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Author: Stephanie Rooney

1/2R Information Reports

1/2R Information Reports

In 1/2R this term we have been learning about information reports. We have had lots of fun researching and learning lots of new facts about new animals. When we write our information reports we first put our information into a fact file which helps us to organise our information into the correct headings. We can then start putting our facts into sentences to write our report.





Last Friday, we celebrated Holy Trinity’s Feast Day and Carnevale!

We started the day with a school parade and then got to the watch each year level preform a dance they had been working on in Italian. The dancers were great! Next all the students got to show of their costumes by doing a lap around the basketball court, it was great to see everyone’s wonderful costumes.
The other highlights of the day were the gelati van, the making of the italian masks and the comedy and singing show at the end of the day.

It was a wonderful day and everyone has lots of fun!

