Colour Fun Run

Colour Fun Run

On Wednesday the 2nd of May the Holy Trinity and St. Mary’s students ran around the school to raise some money so that we can have a new athletics track. This event was organised thanks to a great idea of Mrs. Emily Christison who has done a lot of work ‘behind the scenes’ in helping the event take place. Our schools have been able to raise over $10,000 thanks to our wonderful fund raising events. Prep L won the competition for the raising the most money as a class with over $3000 and Isabella (Prep L) raised over $1000 by herself.

The students wore a white shirt for the event and then they ran through an explosion of colour. Overall, we had lots of fun and we are very proud of our fundraising efforts.

Here is a few photos of the day.

Lego Engineering with the 3/4’s

Lego Engineering with the 3/4’s

The Lego Engineering program has begun with the 3/4’s having lots of fun building a spinning top together with its own launcher. They learnt how different forces help to make these models work and how they can help make them work better. Here are some of our students in action …..


ANZAC Day Ceremony

ANZAC Day Ceremony

On April 26th at 12:45 pm all of Holy Trinity gathered together to celebrate an ANZAC DAY ceremony. For about 10 minutes everyone listened to the ceremony and we also bowed our heads in silence. The whole school including ST Marys listened quietly to the Anzac song whilst the teachers and some students read out some emotional lines about ANZAC DAY and how the soldiers risked their lives for us. It was a very special ceremony that none of us will forget.

1/2 O learning 3D shapes!

1/2 O learning 3D shapes!

1/2O have started to learn the features of 3D shapes. They used geometry kits and ‘clixi’ to explore and create different 3D shapes. Students created such shapes as cubes, triangle based pyramids, rectangle prisms and triangular prisms.

Year 4 Taster Day at Mater Christi

Year 4 Taster Day at Mater Christi

Last Friday we had the pleasure of visiting Mater Christi College. What a day we had! Our day was filled with fun and enjoyable activities. Some of these activities were sport, science experiments and a Monopoly race around the school, just to name a few. These beautiful little ladies participated so confidently and enthusiastically in all tasks. Thank you for a wonderful day!


Holy Week Play

Holy Week Play

Today the school remembered the events that took place during Holy Week. Students in Years 3-6 gave up their time to take part in the Holy Week Play. They had to practise at lunch times with Mrs Casinelli and the RE leaders. It was a really special  time and everyone was very respectful and reverent. Here is some photos of this special event.






Easter Blessings!

Easter Blessings!

In the lead up to the Easter season, the Grade 3/4s have been learning about the importance of Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday as part of the Easter Story. We reflected on Christ’s actions in the lead up to his crucifixion and also considered what Jesus’s resurrection means for us. We enjoyed watching the Holy Week Reflection drama presented to the whole school by various students. We thank Mrs Cascianelli for organising this special learning experience for us as well as all the students involved. We have also prepared our Easter baskets ready for the Easter Bunny to hop into our rooms!

We wish you all a safe and blessed Easter break. We look forward to learning lots again next term!

St. Patrick’s Day CEM mass

St. Patrick’s Day CEM mass

In celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, the RE and school leaders went to St. Patrick’s Cathedral in the city. It was a fun day and it was a great experience to hear and see a mass done so traditionally.

Sienna- I found it interesting that we sang every response. But my favourite was seeing the huge musical organ. I also liked seeing our Archbishop Denis Hart, he seems really friendly.

Ellise- I enjoyed it when I first walked in and saw all the artwork but my favourite was seeing the marble altar and tiles, it had the perfect amount of pink.

James- I liked the design and actual architecture of the cathedral. It took many, many years to build starting way back in 1858. It is a huge building with super high ceiling arches. I found the Latin writing really interesting and I wondered what it meant. There was also a great art piece towards the front of the altar of Mary and Jesus made from gold.

Patrick- I liked the stained glass windows at the entrance of the cathedral. It was huge and colourful.

Jayden- I found the outfit of Archbishop Denis Hart interesting, I thought the crook looked really cool.

