Learning in the 3/4 Level

Learning in the 3/4 Level

The classes in the 3/4 are learning how to spell by checking their words in a dictionary. Students may move to another classroom or space to participate in spelling group sessions with other students throughout the 3/4 level. The students said that it was really helpful to be in their spelling groups because it helps them with their writing. Here is a couple of students in action ……


Friday Fitness Fun!

Friday Fitness Fun!

For the last 3 weeks, we have enjoyed moving to different groups to participate in Fun Fitness. Each group gets to participate in a different sport. Keeping fit is really important and is a big part of our ‘Wellbeing’ unit this term. There are lots of different activities including gymnastics, bootcamp, volleyball, karate, and lots more. We have one more week left. Our last session is on Friday 16th.

I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching the Irish dancing group and have been extremely impressed with the effort put in. Here are some photos from last Friday.

Catholic Education Visual Arts Exhibition 2018

Catholic Education Visual Arts Exhibition 2018

The artworks accepted into the Catholic Education Visual Arts Exhibition 2018 have been  framed and will be delivered into the city tomorrow. Well done to the students whose work has been accepted, the exhibition includes art work from primary and secondary students throughout Victoria. Details of the event are below. The exhibition is wonderful day out, the quality of the work is always outstanding.

Dates for viewing are as follows :

13 March 2018
VIEWING DAY 9.00 am – 3.30 pm

14 MARCH 2018
VIEWING DAY ​9.00 am – 3.30 pm

15 MARCH 2018
VIEWING DAY ​9.00 am – 3.30 pm

16 MARCH 2018
VIEWING DAY ​9.00 am – 3.30 pm

17 MARCH 2018

18 MARCH 2018
By invitation only 2.30 pm for 3 pm start
CLC is open from 1.30 pm


Tall Ship – Frances Tagle Grade six 2017

 Wild Thing – Araliya Perera Grade Four 2017

 Owl -Catherine – Grade Three

 Monster – Maxwell Mutimer Grade Two 2017

Helping Prep Parents with Home Reading Session

Helping Prep Parents with Home Reading Session

Helping Prep Parents with Home Reading Session

Last Monday afternoon it was great to meet with some of our current and new Prep parents at the Home Reading session.  We discussed some key points and strategies that assist children and parents with easing into home reading, especially as children begin school for the very first time!  Try reading the text below to put yourself in the shoes of a beginner reader.   



                                                     How did you go? 

Table Tennis Fun in 5/6

Table Tennis Fun in 5/6

This year the 5/6’s are lucky enough to be able to play table tennis in the Great Space. The students in 5/6 D are having a ball in playing table tennis against each other at lunch time. We also sometimes get to play against the teachers. Maybe one day we can have a  championship against the teachers. I bet the students would win!

Exciting news from the Art room

Exciting news from the Art room

Congratulations to the following students whose artwork will be displayed at the 44th Annual Knox Council Art Show in the students section.

Keira Lam ‘The Black Mask

Beatriz Panlilio Grade 5/6


Aiden Barker Grade 3/4

Tina Siu Grade 6 2017


The art show will be held at

The Knox Community Arts Centre and Bayswater Senior Citizens Centre

Saturday and Sunday 17th and 18th March 2018.


News from the Art Room

News from the Art Room

Knox Festival Banner

The Art leaders have been very busy designing and painting the banner for the Knox Festival. Here is a sneak peek, we will be revealing the entire banner at our assembly on Friday. The Knox Festival is on March 3-4 at the Wally Tew Reserve in Ferntree Gully. There is awesome food, rides and a talent quest as well as heaps of other things to see including our banner. We hope some families are able to go along and enjoy a fun day out as well as vote for our banner to win a prize.

Italiano e i gesti – Learning Italian through gesture

Italiano e i gesti – Learning Italian through gesture

There will be some changes to the way languages will be offered at our school in 2018. The key changes the children  will experience include:

  • Introduction of a group of focus words each week, which can be used frequently for interacting in the classroom, at school, home and general conversation.
  • Use of gesture to help students learn, understand and remember the vocabulary. Some of the gestures we learn will be based on Auslan sign with a few tweaks where necessary.

An expected learning outcome will be made clear for students – to be able to actively remember and use functional words and simple phrases.

They will share strategies with each other to help the whole class achieve the expected learning outcome.

