Holy Trinity and St Mary’s Art Show 2022

Holy Trinity and St Mary’s Art Show 2022

Exciting times in the Art room this term as we begin to get creative in preparation for our
2022 Art show

‘We are Australian’

Opening night is Tuesday 6th of September. There will be a parent wine and cheese on before the show begins, more details about that will follow shortly.

The show will also be open for viewing on Wednesday 7th September 830-9am and 3.30- 4pm Thursday 8th September 830-9am

its going to be a wonderful community event so please keep the dates free.

The amazing Holy Trinity and St Mary’s artists have begun working on a variety of Here’s  a few sneak peeks at some of their work.


Solar System Projects Have Begun in Yr 5!!

Solar System Projects Have Begun in Yr 5!!

This Term the Year 5 students are learning all about the Solar System. One of the learning tasks is to create a model of the Solar System. The student were very excited to begin creating their Solar System projects this afternoon. They will continue to work on their projects at school next week and we are looking forward to the finished result.

Magic at HT!!

Magic at HT!!

On Thursday 23rd June we were very lucky to have Tim Mason from the Melbourne Magic Academy come to our school to entertain the students with his magic show! It was lots of fun and the students had a great time. We are hoping to get magic classes started at HT  -more information about this will be coming soon. Check out Tim’s website for information about his classes and shows: https://www.magicacademy.com.au/

Click on the link below to see highlights of the magic show:

Have a great break everyone!

Ciao a presto

Signora Formichelli

Maths Board Games

Maths Board Games

On Monday, the Year 6’s began working in groups to create their own ‘maths related’ board game. We have been working together on these games during Maths sessions throughout week and tomorrow (Friday) we will get an opportunity to play some of these games in our class. Some of the games included Monopoly, Wordle and Calculate to the top.

Overall, making our own maths board games fun and we are looking forward to reviewing and playing these games with one another.

Here are a few of our groups making the games this week ……

Winter sports (Football)

Winter sports (Football)

Last Thursday a team of 5/6 students were chosen to represent HT in football at Lewis Road Oval. We played three games. In the first game we played against Boronia K-12 where we won by about 6 goals. In the second game we played against Bayswater West where we played well but were beaten by about 30 points. In our final match we played against Scoresby and played a great game where we won by 45 points.

Overall, everyone had a lot of fun representing HT and wish we could have played more matches together.

Here are a few photos from our day ……

Narrative Writing Groups

Narrative Writing Groups

In Year 6 this term we have been focussing on developing our narrative writing skills. As we wrap up our narrative writing unit this week we had the opportunity to showcase our skills by writing a narrative as a group. Each group got a prompt and a story starter then as a group we worked together to compose a detailed narrative. Some of the topics we wrote about include a boot in a forest that miraculously took a step forward, a girl named Astrid who was holding an imaginary light and four friends who got stuck in a jungle with a portkey.

Overall, everyone has had lots of fun working in their groups and enjoyed the opportunity to combine our great ideas together.

Check out some year 6’s working in their groups.

Winter School Sports (T-Ball)

Winter School Sports (T-Ball)

On Thursday 16 June, two teams were chosen to represent Holy Trinity at T-Ball against other schools in the Scoresby District at Gilbert Park.  Team A had mainly Grade 6 students and Team B had mainly Grade 5 students. Team A won all of their games (3 out of 3) against Kent Park, Scoresby and the other HT team and this meant that they will go to the next level of competition. Team B also played well winning 2 out of their 3 games against Kent Park and Scoresby and only losing to Team A.

Overall, both Holy Trinity T-Ball teams played really well and displayed the TORCH values throughout the day.

Here are a couple of photos from the day ….

Winter School Sports (Soccer)

Winter School Sports (Soccer)

Last Thursday (16 th May), two teams of 5/6 students were chosen to represent HT & St. Mary’s at soccer. We all travelled to the Knox Park grounds by bus and each team played three games of soccer against the other schools.

In the boys games they scored 3 goals against Bayswater West, no goals in their match against St. Jude’s and 2 goals against Boronia K-12.

In the girls games they scored 1 goal against Bayswater West, no goals against St. Jude’s and 1 goal against Boronia K-12.

Overall, both teams played really well and represented our school with pride. Well done girls and boys!

Here are a few pictures from the day ……

Push Race Cars

Push Race Cars

In Science at the moment the Year 1 students are learning about the forces of push and pull. As part of this topic the students built a Lego car model that used an elastic band to power the car a bit like a wind-up toy. Our Year 1 students were lucky enough to build this model with the Year 6 students and then they got to test and race them against other students in the class.

Overall, the students learnt a lot about how you can power a car without needing a motor to get it to work just like the forces of push and pull.

