What a Wonderful Show

What a Wonderful Show

Congratulations to all the Holy Trinity artists, your work was wonderful, everyone should feel very proud of themselves.

Well done to the amazing art leaders who spoke so beautifully and created some amazing art and who also worked so hard to help set up the show, I could not have done it without you.

To Signora Formichellii and the talented singing group. What a super video, I think you showcased the joy and happiness of being an Australian through the song and music video.

Thank you to all the class teachers who guided you to create some amazing work in class time.

Thank you to all the teachers and staff who helped me with set up and made the show a wonderful community night.

I can’t wait for 2024😊

Fathers Day Stall

Fathers Day Stall

On Friday the 2nd of September Holy Trinity and St. Mary’s was buzzing with excitement for our Fathers Day stall. This year our Fathers Day stall took place in our Library / Tech area as both the Community and Great Space were being used for our Art Show. The stall felt extra special this year with everyone missing out on these over the past couple of years during the 2020 and 2021 lockdowns.

There were all sorts of wonderful items to buy for our dads, grandpas and other special men in our lives including lots of cool pens, puzzles and there was even a phone jail. The most popular items that were purchased from the stall were sudoku and sumo wrestler bobble head

We are very thankful to all the wonderful mothers who volunteered their time to help both with organising all the wonderful gifts and then to helping sell these items on Friday.

We hope all the wonderful men in our lives have a very Happy Fathers Day.

Here are some pictures from the stall ……..

Mater Christi and St Joseph’s Taster Day!

Mater Christi and St Joseph’s Taster Day!

It was a very exciting day for our year 4 students last Tuesday (30th of August) as they had an opportunity to go to secondary school for a special taster day.  This was a chance for the year 4 students to learn about what life is like at high school as the girls attended Mater Christi College, Belgrave and the boys went to St Joseph’s College, Ferntree Gully.

At Mater Christi the girls made some slime with rubbing alcohol in a science lesson and they learnt how to open a padlock which will be a skill they will need to use when using their lockers in secondary school.

At St Joseph’s the boys made elephant toothpaste and tested out a Tesla coil as part of their science lesson and they  tried out some of the musical instruments which is part of the music program at St. Joes. A few boys commented about the size of a ‘real life’ grand piano.

This is what the students thought about their experience of their secondary school taster day ….

“It was very fun, entertaining and I really like the sport activity.” Liam

“It was an amazing experience and the girls were happy to have us into their community.” Madison

“I liked the science lab and St. Joes was very spacious” Chavez

“It was really fun and the students and teachers were really nice. It was great to see all the art there.” Bella F

“I liked the canteen and indoor basketball court.There as a lot of varieties of musical instruments there.” Sam

Overall, the year 4 students really enjoyed their experience at St. Joseph’s and Mater Christi and are very thankful to the schools for this wonderful opportunity.

Here are a few photos from the day ….

Not long to go till the Art Show

Not long to go till the Art Show

The students are excited to show you the wonderful artworks they have created.

Today some talented Grade 5 artists decorated  letters for our welcome sign with beautiful Australian native flowers. They went all out and they look sensational.
Here’s a sneak peek.

Book Week

Book Week

After many weeks of anticipation the wait was finally over as HT & St. Mary’s celebrated Book Week for 2022. We celebrated with many fantastic events including teachers reading sessions in the library during recess, an exciting scavenger hunt based on characters in classic stories that we all know and the students writing a book of their own based on the major milestones of their life.

One of the major highlights of Book Week was on Thursday when everyone dressed up as their favourite characters. Everyone paraded around the assembly area and the colours of all the costumes along with the cheers of the community was amazing. The parade concluded with each student getting to read their milestone book to a student from another year level.

Another highlight of the week was when the students participated in an exciting scavenger hunt. Posters with clues about main characters in popular books were displayed around the school for everyone to find. Everyone who completed the scavenger hunt had their name put into the draw for a Dymocks book voucher. Kyan from year one was the lucky winner.

Overall, Book Week was a massive hit at HT and St. Mary’s and a big thank you must go out to our amazing literacy leader, Mrs. Dowling, who organized this exciting week.

Here is a video created by Seniora of the Book Week parade.

Art Show

Art Show

The art show is fast approaching and the students have been working hard to complete their artworks. We can’t wait to show you everything we have created.
Here’s a sneak peak of some beautiful framgipanis the Year 3B students have painted.







Penguin Random House Australia

ISBN: 9781760899547



Andrea Rowe
ill. Hannah Sommerville
Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing
ISBN: 9781760500658



Jess Racklyeft
text. Claire Saxby
Allen & Unwin
ISBN: 9781760526047



Michelle Pereira
text. Sandhya Parappukkaran

Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing

ISBN: 9781760509361

If anyone would like more information about these or any of the honour books here is the link:  https://cbca.org.au/winners-2022

5/6 Hoop Time

5/6 Hoop Time

On Friday the 12th of August,  the 5/6’s went to Dandenong Stadium to represent Holy Trinity at the Hoop Time competition. During the day each team played at least four games and many won enough games to qualify for finals. Our All Star girls team made to the grand final but sadly they just lost by 2 points in overtime. This meant that they were able to make it through to the next level which is a fantastic achievement. The All Star boys made it to the finals as well but they lost in the semis against Kent Park.

Each of our Hoop Time teams had at least a win during the day and they were very excited about it. Everyone had a great time and represented our school with the usual pride in the Hoop Trinity uniform.

Here are some photos from the 5/6 Hoop Time day  …..

