Hi Year 5/6 families.

Here is the learning that the Year 5/6’s are planning to explore over the coming week. The best way for your child to touch base with their class teacher is via Google Classroom which they will be able to access in their Google account.  The teachers will be online at regular times during this week to support the student’s learning so please continue to regularly visit the school blog for ongoing updates.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the Year 5 or 6 teachers at the following addresses ….. (5 Blue) / (5 Yellow) / (6 Blue) (6 Yellow)

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Anzac Day Celebration

Anzac Day Celebration

Hi everyone.

This weekend we are celebrating Anzac Day (25 April). Anzac Day is a time when we take some time to remember the people who have served our country. Here is a slide show that we would like to take the time to explore with your family.

Happy Anzac Day everyone!

Active April in our Home Learning Program

Active April in our Home Learning Program

This week on the school blog Mrs. Harrison put a great activity involving the students participating in creating a fitness activity on a footpath or a space with concrete or asphalt. This is all part of our focus of keeping active during the month of April even during our COVID19 lockdown.

Here is what some of our families have been doing …..

Please continue to send through your active pictures to Mrs Harrison at and if you would like me to put this onto the school blog to send it to Mr Mullavey at The more photos we can have the better.

Thanks to everyone for your ongoing support.

How to Update your Google Chrome Browser

How to Update your Google Chrome Browser

Hi everyone,

The way our school Google accounts functions is mainly set up from the Holy Trinity Google Admin. Functions such as password resetting, enabling particular apps to work or ensuring that the battery life of the device is maximised by making sure it is only used during school hours are functions that our Google Admin has set up.

Below is a video that you and your children should watch to ensure that everyone knows how to make the Google Chrome properly update itself and take on the functions set up by the school. This is particularly useful for laptops and Chromebooks.

The best way to ensure that your device works to the its full potential is to shut it down each day because by doing this it not only gets to rest but will also update and take on any new settings.

How to Access Google Meet

How to Access Google Meet

Hi everyone,

Here is a short video with how your child can access Google Meet sessions from their Google Classroom. All whole class sessions (except the Prep Level) will be eventually accessed from the Google Classroom via the link on the page.

Thanks to Mrs. Wahrenberger for putting this informative video together.

Welcome to Week 2 of our Home Learning Program

Welcome to Week 2 of our Home Learning Program

Hi families,

I hope everyone had a restful weekend and are ready for another big week of learning. Hopefully, a couple of these might bring a smile to your face as you prepare for another week of learning from home.

Below this post is each year level’s lesson structure for this week. As you get started for this week ahead please keep in mind to allow time to be active. Below this post is one from Mrs. Harrison about a great little activity you can do with your family when outside enjoying the beautiful autumn sun. Please feel free to share any photos or videos of these activities with Mrs. Harrison at I will also put together a photo gallery of some of your activities so if you would like to also share these with me at I will endeavour to upload these photos onto the school blog.

Thank you and enjoy week two of our home learning program.

Fun family footpath fitness

Fun family footpath fitness

Hi everyone,

I hope you’ve been able to make the most of our beautiful Autumn weather this weekend by getting out for a walk, run, scoot, bike ride or just play in the sunshine.

I thought I would share a fun activity you might like to try this week. Please click on the video below to find out what you need to do.

All you need is chalk and a driveway or footpath.

Feel free to send any photos/videos of you being active to me at If you also choose to send any of these onto Mr. Mullavey at he will place the photo on the school blog.

Keep active and enjoy being active.

From Mrs Harrison

Prep Planner (Term 2 Week 2)

Prep Planner (Term 2 Week 2)

Hi Prep families.

Welcome to the new world of learning from home!

Here is the learning that the Prep Level is planning to explore over the coming week. The teachers will continue to make regular updates to your child’s Class Dojo page so please look here for your first port of call. We will also continue to update our school blog with school announcements so please regularly come back to visit this site.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the Prep teachers at (Prep Yellow) OR (Prep Blue).

