Help Save the Emperor Penguins

Help Save the Emperor Penguins

Aryana D in 2 Blue has been concerned with the Emperor Penguins.

The Emperor Penguin is the largest penguin in the world. Unfortunately, they are dying because they have nowhere to live as the polar ice caps are melting due to global warming.

One of the big ways that we can help stop global warming is by using recyclable materials instead of single use plastic. Another option is to reuse items more than once such as to using a refillable drink bottle instead of buying water from the store.

Aryana would like to remind us that we can help save the Emperor Penguins from climate change by thinking about using recyclable materials such as cardboard, cloth bags or even recyclable plastic before we use single use plastic as much as possible.

Here is a poster to help remind everyone about how we can help these beautiful creatures to survive on earth for many years to come.


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