Stunning Stars For Christmas

Stunning Stars For Christmas

This year Knox Westfield contacted us to ask if we were interested in decorating two stars to be displayed at Knox Shopping Centre. Of course we said “Yes”.

Some very talented and committed Year 5 and 6 artists spent several recesss, lunchtimes and afternoons designing and painting these beautiful stars.

The brief was ‘Starry Starry Night’, so we decided to paint one of the stars in the style of Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night. Nicky drew and painted Santa’s sleigh and reindeers flying across the sky. Lara, Cara, Alexa and Michaela added a Christmas tree, elves and presents. Everyone helped to paint the sky and stars in the style of Van Gogh.

We decided to do the Nativity on the other star, in keeping with the brief we went with a night time version. Marilyn designed the nativity scene and Emily S,  Yvonne, Parthi and Kayden drew and painted angels and the surrounding hills.

Well done everyone they look awesome.

We don’t know whereabouts in the centre they will be displayed, so if  you’re shopping at Knox keep your eye out and see if you can find them.




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