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Gravity Fun in Prep L!

Gravity Fun in Prep L!

In Prep L we have been learning all about gravity. We have had fun exploring with different items in the classroom and seeing how long they take to reach the ground. Here are some of the students thinking around gravity –

‘Gravity is like a big magnet. It pulls us down so we don’t float away to space!’ (Emily)

‘Space does not have gravity because things float up there.’ (Pierre)

‘The more mass an object has, the quicker it will fall to the ground when we let it go!’ (Henry) 

‘Gravity pulls everything down on earth.’ (Grace)


Our Preps are flying in Digitech

Our Preps are flying in Digitech

Our Prep students are working hard on their touch typing skills using Typing Tournament. This program teaches the students to use all of their fingers (on both hands) when using the keyboard. I would encourage all students to try to log into this program at the following site …..

Here is a few more of our Prep students in action …..


Preps in Digitech

Preps in Digitech

In term 3 the Prep students are learning to log on using an individual username and password (instead of the generic one that they all used at the beginning of the year). This means that logging on takes a bit longer because each student is required to type in a few more letters but they can also get to use their own Google accounts a lot more.

One newer program that the Preps are beginning to use is called Typing Tournament which is an online program designed to develop touch typing skills. As part of this program the students complete a series of activities working towards completing a touch typing test. The program is very engaging and it tracks the students progress as their skills develop.

Here are a few of our Prep students in action …..


Discovery Centres in the Prep Level

Discovery Centres in the Prep Level

Today in Prep we had Discovery Centres! It is a relaxed environment where the students can experiment with their learning.

We had a variety of activities that students could choose from. Some of the activities included making and continuing patterns, practising sight words, recognising and making numbers and writing sentences. At the end, students got to share what they’d been learning about with the other Preps.

Discovery Centres is so much fun!
Graphing in Prep L

Graphing in Prep L

Prep L have enjoyed learning all about graphs this week! The photo displayed is a graph we made to represent the boys and girls in our class. From this graph we know that –

“There are fourteen girls” (Ezekiel)

“There are twelve boys” (Sienna)

“There are more girls than boys on the graph (Grace)

“There are less boys than girls on the graph” (Alex)

“If Luella and Emmerson were in our class today, there would be sixteen girls in total” (Henry)

“The number down the bottom tells us how many people there are without counting” (Wyatt)

“We can see that there are 26 people in total on the graph” (Olivia and Chris)

“Graphs help us sort out our information” (Owen)

Mindfulness and Meditation in Prep H

Mindfulness and Meditation in Prep H

It has been a very busy start to the year with lots of fun and learning for our new preps!

As part of our Integrated Studies unit, we practise mindfulness everyday as a way to keep our minds healthy. We have started a mindfulness journal to record our daily thoughts and feelings and rest our bodies with a short meditation to put a smile on our mind.

Preps in Tech

Preps in Tech

Recently, in Tech the Preps have been learning about how to use their emails. So many of them were greeted with a huge surprise when they read an email from a special ‘someone’. The way their faces ‘lit up’ with the realisation that someone had sent them a special message was magical. It is a really nice way of showing them how special they are.

Thanks to all the Prep parents for taking the time to organise a special email for your children. Keep an ‘eye out’ over the coming days as the Preps finish their letters and send them to their special person via email. I know they are very excited to share about their first year of school.

The Preps have done lots of amazing work in Tech this year. Well done and enjoy your last few weeks of being a Prep student before you become big Year 1 students!

Mr. Mullavey

Prep Prayer Service

Prep Prayer Service

The Preps and Prep families enjoyed a reverent and peaceful morning remembering Mother Mary. 

Monday the 15th  August was the feast of Mary’s Assumption. The Assumption means that Mary was taken up into heaven not only with her soul, but also with her body.

Thank you Preps and families for joining us.


prayer serviceprayer service 2

Preps enjoying ICT

Preps enjoying ICT

Over the past few weeks in ICT lessons, the Preps have been learning how to take a good photo on the iPads. The photos had to include a head and shoulders photo, a full body photo and a background photo. They learnt how to position the iPad for the best results. We have some budding photographers among our Preps.



This is a background shot from one of our Prep students. What do you think?

Prep ‘Toys In Motion’ Incursion

Prep ‘Toys In Motion’ Incursion

Yesterday we had a special visitor from Monash University. We learnt about lots of different invisible forces such as push and pull, friction, gravity, tension and torque.

We had a fun morning and enjoyed learning new knowledge about how objects move.