Year 4 Campers are on their way …..

Year 4 Campers are on their way …..

This morning our year 4 students had an extra ‘spring’ in their step as they were departed for ADANAC camp in the Yarra Junction. This is our year 4 students’ first school camp away and they will be spending two days and one night away together.  The students will get an opportunity to participate in a range of fun activities, eat some yummy food and share lots of great times together.

We will try to update families about how they are going whilst the year 4 students are away.

Here is a few pictures taken from this morning before the students departed for ADANAC …..



The Prayer Service begins with Holy Week and then the Stations of the Cross. Before the holidays, we used this to focus on and remember the story of Jesus’ last few days. We know that while this is a very sad story, it has a wonderful ending – Jesus’ Resurrection.

You may also like to use this, as a family, in your preparation for Easter.

TORCH Bearer for Term 1 & SRC Assembly

TORCH Bearer for Term 1 & SRC Assembly

On Thursday 7th April, we gathered together as a school community to present our TORCH Bearers of term 1.  To be chosen as a TORCH Bearer is a significant achievement because only one special person in each year level is chosen for this award who consistently displays each of our TORCH values. Our TORCH values of tolerance (T), optimism (O), respect (R), confidence (C) and honesty (H) are at the heart of what we teach at Holy Trinity and provide our students with practical examples of how to live out of school motto of ‘Love One Another’.

Congratulations to Parker (Prep), Primrose (1), Lucas (2), Daniel W (3), Olivia (4), Cara G (5) and Abigail (6) for being such fantastic recipients of the TORCH Bearers for term 1.

In addition, we presented our SRC (Student Representative Committee) members for 2022 with their badges during this assembly. Two students were chosen from each class in years 1 to 5 after writing an application letter as to why they think they would be a good SRC candidate. Students who were interested in becoming an SRC wrote their letters in the Tech Lab at an assigned recess or lunch time and then these letters were read out anonymously in their class by the class teacher. By reading out the letters anonymously this reduces the chances of the voting process becoming a ‘popularity’ contest but rather each student votes on qualities highlighted in the letter of the person they thought would do the best job as an SRC. One student will represent each class at our term 2 meetings and the other student will represent the class for term 3 when we meet at lunchtime each Thursday.  In term 4 our SRC may meet less frequently as we focus our energy on putting some of the initiatives we have worked through in the previous terms into action. Sometimes this may mean we require all our SRCs to help make HT & St. Mary’s the best school possible for everyone.

Congratulations to our SRCs for 2022.

Please click on the following link to view the video of the TORCH Bearer and SRC Assembly video.

Buddy Breakfast 2022!

Buddy Breakfast 2022!

On Thursday 7th of April 2022, HT & St. Mary’s celebrated our long awaited Buddy Breakfast. Buddy Breakfast is an annual tradition where the students in the Prep and Year 6 levels come together along with their families to have a bite to eat along with getting to know each other. This year our ‘breakfast’ included sausages, fruit and juice. One of the most special parts of our Buddy Breakfast is when the year 6 students present their Prep buddy with a special ‘Buddy Bear’. The purple buddy bear is an initiative from the Alannah & Madeline Foundation helps to let every student know how special they are in our HT / St. Mary’s community. Many year 6 students still have their purple ‘Buddy Bear’ which is a symbol of how special the prep / year 6 buddy relationship is.  It was a great morning that was topped off with some beautiful sunny weather.

Here are some photos from the amazing morning ……

Welcome back BBQ

Welcome back BBQ

Last Thursday afternoon (31st of March) Holy Trinity held a whole school community BBQ, This was a chance for our whole school community to come together for a fun filled afternoon after two COVID affected years. There were lots of different activities that we could do during the afternoon including an Easter Egg hunt, petting zoo, games on the oval, hanging out with our friends and family and obviously there was lots of delicious food to enjoy as well.

The Easter Egg hunt was a lot of fun and involved completing a word scramble as an activity from clues in the Harmony Garden. The clues were on laminated eggs that had a letter on the back. The letters combined to make a phrase and once we wrote this down on our activity sheet we took it to the tent to get an Easter Egg. Another fun activity was that we had a little visit from some furry friends that were from the petting zoo. You had to bring a gold coin donation to go into the petting zoo and you could pat lots of different animals including sheep, a piglet, a goose and if you wanted to you could pat a bunny or guinea pig in a little basket.

