‘Natale at HT’ Showcase 2020

‘Natale at HT’ Showcase 2020

The students are very excited to share with you the link to the ‘Natale at HT’ showcase. It was very sad that we couldn’t participate in this year’s whole school concert so this was a way in which the students could still be part of a performance.

Click on this link to view each class performance:


Buon Natale!

Ciao Signora Formichelli

Gratitude reflection – End of Year Mass 2020

Gratitude reflection – End of Year Mass 2020

Students were asked to reflect on the 2020 School Year. This is what students wrote for their class…

Grade Reflection
Prep  Blue In Prep Blue we are grateful for the chance to play with our friends now that we are back at school.
Prep Yellow In Prep Yellow we are grateful for learning about writing recounts. We get yellow cards and Miss Humphris gives us stickers!
1 Blue In 1 Blue we are grateful for getting to spend more time with our family during lockdown. We are also grateful for Sport, Art, Italian, Handwriting and Tech!
1 Yellow In 1 Yellow we are grateful for being back at school so that we can do Art and PE with the class and the teachers again.
2 Blue In 2 Blue we are grateful for our parents who helped us learn during remote learning and we are grateful for our teachers who help us when we get frustrated!
2 Yellow In 2 Yellow we are grateful for coming back to school after lockdown and having a great teacher who is funny and lets us play fun games.
3 Blue In 3 Blue we are grateful for all of Victoria following the Covid rules so we could stay healthy during this difficult time. We are thankful to all our teachers and family for supporting us during online learning and are so happy to be able to see all our friends and family again
3 Yellow In 3 Yellow we are grateful for coming back to school and seeing all the teachers and our friends again. We are also grateful for having the teachers around, by our side, so that we can ask for help whenever we need it. It’s wonderful to have Miss McGing back!
4 Blue In 4 Blue we are grateful for the efforts of all the teachers so that we could keep learning during remote learning. For Miss Mac (our student teacher), and all the hard work Mrs Jamieson put in for us.

We’re also grateful for all the Google Meets during lockdown as seeing our classmates was often the highlight of our day!

4 Yellow In 4 Yellow we are grateful for being able to learn both online and at school throughout the pandemic. We are also very grateful that we were still able to go to year 4 camp – it was great!
5 Blue In 5 Blue we are grateful for our teacher conducting extra Google Meets to explain the learning tasks, and for her always being willing to help anyone that needs it.
5 Yellow In 5 Yellow we are grateful for being able to learn online. We are also grateful that lots of people were still able to work when everything shut down.
6 Blue In 6 Blue we are grateful for our teacher always being available and helping us during remote learning. We are also grateful for the chance to have a leadership role in the school.
6 Yellow In 6 Yellow we are grateful for Mrs Smith who always makes us laugh. We are grateful that our teachers always make learning fun and interesting!
New School Captains for 2021

New School Captains for 2021

Today the 2021 school captains were announced and were presented their badges by our current school captains.

This term the year five students have been preparing themselves for their upcoming leadership roles and part this preparation involved having a leadership day where they learnt about some of the different types of leaders we find in our world, the leadership qualities we admire as well as the different leadership roles available when the students are in year six. Each student was required to write a letter to Mr. Downie informing him of the leadership qualities they display as well as the leadership roles they would like to undertake in 2021. Some students applied for the role of school captain and it was pleasing to see how well the students did in their applications. Well done to our new school captains who have big shoes to fill when Jess, Josh, Sienna and Aiden move onto year seven.

Here is the video of today’s announcement.

End of Year School Mass

End of Year School Mass

Today (Friday 11th December) the HT and St. Mary’s community gathered as a community to remember the 2020 school year. It was the first time we had gathered together as a whole school community since term one and due to COVD regulations we celebrated this mass outside on the basketball court. It was also an opportunity for many of us to meet our new parish priest, Fr. Mark, who joined the St. Jude’s community during our second lockdown. It was a lovely opportunity to reflect on 2020 and Fr. Mark taught us about the similarities between our experiences with COVID and the major disease faced in Jesus time called leprosy.

Thanks for Fr. Mark, Mr. Harvie and all the staff and students for helping to make today’s mass such a special celebration.

Here are a few photos taken during today’s celebration.

Congratulations from the Art Room

Congratulations from the Art Room

Congratulations to the following students whose art work has been selected for the CEM Creative Arts Exhibition 2021.

Vivienne Godressi ‘Rainbow Dreaming’

‘Street Art’

Sienna Hunter

Maxwell Mutimer

Eve Mclean

Gabriella Gazzini


Hamish Watt ‘Love is Everywhere’

Our Cheeky Visitor

Our Cheeky Visitor

This morning when we arrived at school, a cheeky elf was in our classroom and made himself at home! His name is Elfie and he left Prep Yellow a big present as a surprise. The children had to write their predictions as to what they thought was in the huge box. Here are their predictions  –

“I predict there is a race car in the box!” – Oliver W

“I predict there is a robot and an elf in the box!” – Evie 

“I predict there is lolly dynamite in the box!” – Oliver 

“I predict that there is a big blow up Santa in the box!” – Patrick 

“I predict that there are presents in the box!” – Madelyn

“I predict that there is a christmas tree in the box!” – Caitlin

“I predict that there is a giant inflatable Santa in the box!” – Haveen 

“I predict that there will be a monster truck in the box!” – Bastian 

“I predict that there is a dog and christmas tree in the box” – Ria 

“I predict that there are decorations in the box!” – Avery 

“I predict that there is an elf racing car in the box!” – Aarjav

“I predict that there is a Santa or a blow up elf in the box!” – Zara Eg

“I predict that there is an ant farm or a guinea pig in the box!” – Zara Ev 

“I predict that there is a barbie doll in the box!” – Angelina 

“I predict that there is Christmas drinking water in the box!” – Phillip

“I predict that there are 2000 lego pieces in the box!” – Hayden 

“I predict that there is a jet or a car in the box! – Moses 

“I predict that there is Darth Vader in the box!” – Remy

“I predict that there are lots of elves in the box!” – Aarav

Inside the present, the cheeky elf had delivered a christmas tree and lots of decorations for our classroom! 

