changes to their lives as a way to turn back to God. Christians try to turn back to God in three main ways …..

  1. Prayer – through trying to pray to God regularly.
  2. Almsgiving (giving to the poor – at HT we do this by donating to Caritas)
  3. Fasting – by giving up certain foods such as red meat on days such as Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

By doing these things we are preparing for the special celebration at the end of the Lent called Easter.

Here are a few photos from our Ash Wednesday Mass last week …..

Lego Sessions are up and running

Lego Sessions are up and running

Our Lego Engineering program is up and running for 2022 with lessons taking place for the students in Years 3 to 6.

The program helps to develop the students’ skills and knowledge in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) whilst building a variety of models such as a carousel, helicopter, industrial mixer and a chronoscope. During these lessons we learn about some of the different forces that help these machines work and students work with a partner to follow a series of instructions in order to build the model. We also look for ways to innovate our designs to help them to go faster, work safer or move with greater accuracy.

These sessions will continue throughout this year with the students in years 5 and 6 participating in the program this term and the students in years 3 and 4 completing a series of lessons next term. This program will continue throughout the remainder of the year hopefully without any of the COVID interruptions we have had in the past two year.

Here are our Year 5 students in action today building their carousel models…..

District Swimming

District Swimming

On Tuesday 22nd February, selected students from Year 3 to Year 6 were chosen to represent Holy Trinity & St. Mary’s at the Scoresby District Swimming carnival at Kilsyth Centenary Swimming Pool. This was after students had been participated in some swimming trials at Knox Leisureworks swimming pool over the past two Tuesday mornings.

Our school also had some big achievements including Wyatt who got first in 1st in freestyle, 1st in the 4 by 50m freestyle relay and 2nd in backstroke. He swam so well that he also was awarded age group champion for 9/10 boys which is a massive achievement. Some of the other year 4 winners were Liam who won his freestyle race, June and Grace who both came 2nd in breaststroke. June, Charlotte, Grace and Liam also helped to win the freestyle relay for the year 4 students. Hamish W also did a great job with coming first in his backstroke race for the Year 3’s.

The Year 5 students also had some really strong performances with some of our winners being Darcy who came 3rd in freestyle, Tyler G who won his backstroke and came 3rd in breastroke and Cara G who came 2nd in breaststroke. Chantal, Zac, Maddie, Eden and Siana also has strong results in their chosen events. In Year 6’s Zeke swam a great race to come 1st in butterfly and Belle was impressive with coming 3rd in backstroke. Mia got 3rd in freestyle, Ella D and Lucas got 1st in their breastroke races and Matt got 3rd in backstroke. Jordan and James also swam well to round off a great day for our swim team.

We had other students who may not have earned a ribbon in their race but still contributed to our school’s overall result with earning points in their race.

Overall, as a result of our fantastic efforts Holy Trinity & St. Mary’s were able to achieve 2nd place which is an amazing effort. Congrats to everyone for their participation and hard work!

Overall, it was all heaps of fun and everyone did a great job at consistently displaying the TORCH values whilst representing our school.

You be You in 2022

You be You in 2022

Students in the art room began the year by contributing to a whole school art display ‘You be You’. They used paper, pastels or clay to create their own original fish.
After reading the story  ‘You be You’ by Linda Kranz students discussed what this would look like, sound like and feel like at school.
They shared some really thoughtful insights.

Be confident enough to be yourself

Stay  true to yourself

Be your own best friend

Stand up for things you believe in no matter what others say

Enjoy the things you like doing

Here’s a snapshot of the wonderful, colourful fish they created.
Well done to all the Awesome Artists

Learning Leaders of H.T

Learning Leaders of H.T

In Year 6 the students of H.T all earn a leadership role. I am one of the Learning leaders for 2022 as well as Bec, Elliott and Melissa. Together we will help to support with many of the learning initiatives around the school.