Students will be encouraged to use the vocabulary they have learnt to speak to each other in class in Italian.

We will continue to adopt the CLIL approach: Content and Language Integrated Learning, which combines teaching content from a curriculum area with the explicit teaching of the Italian language.  We will once again do this through the Performing Arts Curriculum. We are very excited about this unique integrated approach to the learning of a language at Holy Trinity.

It is an innovative approach to the teaching, learning and assessment of  Italian in our school.

Looking forward to an amazing year of Language learning through gestures and the Performing Arts!

Ciao a presto! Signora Formichelli

Fun Fitness Friday

Fun Fitness Friday

On Friday afternoons for the next 4 weeks all the students in HT will participate in the Friday fitness activities. Mrs. Whelan came around and asked everyone which sport they would like to participate in. Some activities available are bootcamp, volleyball, yoga, gymnastics, karate and many more. Here are some photos from Friday’s events …..


Our Preps are Famous!

Our Preps are Famous!

This week the twins in our prep classes made the news in the local Knox Leader. We are very lucky to have so many sets of twins at our school. Make sure you say hi to them (and all our new students) as you see them around HT and St. Mary’s.


Digitech in 5/6

Digitech in 5/6

This term Digitech will look a bit different for our 5/6 students, because they won’t be going to the Tech Lab each week to work on the computers for their lessons like they used to. Instead the students will be lucky enough to participate in the Lego Engineering program where they will get to build lots of different types of machines such as an amusement park carousel, a laundry drier and a conveyor belt. This is part of our new Digital Technologies Curriculum that incorporates STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) within our Digitech lessons. Whilst building different machines our students will be learning about different forces that help to make them function such as centrifugal force, belt transmission and traction. The 3/4 Level will participate in the Lego program next term and then 5/6’s in term 3. All the students are very excited for the program to begin so please keep an eye on our school blog over the coming weeks to see some of our learning in action.

Ash Wednesday at H.T

Ash Wednesday at H.T

Today we celebrated Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. In Lent, we give up things we love (favourite food, ect.). We also give to the less fortunate using Project Compassion.

Father Longinas came over to our school to celebrate mass with our community. We all got ashes put on our forehead, in the shape of a cross as a symbol of new life.

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Welcome to 2018!

Welcome to 2018!

Welcome to a new school year of blogging at HT and St. Mary’s.

It is exciting to see everyone’s happy faces after a restful break. The students are very enthusiastic and ready to learn.

We welcome our Preps and other new students and hope you are settling into school well.

The site of our school blog has changed slightly this year. We encourage you to bookmark the following link to refer to on a regular basis.


Hopefully our school blog continues to provide you with lots of opportunities to gain an insight into the world of learning at Holy Trinity and St. Mary’s. We encourage you to contribute your thoughts to different posts and remember to only use first names and keep all comments positive.

This year the students will be contributing to our school blog on a much larger scale. It will be exciting to see life at HT and St. Mary’s through the eyes of our students.

Keep a look out for more posts to our school blog in the coming days and weeks.

Sign language in Italian

Sign language in Italian

This year at Holy Trinity we have are now learning two languages. We are starting to learn sign language so we can communicate with others who are in the deaf community. We are still continuing Italian and actually learning to sign things while speaking Italian. It is really fun learning how to sign and speak Italian at the same time.

An exciting Art Installation

An exciting Art Installation

In exciting news our School Rainbow Trees were installed last week. The trees were created as part of the Year of Sustainability. During art lessons each student in the school painted a cd that had been donated to us from school families. At a working bee, parents kindly painted some cement sheeting sky blue and then the art Leaders assisted  me by painting two large trees onto the board,  Finally we arranged the cds and glued them on.  The result is amazing and we think it looks fabulous. Come and view it for yourself. It has been installed on the wall of the art room portable.


Art Room News

Art Room News

Congratulations to the following students whose art works have been accepted to be exhibited at the Catholic Education Melbourne Visual Art Exihibition  2018.

Maxwell M ‘Wild Thing’  Grade 1/2R

Araliya P “Monster’ Grade 3/4N

Frances T ‘Tall Ship” 5/6B

Catherine “Owl” Grade 3/4J

Gamers weekly tips #2

Gamers weekly tips #2

Hey HT. Will and I are back here with another post of weekly gamers tips.

Hope you enjoy pls comment your favorite game.

We look forward to hearing from you in the comments soon.

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