Another highlight of the afternoon was the great food which included an ice cream van and BBQ. It was easy to see how popular the food items were because the queue was quite long but it was worth it because the food was delicious.

A big thank you to the Parents Association for organising this fantastic event and for all the volunteers that helped to run the afternoon.

Here are a few photos of our great afternoon together …..

Fantastic Feathered Friends -3 Blue

Fantastic Feathered Friends -3 Blue

These amazing Grade 3 artists designed and created these fabulous birds. The brief was the bird had to sit, fly or stand and they definitely nailed it. 

I was so proud of the skills they developed and their persistence when faced with difficulties. Well done everyone.

Year 6 Escape Room Challenge

Year 6 Escape Room Challenge

One Thursday afternoon recently the year 6 classes joined together to participate in an ‘escape room challenge’ in groups. This challenge was a fun maths task where we worked together in groups to solve a variety of maths problems. It was important that all the group members worked together on each task as many problems could be solved in different ways and needed us to cooperate to work through the problem as quickly as possible. Once we solved a problem we added this answer to our Google form which then we would get the next problem solving task. You could hear each group getting excited as they solved a problem and were given the next part of the puzzle. Some of the problems involved using the four processes as well different parts of measurement.

Overall, it was really fun to participate in this ‘escape room challenge’  and we look forward to doing another one soon.

School Tours!

School Tours!

Throughout the year (particularly in term one) you may find many of our Year 6 leaders showing interested parents around HT about different elements of our school. This is an important responsibility for the year 6 students as many visitors make their decision after taking the tour.

Taking parents on a tour is something that the leaders have practised a number of times. Often we are called on to perform a tour in the middle of a lesson so we are thankful that we have practised conducting tours as sometimes it can be difficult to adjust our minds from concentrating on a Maths or RE lesson to be ready to lead families around our school.

We hope as year 6 leaders we are doing a good job at setting a good example for the younger students as well as to showing parents about all the wonderful parts of our school.

Amazing artists create Beautiful Birds

Amazing artists create Beautiful Birds

Grade 3 and 4 artists have been learning a variety of paper construction skills over the last few weeks.
This week they designed and created their own original birds. 
They solved problems as they encountered them by trying different things or asking someone for help.

I am very proud of them and they were proud of themselves. Well done everyone.

House Cross Country 2022

House Cross Country 2022

On Friday 18th of March all students from Prep to Year 6 participated in our annual House Cross Country event at Egan Lee Reserve.

This year we had a number of firsts including the students in Prep to Year 2 having an opportunity to participate in the event for the first time and the event taking place in term one (it usually happens in term two).

Mr. D had measured out a one kilometre circuit for everyone to follow which began on the training soccer fields and followed a track around the back of the main soccer field before returning back to the starting line again. Each class has been preparing for our cross country during their PE sessions this term.

Our Prep to Year 2 students completed one lap of this circuit (1km) whilst the 3/4 students completed two laps and the 5/6 students completed 3 laps.

Our District Cross Country team is chosen from the students who compete in our cross country and usually include students from Years 4, 5 and 6.

Thank you Mr D for organizing amazing fun day and thank you to our wonderful parent helpers and staff for assisting with the running event. Everyone overall did amazing and it was great to see everyone doing their best to keep active.

Here are the results of the students who came first in their Years 3 to 6.

Year 3’s: Jackson & Avery

Year 4’s: Luke & June

Year 5’s: Eden & Darcy

Year 6’s: Ella D & Nathan

Here are some photos from the day ……

Kinder Kids Reading

Kinder Kids Reading

On Monday 28 March, Holy Trinity had our first Kinder Kids Reading Session for 2022. Kinder Kids Reading Sessions take place each term and is where younger children come to visit HT and share some time with some of the older students of our school. On this occasion some of our Year 5 students were able to read with our Kinder visitors in our library. It is an exciting opportunity for both our Kinder visitors as well as our Year 5 students because some of these children may be buddies next year.

