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Author: Shannon Mullavey

HT preparing for online learning at home

HT preparing for online learning at home

With a sudden ending to the term, all of HT has been preparing for a new world of learning that may be taking place at the beginning of next term. We explored how programs such as Google Classroom, Screencastify and Google Meet could be used to help support the teachers with their online lessons. In addition, we will continue to encourage students to use online programs such as Mathletics, Essential Assessment, Literacy Planet and Reading Eggs because these programs are based around the Victorian Curriculum and the students are already familiar with using them.

Next term we will continue to use our school blog as an ongoing means of communicating what the students are learning. Keep a regular look out for new posts and don’t be afraid to share your thoughts via the comments section as it only take a couple of minutes.

Here is the teachers hard at work this week (ensuring that we are keeping social distancing) ……

Sandpit Helpers

Sandpit Helpers

At recess and lunchtime many students like to play in our sandpit. We were lucky enough to have some new toys purchased over the school holidays including new buckets, spades and sifters.  All the students who choose to play in the sandpit really enjoy using these new toys.

At the end of each lunchtime all the students who play in the sandpit should help to pack away the sand toys into the containers so that the sandpit is tidy for the next day. This is the way that we like to pack up our sandpit.

Today when the bell rang some of the students who were playing in the sandpit forgot to pack up the sand toys. Fortunately,  these wonderful students stayed behind to help pack up.

Thank you to Tyler, Rafael, Xavier and Randolph for helping to keep our school tidy.

PA Morning Tea

PA Morning Tea

Thank you to our wonderful PA (Parents Association) for the beautiful morning tea that you provided to the HT and St. Mary’s staff this morning. All staff really enjoyed the incredible array of food and appreciate the time and effort the mums in the PA went to prepare the food and organise the staff room.

We are so lucky to have such a supportive community!

Lego Presentations

Lego Presentations

As we are reaching the end of the school year so too are we reaching the end of our school Lego Engineers program for 2019. The students from years 3 to 6 have participated in this program to develop their skills and thinking based around the areas of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The students have a built a variety of different models from catapults to self flipping cars and moonwalking robots. Their skills and knowledge has developed massively in the two years I have been teaching this program and I thank all the students for their enthusiasm during Lego sessions throughout the year.

Over the last few weeks all classes from Years 3 to 6 have participated in a final Lego presentation session where they got to rebuild one of the Lego models taught throughout this year. In addition, each group created a presentation using the Explain Everything app where they showed how their model worked including explaining the forces used to help make the model function efficiently. The students from the prep to year 3 classes were lucky enough to view these presentations and they gave the groups a mark based on the following rubric.

Overall, the presentations were very positive and demonstrated how much the students had learned. Here are a few pictures of these presentations …….

Transition Groups

Transition Groups

If you were to visit Holy Trinity on a Friday afternoon at the moment you will find that the students are all mixed up into different groups and in different classrooms. The reason for this is because all students are participating in our school transition groups program. This program is designed to prepare the students for some of the changes they will encounter when they move into their classes for 2020. The students work together with different students and with a different class teacher to the one they are currently have. During transition groups the students participate in a range of discussions and activities designed to get them to think about the changes that will take place when they go into their new classes and to help them to see that change is a natural part of life. Our transition program takes place instead of Friendship groups over the next few Fridays.

Here are some of our groups in action ……


Digitech Sessions (The Ozobots have landed at HT!!!)

Digitech Sessions (The Ozobots have landed at HT!!!)

Over the last few weeks the students in Digitech have been learning to code using our Ozobots. An Ozobot in a small robot the responds to different colours – mainly red, green, blue and black. When you draw these codes together in different sequences it can make the Ozobot move in different ways. Some of our favourite moves so far have been the Nitro boost (fast speed), tornado (spin around) and backwalk (go backwards) and pause 3 seconds.

Our latest task requires the students to make the Ozobot do a series of moves including right and left turns, change speeds and do a ‘cool’ move such as the backwalk. Another task required the students to complete a bowling challenge where the Ozobot needed to knock over some bowling pins. These challenges  certainly got our brains going.

Here are the students in action during our Ozobot sessions ….

Art Show Preview Video 2019

Art Show Preview Video 2019

After our very successful art show night on Tuesday night here is the video that was put together by Signora Formichelli and some of our 5/6 students who not only performed in the video but put together the different components of the video. Enjoy!!!

TORCH Bearers of Term 2

TORCH Bearers of Term 2

This afternoon at assembly our TORCH bearers of the term were awarded to one special person in each level who displays each of our TORCH values. Our TORCH values of tolerance (T), optimism (O), respect (R), confidence (C) and honesty (H) are at the heart of what we teach at Holy Trinity and provide our students with practical examples of how to live out of school motto of ‘Love One Another’.

Congratulations to Owen (Prep), Tyler (1/2), Olivia (3/4) and Anneliese (5/6) for being such fantastic recipients of the TORCH Bearers for term 2.

3/4 Green Screening Projects

3/4 Green Screening Projects

This term in Digitech the students in the 3/4 Level have been exploring using Adobe Photoshop. As part of this topic the students took a variety of different photos in front of our school’s green screen. The students learnt how to remove the green screen background within the photoshop program and then place the person on an alternative background.  One of the important parts during this process was for the students to imagine themselves as if they were actually in that background and try to replicate this in front of the green screen. The students final project required them to recreate an action shot of them doing something they would like to do. Here are the results of our projects …..