I also really liked the lectern, it looked like it was an eagle and seemed to be made out of gold.

Our day out at the Grand Prix

Our day out at the Grand Prix

Today (Friday 23 March) ten students from the 5/6 level were lucky enough to have the opportunity to go to the grand prix for a day. Whilst we were there we focused on learning about STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths].  We got to look at Formula 1 cars and saw how they work. There was a VR station that had different modes and there was a robot that danced to music. We saw a lot of drones and we got to race ozobots. While we were waiting for the race to start we saw some airplanes that did loops and cool tricks overhead. We learnt lots about engineering and how a car works and most importantly we had lots of fun. We thank Mr. Natoli and Mr. B for giving us the opportunity to go to such a wonderful day.

Here we are in action …..


An exciting weekend of Art Shows

An exciting weekend of Art Shows

Last weekend I attended the Catholic Education Visual Arts Exhibition 2018 on Saturday  and the Knox Council Community Art Show on Sunday. Work from four of our students was displayed at each Art Show. It was wonderful to see the work from other students from schools throughout the  State and the local community.

I am very pleased to share the news that Tina Siu (Grade 6 2017) won first place for her pastel drawing in the Grade Five and Six section at the Knox Art Show. Congratulations Tina 👍

Tina’s Art work

Some of the work from the CEM Visual Art Exhibition


HT’s First Aid Day

HT’s First Aid Day

On Wednesday the 21st of March the whole school participated in a First Aid Day. The sessions involved us learning about helping other’s with their health though calling triple 0 in an emergency, putting an injured person in the recovery position and doing chest compressions if they are seriously hurt. We were lucky enough to participate in this day because we are learning about our wellbeing and looking after our bodies. This is some of the students in action …….


4 In A Row [Maths Game]

4 In A Row [Maths Game]

In 5/6B we have been playing games in maths like this one called 4 in a row. The aim of this game is to try and get 4 numbers between 100 and 999 in a row on a numberline. It is a good game because it teaches you how to find numbers on a number line without having every other numbers there. Lots of the students were really competitive when we played it. Here is a few examples of this game in action ……



Graphing in Prep L

Graphing in Prep L

Prep L have enjoyed learning all about graphs this week! The photo displayed is a graph we made to represent the boys and girls in our class. From this graph we know that –

“There are fourteen girls” (Ezekiel)

“There are twelve boys” (Sienna)

“There are more girls than boys on the graph (Grace)

“There are less boys than girls on the graph” (Alex)

“If Luella and Emmerson were in our class today, there would be sixteen girls in total” (Henry)

“The number down the bottom tells us how many people there are without counting” (Wyatt)

“We can see that there are 26 people in total on the graph” (Olivia and Chris)

“Graphs help us sort out our information” (Owen)

Mindfulness and Meditation in Prep H

Mindfulness and Meditation in Prep H

It has been a very busy start to the year with lots of fun and learning for our new preps!

As part of our Integrated Studies unit, we practise mindfulness everyday as a way to keep our minds healthy. We have started a mindfulness journal to record our daily thoughts and feelings and rest our bodies with a short meditation to put a smile on our mind.

Essential Assessment (Online Maths)

Essential Assessment (Online Maths)

Essential Assessment is online maths program where you can complete tests and work on your skills at answering  different types of maths questions. It is really good because it is not too hard or too easy, it is perfect for your level once the teacher gets the results of your first test. After you have done some learning you get to sit the test again to see how you have improved with your Maths skills. It also has another feature called My Numeracy which is based on improving on things that you have got wrong in your pretest that you have completed. The 5/6’s use this program regularly in class. Here are a few questions set for me to complete ….

Paper construction

Paper construction

This week our wonderful Grade One and Two students worked collaboratively to create amazing paper sculptures. I was so proud of the way they encouraged one another and shared their ideas. They really enjoyed making these and they look fantastic. The sculptures are displayed on the bag racks in the Great space if you would like to view these artworks.