It looked like all our Kinder visitors had lots of fun with the Year 5 students as well as starting to get to know HT and some of their potential buddies in 2023.

Our next Kinder Kids Reading Session will take place on Monday 28 April.



Holy Trinity school library has a standing order subscription with Lamont Books. They are an Australian owned and operated business based in Hallam. They supply high quality books written by talented Australian authors to school libraries. We receive the orders once a month and each month we receive a box of picture fiction, primary fiction and graphic novels. Included in the subscription are teacher notes for all the books which the teachers can use for their classroom planning. Here are some pictures of the titles that will soon be available in the library.



Over the last few weeks we have harvested our corn, cucumbers and eggplants!

The children enjoy helping to water the plants, especially on a hot day!

The pumpkin patch has sprawled out and over into other garden beds and as you can see from the photos there are lots of pumpkins growing! There are two different types growing, Kent and Butternut. I saved the seeds from pumpkin that I had bought and cooked at home. I then planted them into a homemade planter and then planted 3 of the best seedlings into the garden at school.  I’m so pleased with how well they have grown and am looking forward to harvesting and cooking lots of delicious soups and roasted pumpkin.

Friday Games Club

Friday Games Club

Students have lots of fun playing board games, card games, noughts and crosses and enjoy getting tied in knots with twister.

This is a good opportunity for students to meet others and socialise, also to learn to share and take turns.

Grade 6 leaders have introduced their prep buddies to the club and they have thoroughly enjoyed the fun!

Cooking with Kids

Cooking with Kids

The Year 1/2’s have been learning about how to keep their mind and bodies healthy! Some 1/2 students and parents were lucky enough to be involved in Cooking with Kids last Wednesday afternoon. Cooking with Kids is a parent and child cooking class, celebrating and encouraging cooking with children at home using fresh vegetables. Families prepared a simple dish together and children had the opportunity to taste some different veggies! 

House Athletics Day

House Athletics Day

On Monday the 7th of March all the students in Grades 3 to 6 went to Ringwood Athletics track to compete in our annual house athletics day.

Everyone had been practising for the different events during our PE lessons and many have been practising during recess and lunch times as well as in their own time.

The house captains arrived early at the athletics track at 8:30am to help Mr D with setting up.

Once everyone arrived we began our first event of the day which was the 800m (or two laps around the track). It was amazing how many students competed in this difficult event and there were some amazing achievements as the girls and boys competed against the other students in their year level.

After the 800m races students rotated around the different track and field events in their year level groups. The track and field events that the students competed in were shot put, discus, high jump, long jump, triple jump, hurdles, 200m and 100 m sprint.  As they competed in the different events they earned points for their house – Mackay (Blue),  MacKillop (Green), Dominic (Red) and Bunurong (Gold).

After many amazing performances our overall age champions for the day were ……

Year 3 – Jackson R and Emily W

Year 4 – June B and Luke W

Year 5 – Darcy B and Elizabeth Y and Eden W

Year 6 – Abbey G and Nathan P

The winning house was Bunurong (Gold) House followed by Dominic (Red), MacKillop (Green) and Mackay (Blue).

Thank you to Mr. D, Mrs. Patmore and all of our fantastic parent and teacher helpers for helping to make this such a special day for the students.

Here are some pictures of our students in action during the day ……

Believe in your dreams and work hard

Believe in your dreams and work hard

Grade One and Two artists learnt about Mae Jemisen who dreamt of being an astronaut, she believed in her dream and worked hard and she achieved her goal.
The clever artists drew a self portrait of themselves floating about in space.

Students also shared their dreams for the future, there were a few dreaming of being Art teachers.😊

Prep P day

Prep P day

Last Monday (March 7) the preps celebrated P day. P day is where all the preps get to talk and learn about the letter P. In the morning the preps came to school dressed in all sorts of costumes starting with the letter p. Some students wore pjs whilst others dressed up as pirates, princesses and the police. They had a big parade to show off their amazing costumes and  made crafts starting with P such as a pig. The preps were lucky enough to watch The penguins of Madagascar and Mr Popper’s Penguins.

Overall, P day was not just a fun day but a PERFECT day enjoyed by all.