Building Lego Carousels with the 3/4’s

Building Lego Carousels with the 3/4’s

This week in our Lego Engineering lessons the 3/4 students learnt to build four chair carousels. They learnt about some of the different forces used to get the machines functioning such as centrifugal force, momentum and centripetal force. Once the groups had finished building their original design they were encouraged to experiment with adding extra speed, weight, length of arms and some even decided to add extra chairs to the model. Here are some of the groups in action…..

SEDA Basketball Clinics

SEDA Basketball Clinics

On  Friday the 21st of June all students from Prep to Year 6 participated in a basketball clinic run by students from SEDA (Sports Academy School). During the classes we learned passing, shooting, dribbling and defending. We all had a lot of fun and we thank the club for using their time to teach and develop our basketball skills.

Here is some of the students in action …..

5/6 Digital Portfolios

5/6 Digital Portfolios

This semester the 5/6’s have been creating their own Digital Portfolios. This is a good way to show our learning particularly since the 5/6 students do so much of their work on the Chromebooks. We also have been able to show our parents these at our Parent / Teacher interviews. In 5/6R we included our reader’s theatre videos, a writing piece and we even put in genius hour slides. We enjoyed completing our digital portfolios and we are looking forward to putting even more of our learning into our portfolios in semester 2.

What’s happening in PE

What’s happening in PE

In PE this term we have been learning to play all types of different sports including basketball, soccer, rugby and footy. Everyone has enjoyed playing these different sports because we learn how to play a range of different sports not just be great at one. We also get to develop our overall fitness at the same time. Here is some of the students in action …..

Discovery Centres in the Prep Level

Discovery Centres in the Prep Level

Today in Prep we had Discovery Centres! It is a relaxed environment where the students can experiment with their learning.

We had a variety of activities that students could choose from. Some of the activities included making and continuing patterns, practising sight words, recognising and making numbers and writing sentences. At the end, students got to share what they’d been learning about with the other Preps.

Discovery Centres is so much fun!
Adrian Beck, author, is coming to Holy Trinity on 19 July!

Adrian Beck, author, is coming to Holy Trinity on 19 July!

We are very excited to have Adrian Beck visit our school in July to talk to students in years 1-6.

Adrian Beck writes funny, action-packed adventure stories for kids. Adrian is the author of the  Alien Zoo series and the co-author of the best-selling kids’ series Kick it to Nick, with AFL Hall of Fame inductee Shane Crawford. He has also written Stuff Happens – Dale. All of Adrian’s stories are fun to read – even for kids who struggle to get interested in books.

His latest series of books – Champion Charlies ‘The Mix-Up’ and ‘Boot It’ have been developed in partnership with the Football Federation Australia to coincide with the 2018 Soccer World Cup.

Adrian can be found interviewing fellow authors  on YouTube in his Adrian Becks Author Hangout series – follow the links on his website to see him interview Felice Arena, Sally Rippin, Tristan Bancks, Tim Harris and others.

Besides being an author Adrian is also a part-time TV producer having worked on The Footy Show, The Logie Awards, Prank Patrol and Kids’ WB. He  uses the skills from both parts of his busy life  to deliver entertaining school visits with lively, humorous and interactive sessions on writing, working in television and sport.

Our book supplier, Lamont Books, is offering our students the chance to pre-purchase Champion Charlies and Alien Zoo books so that Adrian can autograph them when he visits. Order forms are being sent home today and need to be returned by 9am Tuesday 26 June at the latest to ensure delivery to school in time for Adrian’s visit.


Building Sailing Boats in 3/4

Building Sailing Boats in 3/4

This week all our 3/4 students built a sailboat as part of our Lego Engineering unit in Digitech. The students learnt that there are forces working both above and below the boat to help it to move. We also learnt that sailboats can still sail forward even when there is a headwind. Here are some of our students in action …..

1/2R Information Reports

1/2R Information Reports

In 1/2R this term we have been learning about information reports. We have had lots of fun researching and learning lots of new facts about new animals. When we write our information reports we first put our information into a fact file which helps us to organise our information into the correct headings. We can then start putting our facts into sentences to write our report.



The 1/2 Students are Typing Champions!

The 1/2 Students are Typing Champions!