Here are the students in action …..

This is one of our races between the different Lego models that the students built ……

Prep Digitech Classes

Prep Digitech Classes

This term in Digitech the Prep students have been working hard developing their keyboarding skills using the BBC typing program. The Preps have been learning about using all of their fingers when typing, keeping a straight back by making sure our chair is pushed in and looking at the screen. Here is a few of our Preps in action during our typing sessions in Digitech this term.

In addition, the Preps have been developing their skills with using a mouse whilst using the Pivot animator program. This program involves moving a stick figure around using your mouse. Through creating a series of movement frames the students are able to create a video animation which we all enjoy watching together.  In our latest project the Prep were required to get the stick figure climb across the monkey bars. The students have a lot of fun using this program but also learn that to be successful with using the program you need to take your time and be patient.

Here is a picture of what one our Prep students was able to create …..

Overall, we are very proud with how much the Preps have progressed with their ability to navigate around the computer in the first half of this year and we have lots more exciting plans for our Digitech learning next term.



On Friday the 27th of May, the 3/4’s and 5/6’s participated in a downball competition. The team from Downball Australia came to HT to teach us the game including giving us some expert tips and we all learned how to play officially play downball (old school edition).  It was a very fun day where we were able to have a epic grand final for each year level.

Congrats to the winners who were Brody, Sam, Joshua, Sean, Matthew, and Elliott.

Here is a video from our day ……

Written by Angel and Finn



On Thursday 9th June we celebrated Italian day and Trinity Feast Day. It was a great day with many wonderful activities including a parade, Roman bulla making, Ancient Rome escape room, bocce, Trinity feast day activities and mass. Check out the video link showing highlights of the day!



PJ Day Donations!

PJ Day Donations!

Hi HT!

Our Mini Vinnies would like to thank everyone for all of your fantastic donations for our PJ Day!

Our school raised over $550 as well as a massive car load full of grocery donations. 

St Vincent de Paul will love all these wonderful donations which will hopefully help some of the needy people in our community.

Grade 5’s in their PJ’s!!!!


Thank you for all of your support and help with making our PJ Day a success!

By Chantal, Saraya, Eden, Caden and Belle

District Cross Country

District Cross Country

On Wednesday, May 25,  a group of students from Years 3 to 6 were selected to represent HT and St. Mary’s at the District Cross Country around Knox Athletics Centre. These students were the ones that were in the top places from our school cross country races in March.

The students in Years 3 and 4 were required to run 2km and the students in Years 5 and 6 ran 3km. As always it was a tough event but HT & St. Mary’s performed very well.

These are the students that qualified for the next level of Cross Country representation …..

Luke W, James W, Wyatt C, Lachlan G, Liam D, Jackson R, Brodie R, June B, Grace S, James G, Avery W, Olivia H (Years 3 & 4) Darcy B, Oliver W, James G, Eden W, Amelia F, ( Ella D, Nathan P, Abbey G, Mya D, (Years 5 & 6)

Overall, Holy Trinity came first at the District Cross Country which is an awesome result and a credit to everyone for their hard work.

Here are a few photos from our the event ……

Year 6 Confirmation

Year 6 Confirmation

On Thursday (26th May) many of our year 6 students celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Jude’s Church.  The ceremony began with carrying into the church with a special lantern that we decorated at our ‘spirit’ day. This same lantern will also be used for Graduation. When it was time for each of the candidates to be confirmed we went up to Fr. Tony who placed some oil on our forehead as a symbol of our commitment to God as our sponsor placed their hand on our right shoulder. It was special to be able to celebrate such an important milestone in our Catholic journey with our families and classmates.

Here are a few photos from our beautiful Confirmation evening …..

Living or Non-living?

Living or Non-living?

Prep Blue enjoyed the brief sunshine today looking for living and non-living things.  Their task was to find them and stand next to them. They found living things as some stood next to trees, leaves, their teacher and one even got so lucky standing next to her sister! Talk about perfect timing!

They found non-living things as some stood next to the play equipment, bench, poles and even a bin! Some were even standing on rocks! Then we celebrated because we nailed it!

National Reconciliation Week 2022

National Reconciliation Week 2022


To mark National Reconciliation Week (27th May – 3rd June) the Year 5 students listened to Thomas Mayor, author of the story book “Finding Our Heart”, explain why he wrote the story. He also read the story aloud during the video we viewed.

Finding Our Heart, A Story about the Uluru Statement for Young Australians  by Thomas Mayor | 9781741177176 | Booktopia

The Year 5 students reflected on the 2022 theme of Reconciliation Week “Be Brave, Make Change” and designed posters which included messages about how we, at Holy Trinity and St Mary’s, can work together to treat everybody equally and fairly.