3/4 Digitech Projects

3/4 Digitech Projects

At the moment in Digitech the students in Years 3 and 4 are currently trying to replicate an action shot they have found on the Internet using the our school’s green screen. Examples of such photos include flying through the sky like Harry Potter, trying to defend against Michael Jordan as he flies through the sky and swimming underwater in the Olympics. The students are learning to use Adobe Photoshop to recreate these photos where they use tools such as the magic eraser, cropping, resizing and adjusting the lighting to help make their photos look as realistic as possible. The amount of effort that each student (and their family) has gone to bring along clothing and equipment for these photo shoots has been outstanding and I thank everyone for their tremendous support with this project.

Here are some of the students having their green screening photos taken this week.

Year 4 Lego Sessions

Year 4 Lego Sessions

On Thursday each week the Year 4 students come over to the STEM Lab (or more commonly known as the MPR) for a lego building session. So far the students have built a ferris wheel, conveyor belt and today we built a hand blender (maybe these could be used in the kitchen). By the end of the lesson we have lots of fantastic models and lots of new concepts have been learnt. Here we are in action recently …..

Friendship Groups

Friendship Groups

Every second Friday afternoon the students move into their Friendship Groups(multi aged groups from Prep to year 6) to participate in an activity based around our TORCH values. Our TORCH values are Tolerance, Optimism, Respect, Confidence and Honesty. Our lesson recently was based around Optimism where students created their own rose coloured glasses. The aim of this activity was for students to look at different events with ‘rose coloured glasses’ in order to see the bright side of things.

Here are a few photos taken from our Friendship Group activities a couple of weeks ago…..

Lego lessons in term 2

Lego lessons in term 2

Lego sessions have begun for our Year 4 and 5 students in the MPR (renamed as the STEM Lab). Both year levels are learning about centrifugal and and centripetal forces in machines such as Carousels, Ferris Wheels and Flying Chairs. We have learnt how changing the size of the driving wheel can dramatically affect the speed that our lego models can work at.

Here are our Year 5 students in action this week building their flying chair models…..

Hot Cross Buns

Hot Cross Buns

Thank you to our wonderful mums for all of your hard work with organising the delicious hot cross buns on Friday. We are very lucky to have such a supportive community that help making events like this take place. Happy Easter everyone!

Year 3 Lego Sessions

Year 3 Lego Sessions

In Year 3 we have been busy building lots of different lego designs in the Multi Purpose Room. Some of these models require a motor such as the racing car, laundry drier and motorcycle. Others such as the catapult, spinning top and sailboat did not require a motor. We have been learning about some of the different forces that help to make these lego models work such as momentum, kinetic energy and centrifugal force. The students are amazing in their interest in our Lego unit as well as the knowledge they bring to our discussions.

Here are some of us in action during our Lego sessions …..

Greetings from Waratah Bay

Greetings from Waratah Bay

Hi everyone.

We have arrived to a beautiful day and a lovely camp site.

Our journey was good particularly watching the movies on bus. We stopped off at Coal Creek for a break and bite to eat. On arriving at camp we had lunch, sorted out a cabin groups and organised our activity groups.

This afternoon we completing some activities including the giant swing, obstacle course and surfing.

We will send another post through later on to update everyone of our day.

Here are a few happy snaps from camp …..

Lego Engineering begins in Year 3 with a bang!

Lego Engineering begins in Year 3 with a bang!

This week the Year 3 students participated in the first of our Lego Engineering lessons for this term. These lessons involve the students working together to build an everyday toy or structure using lego. This week the students  built their own spinning top.  The models were fantastic but the real magic occurred when we explored the forces behind why the spinner works. We learnt that the more momentum we give the spinner the longer it will spin provided it maintains its balance. We also learnt how gravity is a force working against the spinner staying up. Students experimented with different ways to increase the momentum of the spinning top such as by adding more weight, turning the launcher with more power and increasing the wingspan of the parts at the top of the spinner. Not all ideas worked straight away but sometimes we learn most from our failed experiments. We are looking forward to our next lego session next week.

Here are some of our groups in action …..


Let the school year begin!

Let the school year begin!

Today (Friday 8 February) marks the end of our first full week back at HT and St. Mary’s for 2019. Our assessment days last week were very successful and helped to give the teachers some good knowledge about where they can help support the students with their learning this year. One big change in 2019 is that all classes now straight grades which will be particularly different for the older levels of our school.

We have also had a lot of classroom changes including the year 4 classes moving over to where the art room and after school care used to be and the year 3 students moving in to the Amazing Space.

In addition, there has been some new ‘sound proofing’ curtains have been added to this space which are really helping with the students learning there.


Parent / Teacher meetings ran smoothly this week and today we all went over to St. Judes to celebrate mass as a parish community. We were lucky to also have recess where we got to play on St. Jude’s playground with all 3 schools together (St. Mary’s, St. Jude’s & Holy Trinity).


It’s hard to believe that we have only been back for a week.

Overall, it has been an ‘action packed’ beginning to the school year and it is great to see so many happy faces as we settle into 2019.

TORCH Bearers of Term 4

TORCH Bearers of Term 4

Congratulations to Bella, Eden, Trent and Daniel for the massive achievement of being awarded the TORCH bearer of the term at this afternoon’s assembly. These students consistently display the TORCH values of Tolerance, Optimism, Respect, Confidence and Honesty in their respected year levels. These students’ photos will be displayed in our office area as a reminder to always try your best at showing these values.