1/2 Level Maths

1/2 Level Maths

On Monday all 1/2 classes contributed in level maths.

Miss McGing’s  group was learning how do an array by using dice and playing array bingo.

Miss Rooney and Mrs. Rodrigo’s maths  groups were learning how to complete repeated addition by showing them how many smiley faces are in the bag .eg. 4+4+4+4+4=20

Mrs. O’Brien group was learning how to solve worded problems .eg. John had 8 cookies  and gave 5 two Eliza how many does he have left?

Overall, it sounds like all the 1/2 students learnt a lot of new Maths skills whilst having lots of fun.

Level Maths in 5/6

Level Maths in 5/6

In the 5/6 classrooms we are starting a new way of learning maths. Every Monday after recess for about 45 minutes the 5/6 students split up into groups based on our level of learning in Maths. We may have a different teacher to our normal classroom teacher and our groups can change depending on the topic we are learning about.

Here is some of our good fraction work from this week’s Level Maths session.

Summer Sports Day Two (Cricket)

Summer Sports Day Two (Cricket)

On Wednesday, the 29th of August the year 5/6 cricket team played in our second day of Summer Sports Round Robin. We competed against other schools that played well in the first day of competition. 

In our first game we played against Bayswater South and sadly we lost by one run. The final score 115 to 116.

In our second game we played against St. Bernadette’s and despite playing well we lost by ten runs 124 to 134.

In our final game we played Scoresby Primary School and won by 100 runs.

Overall the 5/6 boys cricket teams had a successful Summer Sports Round Robin competition.

Well done boys!


Lego Engineering in the 5/6 Level

Lego Engineering in the 5/6 Level

In 5/6 level we have continued the Lego Engineering program this term as part of building STEM into our learning at Holy Trinity. Last week one of the projects we built was a rescue jeep. We learnt about how a winch is used to pull different vehicles out when they get stuck in mud, water or sand. As well of having fun we learnt how when the winch works by itself when we added a battery. When most of the groups completed their model they worked on trying to improve it by pulling a heavier load or making the winch work faster. Here are a few of the students in 5/6 D in action……



Softball Summer Sport

Softball Summer Sport

On the 9th August, 2018 the 5/6s were chosen to represent our school in Summer Sports Round Robin against other schools in Softball.

In our first game for the boys team the scores were 1-3 an we lost by two home runs.  In our second game for the boys, the scores were 7-0 and we played a really good game winning by 7 runs. In the last game for the boys it was a really tough one because the scores were 1-13 and we lost by 12 home runs. So in total the boys team for softball won 1 and lost 2 games.

In the Girls team competition they won both of their games for this day. The first game they won 7-0 with 7 home runs more than the other team. In the second game the Girls team played they won by 5 with the scores 9-4.

We are lucky enough to play a second day of competition in a couple of weeks on Wednesday 29 August.

Here is a few of us in action …..

5/6 Summer Sports Tennis

5/6 Summer Sports Tennis

Last week the 5/6s were were lucky enough to have their first summer sports day. They had a choice to play tennis, softball, volleyball or cricket. I will be telling everyone about how we did at tennis.

In the first game the boys A team played against Sr Bernadette’s and we won 7 to 4. In the next the Boys A team went up against Wattleview and we lost 1 to 11. In the third match HT played against Knox Gardens and we defeated them 11 to 1.

In the boys B team games HT played against Wantirna South, they won against us 4 to 7. After that was HT vs Wattleview again, we lost 0 to 12. There was then HT vs Scoresby, and we won 10 to 2.

In the girls A team games HT lost their first game against Wattleview 0 to 12, won their second game against Scoresby 10 to 2 and their third game against Knox Gardens 10 to 2.

In the girl B games HT won their first game against Boronia 7 to 5. The other two games were against boys teams with one game against St. Bernadette’s boys which ended up 6 all but on a count back they won more points altogether meaning they won the match. In their last match they played Wantirna South Boys and lost 3 to 9. The girls B team will automatically play in a final in our next round.

Overall the 5/6s had a lot of fun participating in tennis summer sports.

3/4 Science Incursion

3/4 Science Incursion

On Monday the 13th of August, the Grade 3/4’s were lucky enough to have a Scientist from Melbourne University come and do some amazing science experiments with us.

Ms Pike spoke with us about the forces of gravity and then demonstrated those forces using an egg, toilet roll, carton and a cup of water! (All things you could find at home!).

She then told us about an experiment called “elephant’s toothpaste” where some students got to volunteer to help her mix yeast and water, as well as food colouring, dishwashing liquid and hydrogen peroxide into a bottle. The result was fantastic. Here it is in action!

Our Preps are flying in Digitech

Our Preps are flying in Digitech

Our Prep students are working hard on their touch typing skills using Typing Tournament. This program teaches the students to use all of their fingers (on both hands) when using the keyboard. I would encourage all students to try to log into this program at the following site ….. https://goo.gl/vsdhsY

Here is a few more of our Prep students in action …..


Art Room Fun

Art Room Fun

Grade One and Two students have been investigating drawing insects and using water colour paint to colour them. They only received red, blue, yellow, purple, white and black paint and mixed and blended to create some beautiful colours and tints. What a creative and talented bunch 😃

Preps in Digitech

Preps in Digitech

In term 3 the Prep students are learning to log on using an individual username and password (instead of the generic one that they all used at the beginning of the year). This means that logging on takes a bit longer because each student is required to type in a few more letters but they can also get to use their own Google accounts a lot more.

One newer program that the Preps are beginning to use is called Typing Tournament which is an online program designed to develop touch typing skills. As part of this program the students complete a series of activities working towards completing a touch typing test. The program is very engaging and it tracks the students progress as their skills develop.