100 days of Prep

100 days of Prep

On Wednesday the 10th of August our Preps celebrated 100 days of being at school. The day began with a parade of the Prep students in their costumes on the basketball court and then they went to the Community Space to view a slideshow with photos of what we think the Prep students might look like when they are 100. All the Preps dressed up in all things to do with the number 100 such as an older person with a wig and a cain, …. whilst others dressed up with 100 pom poms or 100 spots on their top. Even the Prep staff dressed up as well! All students and staff did an amazing job with their dressing up.

During the day the Prep students participated in lots of different activities to do with the number 100 including making special crowns, making necklaces out of fruit loops and eating popcorn whilst watching movies that have something to do with the number 100. They even got to have a yummy cake!

Overall, the preps loved celebrating being at school 100 days and are excited what the next 100 days might be like.

Here are a few photos from the day ……



ICAS has begun and is well underway with students in years 3-6 completing the English assessment today and Writing and Digital Technologies last week.  The ICAS assessments will take place every Tuesday for the next 2 weeks. The assessments in the coming weeks will include Spelling Bee, Science and Mathematics. These are fantastic assessment opportunities which allow learners to challenge themselves and be recognised for their academic efforts.

NBL Players Come to HT!

NBL Players Come to HT!

On Wednesday the 10th of August, players from the South East Melbourne Phoenix NBL club came to HT. This visit was part of an RRRR incursion for the 5/6 students about managing emotions and feelings. The Phoenix players included Dane Pineau, Ryan Broekoff and Kyle Adnam who came to HT to talk to us about how they deal with the stresses of being professional basketballers as well as taking some time to play games with us on the basketball court. One of the highlights of the visit was that students could bring items for the players to sign. These items have become extra special now that they are autographed by famous NBL players and I’m sure the students will treasure forever.

Here are some photos from our recent NBL visit.

3/4 Hoop Time

3/4 Hoop Time

On the 28th of July, all of the 3/4 students went on a very cool excursion to the State Basketball Centre to participate in the Knox Hoop Time Competition. The students from Holy Trinity and St. Mary’s competed against teams from Mountain Gate and Knox Park Primary schools.

For many students this was the first time they had participated in a competitive basketball match.

This is what a few students thought of the 3/4 Hoop Time day ….

Grace: “I thought the day was very fun and it was nice to come first with my team.”

James: “I  thought it was an amazing day (even better than I thought I would be).”

Hamish: ” It was exciting to be able to play against other schools and I thank Mr. D for organising this for the 3/4 students.”

Charlotte: “Everyone really enjoyed the day and I had a lot of fun playing the games against other teams.”

Holy Trinity had a very successful day winning both the All Star boys and girls competition as well as the Future Star boys and girls taking out the titles in their competitions. More importantly, it was great to see how so many students gained so much confidence as they played more games and how everyone displayed the TORCH values throughout the day.  Overall, the 3/4 Hoop Time was very cool for all the students.

We would like to say a big thank you to all our wonderful parents who volunteered their time with coaching and scoring during the day. Also, another thank you goes to Mr. D for all of his organising of this day and for the 3/4 staff who assisted on the day.

Here are a few photos from 3/4 Hoop Time day.

Is the glass half full or half empty?

Is the glass half full or half empty?

Both Prep Blue and Prep Yellow classes( Prep Green!!!!) had a hands on Maths experience learning about Volume. Everyone had a turn to measure water into different containers and identify which ones were empty, half empty/half full and full.  There were few steady hands and not so steady hands and lots of little helpers to clean up the mess.

We Are Australian – 2022 Art Show

We Are Australian – 2022 Art Show

Here are some of the excited faces you will see at the 2022 Art Show – We Are Australian.
The clever artists at Holy Trinity and St Mary’s used red, white, yellow and black paint to create their own unique skin colour.
They used this painted paper to create a portrait of themselves.
I can’t wait to display these at the art show.



2 Yellow have recently started a new mindfulness activity this past few weeks called Zentangles. It allows the students to calmly draw patterns, practice focusing and taking their time. The students have enjoyed this activity, particularly towards the end of the day when we all need some quiet time. Take a look at some of their amazing patterns.


HT School Song!

HT School Song!

It is my great pleasure to share with the school community our very own school song! The song was written by a group of amazingly talented students. I am so proud of each and every one of them for all the time and effort that went into putting this together. In 2021 these students had the opportunity to be part of a lunchtime Performing Arts club. During these sessions they did some singing and songwriting workshops. During the singing workshops they learnt about different singing techniques and breathing techniques. During the songwriting workshops they learnt about how to structure a song and write song lyrics. We decided to write a song about our fantastic school! 

The students worked in small groups and brainstormed ideas for our song lyrics. They also had a go at coming up with different melodies  for the song. Once we were happy with the lyrics and the melody, the students were lucky to have Jordan Glanville, a professional musician and sound engineer, make the music into a real song. I was hoping that we could go to a professional recording studio to record our song – unfortunately because of COVID we had to put these ideas on hold. 

In 2022 we continued to work on our song and even though we didn’t get to go to a real recording studio, with the help of my very patient husband – we set up our own recording studio here at school! Check out the music video that we created!!

What a wonderful tribute to our amazing school!

Josie Formichelli

Italian/Performing Arts Teacher

Prep Blue Palaeontologists

Prep Blue Palaeontologists

This week Prep Blue is learning about the unit “length” for Maths. So they spent the afternoon today being  palaeontologists looking for dinosaur fossils around the room(oh yeah! we found lots!!!!). They searched, they measured them using their fossil rulers, recorded them on a sheet and of course coloured them at the end.