The Learning leader responsibilities entail helping out in the library whether it’s helping the younger students with choosing books borrow  or helping Mrs Honeysett put books away. The Learning leaders also will help with organising book week, numeracy week, the book fair and much more.

We are all excited to be the learning leaders of the school and we look forward to helping out around the school this year.

Here were our Learning leaders busy at work in the library today …..

Friendship Groups

Friendship Groups

Last Friday (19 February) all classes began participating in Friendship Group activities for this year. Friendship Groups is where a mix of students from Prep to Year gather together with their Friendship Group teacher to learn about our TORCH values. Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions with not mixing students between different levels too much we are not participating in these activities in our Friendship Groups but instead in our own classes.

This year, Miss Humphris, our Wellbeing leader is working with the Friendship Leaders to be make videos to explain the activities that each class will do in their group. Last Friday’s activity was based around the theme of Belonging where we worked on the TORCH values of Optimism and Confidence. During the session we played a game called the Ah Umm game where students needed to talk about a topic for as long as they can without saying ah or um. We also  did an activity during this session where we brainstormed what four words meant about four different topics based around the theme of belonging and write what they mean to you.

Overall, it was nice to begin Friendship Groups particularly as we are helping with the activities and we hope to be able to gather together in our mixed groups soon.

Here are some pictures of two of the different activities we completed.

Friday Assembly Term 1 Week 4, 2022

Friday Assembly Term 1 Week 4, 2022

Welcome to our first online assembly for 2022. Today’s assembly was held as a Google Meet and recorded on an iPad.

Congratulations to all of our award winners – some amazing accomplishments! Keep up the great work girls and boys!

Wishing everyone a restful weekend particularly all the students who participated in their first swimming session today.

The Leaders of 2022

The Leaders of 2022

This year I am one of the lucky students to be selected to be a school captain for 2022. I am so excited to be a school captain but I also understand what an important role it is.

To be chosen as a school captain each person was required to complete a number of steps. Firstly, we had to to write a letter to Mr Downie (last year’s principal) outlining why we would make a good school captain and then we made a speech to the students in our year level about our qualities. As there were a number of great candidates for this role it was narrowed down to a top 8 then we had to demonstrate our leadership skills by taking Mr Downie on a school tour as if he was a new parent making a decision about whether HT would be a good fit for his child/ren. Ella, Zeke, Nathan and myself were the lucky students chosen as the school captains and our responsibilities began even before the beginning of the new school year when we had some new photos taken with our new school principal, Mr. Scutt.

So far the responsibilities we have undertaken as school captains have included leading Monday morning assembly, meeting with Mr. Scutt and Mr. Harvie on a number of occasions and this Friday will help lead our first online assembly with Mr. Scutt and I am very excited about this (and a bit nervous as well). Soon we will be leading the school tours for new families that would like to enroll their child to our community.

I can’t wait for all the leadership opportunities that all the year sixes will have in their leadership roles for 2022.

Here are our year six leaders …..

School Captains: Mia (Me), Ella G, Zeke and Nathan.

House / Sport Captains: Belle and Abbey (Green), Mark and Finn (Blue), James, Liv and Ava (Gold) Mya and Jordan (Red).

Art Leaders: Tazio, Xavier, Divyani, Bailee and Chloe.

Digitech Leaders: Spencer, Roman, Lucas, Jacob and Matt.

Environmental Leaders: Charlotte, Izzy, Liam and Nathan.

Liturgy Leaders: Zeke, Mia, Leonardo and Ella G.

Friendship Leaders: Poppy, Ella D, Curtis and Angel.

Learning Leaders: Elliott, Melissa, Abigail and Bec.

Digitech leaders

Digitech leaders

On Monday,  the year 6 Digitech leaders met for the first time to discuss our leadership responsibilities with this role as well as to outline some possible ideas that we will try to undertake as Digitech leaders this year.