Here are a few of our Prep students in action …..


5/6 level Movie

5/6 level Movie

On Tuesday all of the 5/6 level watched the movie Apollo 13 as part of our Inquiry topic for this term where we are learning about space. During the movie we all had to take notes and afterwards we had a quiz to see how well we listened and understood what was happening. We all were shocked when it looked like the 3 astronauts were not going to make it back to Earth.

Everyone enjoyed the movie and I think we all learned a lot about space and particularly about how difficult it is to be an astronaut.

Look out for these great new books in the library

Look out for these great new books in the library

We have been adding to our fiction book collection so make sure you check out the new book display stands when you visit the library.

Included in our new books are several copies of The 104-Storey Treehouse by Andy Griffiths.  We were lucky enough to  have an autographed copy of this book donated to the library by Zach Davy from 5/6D.  A big thank you goes to Zach! Will you be lucky enough to borrow this copy?

For Adrian Beck fans (there are many at HT and St Mary’s since his visit in July) look out for  Speccy-Tacular AFL stories – short stories about footy by Adrian and other fabulous authors. We also have several new copies of Alien Zoo … Good as New! – the second Alien Zoo book. Don’t forget you can reserve a copy if they are all out on loan?


Suessical the Musical

Suessical the Musical

Wow what a musical! On Wednesday the 25th of July the Year 4 students were lucky enough to travel to the Whitehorse Arts Centre to see the Emmaus production of ‘Suessical’ the musical, and what a fantastic day it was. It was fun, engaging and had lots of energy.

Here are some quotes from the students…

“ The dances were very well done- The wickersham brothers in particular were fantastic. Lucas Faundez was fantastic”

“Cat in the hat was a fantastic character to watch, very engaging and funny. The fortnight/flossing dance was my highlight!”

“The energy from the chorus made the show!  Very powerful voices from the principal actors”

“The costumes were excellent”

Although the students missed their lunch break, all agreed it was worth it to see the amazing and talented performers!

Author Visit, Adrian Beck

Author Visit, Adrian Beck

Yesterday our Yr 1 to 6 students and staff were excited about listening to author, Adrian Beck. He shared his experiences as an author and the inspiration that has influenced his writing ideas. We all found it humorous that he tried to convince us of the similarities between soccer legend, David Beckham and him. However as it turned out, it was no surprise that the only similarities were that they both share a surname that kind of sounds the same. Adrian’s visit was a fabulous success. He had the whole crowd laughing, listening and learning. Adrian also took the time to autograph students’ personalised copies of his books. It was such a great experience for the students that no doubt they will remember. A big thank you to our Librarian, Vivian Taylor who organised this event.

5/6’s Planetarium Incursion

5/6’s Planetarium Incursion

On Monday the 16th of July the 5/6 students had a space incursion where we learnt about the planets and stars. We all went into a huge inflatable cave in the MPR that looked a bit like a jumping castle but it wasn’t for jumping on.

We learned that Jupiter has lots of moons and with some being named after Galileo Galilei who was the first to see them. We also learnt that the first planet that you will see outside at night is Mercury. It often appears just after 7 o’clock but Mercury will also be the first one to disappear out of the sky. There are many star formations to look out for in the sky such as the Scorpion and the Southern Cross. 

There have been many space missions to the moon but recently people have not been as interested in flying there. Now there is a new competition called Google Lunar X where space companies are trying to build up more interest in going into space again. Part of this competition is trying to make space travel more sustainable for the future.

Related image

Back To The Moon For Good is a video related to the Google Lunar X Prize.

 Image result for back to the moon for good

Here is a video link that teaches more about this mission……

Back To The Moon For Good 

Fun in the art room

Fun in the art room

The students have started Term Three in the art room enthusiastically. 

Grade Prep students enjoyed  the wonderful story ‘Rudie Nudie’ and then made bathtime paintings.

Grade One and Two studemts have started a unit on Drawing and showed real improvement in their drawing skills as well as learning how to rule straight lines using a ruler.

The Grade Three and Four students continued their Paper Skills unit and folded, fringed and curled paper. Look out for some awesome art work coming soon!

The Grade Five students showed enthusiasm and persistence as they learnt to Crochet this week. We will be continuing to master this skill in the weeks ahead as we get ready to Yarn bomb the Vintage bike in the Vege Garden.

The Grade Three and Four Special Artist Group began planning their designs for the terracotta pots they will be painting.

The Grade Five and Six Special Artist group began creating their designs for a mural in the Harmony Garden.

What a productive and wonderful week in the Art Room, sorry there are no photos we were too flat out working to take any 😂


Highlights of Term 2!!!

Highlights of Term 2!!!

Term 2 has been a very exciting and action packed term with so much learning taking place. Some of the main highlights for the term included our school’s Colour Fun Run, 5/6 camp, NAPLAN, Genius Hour projects, Holy Trinity Feast day including religious song writer Andrew Chinn, 3/4 Excursion to the Zoo, St. Mary’s Cricket program, Level Masses, Mothers Day celebrations, District Athletics and much more. These are some of the memories that we can reflect on and celebrate about during this term.

We hope everyone has a terrific school holiday break!



5/6 Genius Success

5/6 Genius Success

The 5/6 students have produced magnificent work about our topic this term, Sustainability. All of the 5/6 classes have been creating ‘Genius Hour’ projects where they can research, experiment, present and teach others about something they wanted to learn about. They could work in groups or independently.

Genius Hour sessions are full of questions, ideas, occasional road blocks and problem solving.

Beatriz Panlilio has kindly agreed to share her presentation that she made about ‘Climate Change’.

Well done to all 5/6s!