5/6 Chance and Data Day

5/6 Chance and Data Day

On Friday November 9, the 5/6 students participated in Chance and Data day. It was an opportunity for each of us to dress up like we were going to the races and lots of us really got into the theme of the day. The students participated in a series of mathematical activities to get a better understanding of chance and data including probability with a die, percentages with the hmmmmmm game and odds with picking cards. They also learned a little bit of the history of the Melbourne Cup and watched a couple horse races. We all seemed to have lots of fun as well as learning a thing or two.

Here are the 5/6s in action ……


Book Fair time again!

Book Fair time again!

Our library has turned into a book store for our annual Scholastic Book Fair!

Students are able to visit before and after school on Monday 12/11, Tuesday 13/11 and Wednesday 14/11.

Parents are welcome anytime!  Books start at $5 and suit a wide range of ages and  interests.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Art room News

Art room News

The wheels are in motion. A group of clever nimble fingered students are busy ‘yarning’ over their crochet and knitting pieces as we prepare to yarn bomb the bike. Hopefully we have a new group of students starting up next week. Keep your eyes on the vintage bike in the great space 👀


1/2 Ceres Excursion

1/2 Ceres Excursion

On the Wednesday, 24th of October the 1/2’s went on a Excursion to CERES to learn about the different nationalities and what they do. They learnt that the Africans collected water, the Indonesians dressed up in their national costumes, the Australians painted their bodies in ochre and lastly the Indians made bracelets and candle holders. The students also got to paint rocks.

Here are some pictures of what the 1/2 students in action ….

Juice, lollies and Icy Pole Stand (5/6 Community Drive)

Juice, lollies and Icy Pole Stand (5/6 Community Drive)

In RE in term 3 the 5/6’s were learning about how we could help people and how fortunate most people are in our school. We learnt that St. Vincent de Paul was a society that helped give those in need so the 5/6’s decided to set up stalls around the school to raise money for St. Vinnies. Our stalls included things like: lollies, toys, slime and other things for other students to buy.

My group (Luca, Ben S, Jack J and myself) were selling lollies, icy poles and juice and we successfully raised $53.80. The most popular groups were the ones that sold ice-cream, toys and cakes. Overall the 5/6’s were able to raise over $2,000 which is a great achievement!

5/6 D Day of Fun

5/6 D Day of Fun

If the students have worked well over the term they have a D.O.F.  It is very noisy with a lot of singing and dancing but  a lot of fun.  Bradley thinks it makes a day at school feel like a day in toy store!

Reading buddies

Reading buddies

This week we have been celebrating Literacy and Numeracy week, and have been exploring different books and doing many fun activities. One of the activities that 3/4 R were lucky to do was buddy reading with 1/2 M! The students from 1/2 M came to visit us on Wednesday morning and did some fantastic reading with us. We can’t wait to do it again!

Growth Mindset, How Parents Can Instill a Growth Mindset at Home

Growth Mindset, How Parents Can Instill a Growth Mindset at Home

A Growth Mindset is a powerful way that helps us grow and learn everyday. As coeducators, parents play an important role in helping their child to develop a postivie way of thinking to promote learning. Knowing how to nuture our child’s way of thinking that encourages learning can sometimes prove to be challenging.  The ‘Growth Mindset’ website provides a very supportive information and ideas to build and foster your child’s mindset.  The ‘Say This Not That’ interactive part will provide some very specific dialogue that you can use with your child.


Procedure writing in 1/2

Procedure writing in 1/2

The Grade 1/2 students have just started to learn how to write procedures.

This morning 1/2M and 1/2O has lots of fun learning how to bake mini blueberry muffins with Miss McGing. We learned about the structure of a recipe and wrote the procedure in our writing books so we can make them at home one day! We hope we can make more recipes so our procedure writing can continue to develop.


Abigail – I liked writing and putting the patty pans in the tin.

James – I liked eating them because they were really yummy.

Maddy – I liked working together and eating the muffins.

Zeke – When we were doing the method, I learnt how to make mini blueberry muffins.



School Concert

School Concert

On September the 11th the whole school got together to perform our school concert. Our concert theme was ‘It’s a musical world!’ and it was about all the people in the audience being the passengers on a ‘plane’ and visiting countries throughout the world. Every class was a country and after lots of rehearsals including practising in our costumes and practising on the stage we were ready for our big night. So many people have said what an amazing and incredible performance it was and it was all thanks to Signora Formichelli and all the help she got from our wonderful community. Everyone had such a great time and the parents enjoyed watching their children and trying to find them through all the smiling faces onstage!

During the day we all got on the buses and headed off to Crossway to practise on the stage and to learn where everything was going to take place for the evening. It was a big day of practise so it was nice to have a bit of a break at home before we got changed into our costumes ready for our big performance.  Everyone did so well with their dances and for the year 5/6’s, it was a wonderful last concert to remember.

We all had a marvellous time, and we captured the night by some photos, here is the photos from the night:



‘Surfs Up’ in the Art room

‘Surfs Up’ in the Art room

Students from Grade Five and Six D have been working super hard in the art room to finish their surfboards for the School Production. I am so proud of the way they worked together. It was loud and messy but the boards look awesome. Thank you to Mrs. Georges who helped so much with all the clean up.




Concert Dress Rehersal

Concert Dress Rehersal

Today (Friday the 7th of September) the whole school got dressed up in their costumes for our concert dress rehearsal in the Community Hall. Everyone was so excited to see what we all looked like and we particularly enjoyed seeing what the other classes dances looked like. Each class had some 5/6 student helpers who helped with costumes and with assisting the students to move to the right position. Everyone looks amazing in their costumes and Signora Formichelli has done a fantastic job with putting our whole concert together.

Here is a sneak peak of what our concert looks like.

5/6 Summer Sports Day 2 (Softball)

5/6 Summer Sports Day 2 (Softball)

Congratulations to all the 5/6 boys and girls who participated in Inter-school softball last week

The girls did really well for softball and they won 4 out of 4 games. The girls made it through to the next round where they will be playing against winning schools from other divisions. The boys also played well and improved throughout the competition.

We learnt a lot of very good tips on how to play softball especially how to sneak.

Thanks to Mr. Rodgers and Miss Ryan for taking us for Softball.

Gravity Fun in Prep L!

Gravity Fun in Prep L!

In Prep L we have been learning all about gravity. We have had fun exploring with different items in the classroom and seeing how long they take to reach the ground. Here are some of the students thinking around gravity –

‘Gravity is like a big magnet. It pulls us down so we don’t float away to space!’ (Emily)

‘Space does not have gravity because things float up there.’ (Pierre)

‘The more mass an object has, the quicker it will fall to the ground when we let it go!’ (Henry) 

‘Gravity pulls everything down on earth.’ (Grace)