Some of these ideas included introducing a new Minecraft Club for beginners, having an advanced Minecraft club later in the year and possibly introducing a coding club. The Digitech leaders will begin to meet each week to prepare some lessons so that later on this term we will be ready to begin a new Minecraft Club. More information about the Minecraft Club and any other Digitech clubs will be shared in the coming weeks once we have confirmed details such as the most suitable days to have our clubs and what age levels will be most suited to the lessons.

In addition, the Digitech leaders will be visiting each class on a weekly basis to help support teachers with any technical issues they may be experiencing in their classroom.

Here are our Digitech leaders for this year and we are excited about leading our school in the area of Digitech.

P-4 Swimming

P-4 Swimming

The students in Prep to Year 4 are very excited at the moment because this Friday they will all be starting our school swimming program at Swimworld Aquatic Centre in Glen Waverley. Each Friday in term one the Prep to Year 4 students will dressed in their PE uniform (students wear their swimming costumes underneath their uniform) and they will bring everything they will need to be able to swim including their goggles, towel and a bag to carry their wet clothes in afterwards.

Each year level has a set time to catch the bus from school, participate in their swimming lesson and then catch the bus back to school after the lesson. The first students to leave are the year 4s who will depart school at about 9.10 am and the final students (Preps) will return to school at about 1.15 pm.

I spoke to a couple of year three students about their thoughts with the upcoming swimming  lessons and they said that they will looking forward to practising how to dive, learning the different strokes such as freestyle and backstroke and also all the fun safety activities you do such as treading water with extra clothes on. 

We will keep you posted with our swimming lessons over the next few weeks.



Yesterday we had our first Garden Club for the year and we had lots of children coming to help pick all the delicious cherry tomatoes! They were enticed by the opportunity to not only pick them, but to take a small bagful home! I hope they weren’t squashed in the bottom of school bags!  Over the Summer holidays the corn, pumpkin and cucumbers grew like crazy! As you can see from the photos the corn is almost ready to pick and the pumpkins are growing.


Monday Assembly – Presentation of Year 6 Jackets

Monday Assembly – Presentation of Year 6 Jackets

Hi everyone,

Welcome to the 2022 and to a new school year.

Today, our new school principal, Mr. Scutt, together with our new school captains helped to conduct our first Monday morning assembly for this year. Today was an exciting time for our year six students who received their school jackets. I’m sure you will see them proudly wearing their jackets around the school throughout the year- even when it’s 30+ degrees.

As parents are currently unable to join us for assembly we have recorded it for you to view in your own time.

We look forward to hopefully welcoming parents back for school assemblies soon.

2022 Y6 Leaders and Term 4 TORCH Bearers of the Term

2022 Y6 Leaders and Term 4 TORCH Bearers of the Term

On Monday morning, we gathered for the passing on of the Leadership Batons and announcement of the Year 6 Leadership positions for next year.

We also presented the TORCH Bearers of the term with their certificates.

Click here to view the video of the assembly.

Congratulations to all of our Year 6 2022 students on your positions, and thank you to Year 6 2021 for your leadership of the school this year.

Congratulations to the Prep to Year 5 TORCH Bearers. The Year 6 TORCH Bearer will be announced at Graduation.

Buon Natale – Merry Christmas!

Buon Natale – Merry Christmas!

As we come to the end of 2021 I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our HT and St Mary’s families  – Buon Natale! It has been a jam packed year but we made it!! The link to our Festa di Carnevale production was sent to all families via Operoo yesterday. There has been some lovely feedback from parents and students.

Best of luck to our graduating class of 2021 – Buona fortuna! Wishing you all the best as you go to secondary school.

From my famiglia to yours – Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo!

Ciao Signora Formichelli


Merry Christmas -Prep Santa’s

Merry Christmas -Prep Santa’s

That’s a wrap from the art room.
Thank you to all our wonderful students for participating in Art Remote Learning Lessons when you could. I loved seeing the art works you created at home. I have loved being back in the art room and we have had fun with paint and other materials.

Have a wonderful holiday everyone