In Digitech, the 1/2 students are developing their touch typing skills using a program called Typing Tournament. In this program the students complete a series of skills and activities practising different letters and symbols on the keyboard. They start with the ‘home row keys’ where the students learn about where to place their fingers and then as they become more efficient the activities become more challenging. At the end of each level the students complete a test on the keys they have been practising and if they reach a certain level of words per minute they can progress through to the next level. The students get very excited when they reach the goal and progress through to the next level of the program. The students have their Typing Tournament details on their computer cards. This program can be found at

Here are some of our 1/2’s in action …..



News from the Art Room

News from the Art Room

Exciting Yarn Bombing Project

We are about to begin an exciting art project for the Vege Garden. Mrs McLean found a fabulous vintage style bike on the council throw out and has bought it to school. As a way of brightening it up we are going to cover it in yarn.  

In term three we will begin a Crochet/Knitting club on Tuesdays at lunchtime in the Great Space and would love any students who can knit or crochet to join us. Of course students keen to learn to knit or crochet can also join us. I will limit it to Grade 5 and 6 students to begin with and once we know how many keen students we have we can invite the Grade Three and Four students to join us.

We would welcome any donations of scraps of wool and old crochet or knitting needles.

Looking forward to warm Tuesday lunchtimes creating colourful yarn bombing beauties.

Caroline Laming

Visual Art Teacher

In the art room this week

In the art room this week

This Week has been all about our portfolio pieces.

The Grade one and two students have just completed a unit on Paper skills and collage and this week they created some amazing collages of imaginary creatures. Check them out in the Great space.


Students in Grade Five and Six have been investigating creating tints and shades and this week they painted an Abstract artwork.


Naplan Tests

Naplan Tests

Hi everyone.

Last week the Year 3’s and 5’s completed the Naplan tests for writing,reading and maths. Naplan is a group of tests completed by all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 throughout Australia.

Some students found these tests hard because we needed to answer lots of questions but others really enjoyed doing them. In writing we wrote about our ‘Big Idea’ and we only had 40 minutes to finish it in. In the reading test we had to read some different passages and answer questions about what we read and this time we only had 5o minutes to do the test. In Maths we also did a 50 minutes test about lots of the topics we have been learning about in Maths this year and last.

We are all now happy because we don’t have to worry about Naplan tests until we are in Year 7. We get our results for these tests in August.


New furniture from the PA

New furniture from the PA

At the end of last week, we had a very exciting delivery of new furniture.

Some brand new tubs were bought for the Prep rooms to replace the tubs that are getting very worn, and to match the rest of their furniture.




We also have some ‘Intensive Teaching Tables’ which are going into some classrooms to help teachers with small group work and student conferencing.


This specialised furniture has been purchased with funds raised by the PA at the end of last year.

Thank you Parents’ Association for all of the amazing work that you do to make sure that our students have access to fantastic resources.

3/4 Maths games

3/4 Maths games

Today the Year 3/4 classes spent time in groups playing maths games which enabled them to practice their mental and written computation strategies. The games involved elements of chance, data and strategy. They incorporated solving algorithms using addition, subtraction and multiplication.


Mother’s Day at Holy Trinity

Mother’s Day at Holy Trinity

Today on the 11/5/18 we celebrated an early Mothers Day. We had a Mothers Day stall from 9:00am-11:00am where we got to buy special gifts for our mums. We also did some Mother’s Day activities and after lunch we had a special Mother’s Day afternoon tea. Last year and few other years before we had a Mother’s Day breakfast and this year we have decided to have a Mother’s Day afternoon tea instead. We hope our Mums enjoyed the afternoon tea and have a good Mother’s Day this Sunday. Here are some photos that have been taken at our Mother’s Day afternoon tea ……


Friendship Group Paper Planes Activity

Friendship Group Paper Planes Activity

Last Friday (4th May) our Friendship Groups had a paper plane making and flying contest to build our understanding of the meaning of OPTIMISM. Optimism means to look on the bright side of things such as if I don’t come first this is still good because I still tried my best. It is okay if someone else was better and I should be happy for them as well.  Lots of students created some very original designs and many of these flew a long way in our competition. There was one competition for the plane that flew the longest, another was for the plane that stayed in the air the longest and another was for which plane flew in the straightest line. Congrats to all the people who got an award!.

Here are a couple of pictures from our paper planes contest.