Natale at HT – Christmas at HT filming in week 10

Natale at HT – Christmas at HT filming in week 10

Dear parents 

In light of our school production being cancelled I thought that it would be great if the students could still participate in a performance. This term the students have been working on a christmas performance that will be filmed and streamed to families. Students are encouraged to come to school on their designated filming day dressed up in Christmas colours or costume. Students can either come to school dressed in their chosen outfit or if they prefer they can wear their school uniform and bring their items in a clearly marked bag to change into at their designated class filming time. It would be preferred if students wear school shoes or runners as well. There is no need to buy anything new for the filming – whatever you already have at home is perfectly fine. For example: xmas tshirt, red top, green top, christmas headband, christmas hat etc… Some students have discussed with me that they already have a Christmas costume for example: Christmas onesies, Elf costume, Santa costume, reindeer costume, angel costume etc.. so they are more than welcome to wear these.

Each grade will be assigned a time to be filmed throughout the day. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me via email – jformichelli@htws.catholic.edu.au

Looking forward to showcasing the students Christmas performances!

Ciao Signora Formichelli

Italian/Performing Arts Teacher

Please check the timetable below to see when your child’s class will be filming:


Monday 7th December Tuesday 8th December
Prep Yellow 3 Yellow
1 Yellow 4 Yellow
2 Blue 2 Yellow
3 Blue
4 Blue
Wednesday 9th December Thursday 10th December
5 Yellow 6 Blue
6 Yellow Prep Blue
5 Blue
1 Blue
HT Christmas Appeal

HT Christmas Appeal

Thank you to everyone who has already brought in money for our Christmas Appeal! Don’t forget the last day to bring money is Friday 4th December. Let’s work together to help make someone feel special this Christmas!

‘Sew’ much fun in the Art Room

‘Sew’ much fun in the Art Room

Well done to these Grade Four artists who have learnt how to complete a few simple sewing stitches to create the sweetest mini wall hangings.
They  learnt some decorative stitches and how to sew a button on.

We are so happy to be in the art room using all the wonderful supplies.

Bakers Delight Christmas Tart- Fundraiser

Bakers Delight Christmas Tart- Fundraiser

Dear Parents/Carers,

As you are aware, Holy Trinity students are supporting the needy people in our community through their support of St. Vincent De Paul CHRISTMAS APPEAL. Bakers Delight Mountain Gate, are again providing the Christmas Tart fundraiser. We are selling a pack of 6 Fruit Mince Tarts or 6 Lemon Tarts or 6 Mixed Tart Packs (3 Fruit Mince and 3 Lemon Tarts) for only $10 a pack. We will raise $2 from every pack sold. All profits will go to St Vincent de Paul’s Christmas appeal to support people in our community. With every purchase of Christmas Tarts, you will receive a voucher for a free block loaf of bread that can be redeemed at Bakers Delight Mountain Gate.

We will accept orders and payment (via CDFPay) until 9pm, Tuesday 8 December 2020 at 9pm

The Bakers Delight Christmas Tarts will be delivered to the school and brought home by students on Monday 14th December. As parents cannot come on site; please indicate below if you are okay with your eldest child bringing tarts home or if you’d like staff to bring tarts out to the pickup bay/ gate and hand them over to you.

It would be wonderful if you share information about the fundraiser and link (below) with family, friends and neighbours.

Thanks for your support,

Denham Harvie

Deputy Principal /Religious Education Leader



To order & pay click link:- Bakers Delight Tarts-SVdP Fundraiser.

Please ensure that you have completed CDFPay correctly.

(You should receive payment confirmation via email)


Fruit Mince Tart –A Christmas favourite made with real sultanas, currants, apples and mixed spice, all encased in delicious shortcrust pastry. Our Fruit Mince Tarts are the perfect addition to any festive event!

  •  Egg friendly                           Nut friendly


Lemon Tart – Tangy lemon curd encased in short crust pastry – irresistible!

  •  Nut friendly



Friendship Groups

Friendship Groups

Today (Friday November 20) all the students participated in Friendship Groups for the first time since March. Each Friendship Group consists of a mixture of students from Prep to Year 6. Together each group learns about a range of different topics centred around wellbeing as well as doing lots of fun activities. Today’s session involved learning about bullying and was in recognition of the National Day of Anti Bullying and Violence which took place when during remote learning.  After learning about these themes each group got the opportunity to play with their frisbees on the oval and take them home to play with after this session.

Here are a few photos of our afternoon activities ……

Holy Trinity Christmas Appeal

Holy Trinity Christmas Appeal

The Year Two students have worked hard over the last two weeks to organise the Holy Trinity Christmas Appeal, as part of their RE classes. The appeal will run from Monday 23rd November and finish on Friday 4th December.

All money raised will be used to buy toys for children, special Christmas food and vouchers, which will then be given to Vinnies Scoresby to give to families in our local community who need a little help this Christmas.

Please help us Make Someone Feel Special This Christmas!!!!!!