Please feel free to leave a comment on any posts made on our school blog that follow our online protocol of keeping all comments positive and keeping student’s personal identities off the Internet as much as possible.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Year 1 Learning Grid (Week 2)

Year 1 Learning Grid (Week 2)

Hi Year 1 families.

Welcome to the new world of learning from home!

Here is the learning that the Year 1 teachers are planning to explore over the coming week. The teachers will be online at regular times during this week to support the student’s learning so please continue to regularly visit the school blog for ongoing updates.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the Year 1 or 2 teachers at the following addresses ….. (1 Blue) / (1 Yellow)

Please feel free to leave a comment that follows our online protocol of keeping all comments positive and keeping student’s personal identities off the Internet as much as possible.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Year 2 Learning Grid (Week 2)

Year 2 Learning Grid (Week 2)

Hi Year 2 families.

Welcome to the new world of learning from home!

Here is the learning that the Year 2 teachers are planning to explore over the coming week. The teachers will be online at regular times during this week to support the student’s learning so please continue to regularly visit the school blog for ongoing updates.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the Year 1 or 2 teachers at the following addresses ….. / (2 Blue) (2 Yellow)

Please feel free to leave a comment that follows our online protocol of keeping all comments positive and keeping student’s personal identities off the Internet as much as possible.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Year 3 Planner (Term 2 Week 2)

Year 3 Planner (Term 2 Week 2)

Hi Year 3 families.

Welcome to the new world of learning from home!

Here is the learning that the Year 3 are planning to explore over the coming week. The best way for your child to touch base with their class teacher is via Google Classroom which they will be able to access in their Google account.  The teachers will be online at regular times during this week to support the student’s learning so please continue to regularly visit the school blog for ongoing updates.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the Year 3 teachers at the following addresses ….. / (3 Blue)  (3 Yellow)

Please feel free to leave a comment that follows our online protocol of keeping all comments positive and keeping student’s personal identities off the Internet as much as possible.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Year 4 Planner (Term 2 Week 2)

Year 4 Planner (Term 2 Week 2)

Hi Year 4 families.

Welcome to the new world of learning from home!

Here is the learning that the Year 4 are planning to explore over the coming week. The best way for your child to touch base with their class teacher is via Google Classroom which they will be able to access in their Google account.  The teachers will be online at regular times during this week to support the student’s learning so please continue to regularly visit the school blog for ongoing updates.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the Year 4 teachers at the following addresses ….. (4 Blue) (4 Yellow)

Please feel free to leave a comment that follows our online protocol of keeping all comments positive and keeping student’s personal identities off the Internet as much as possible.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Year 5/6 Learning (Week 2)

Year 5/6 Learning (Week 2)

Hi Year 5/6 families.

Welcome to the new world of learning from home!

Here is the learning that the Year 5/6’s are planning to explore over the coming week. The best way for your child to touch base with their class teacher is via Google Classroom which they will be able to access in their Google account.  The teachers will be online at regular times during this week to support the student’s learning so please continue to regularly visit the school blog for ongoing updates.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the Year 5 or 6 teachers at the following addresses ….. (5 Blue) (5 Yellow) (6 Blue) (6 Yellow)

Please feel free to leave a comment that follows our online protocol of keeping all comments positive and keeping student’s personal identities off the Internet as much as possible.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Google Meet Timetable

Google Meet Timetable

Hi everyone. With the first week of our home learning almost completed here is our Google Meet timetable for everyone to refer to for Week 2. Google Meet is our videoing platform for students to connect with their teachers and classmates.

Try to remember the following guidelines each time you participate in a Google Meet session …..

  1. Suitable clothing.
  2. Suitable backdrop. Open learning space (not in your bedroom) and ‘interruption free’ during the session.
  3. Be on time. Open up the Google Meet link and have everything ready 10 minutes beforehand.
  4. Microphone on mute. Turn this on red unless you are speaking.
  5. Keep our Digitech Rules eg. think before you post (or speak).

Please note that whilst we try to keep to these times as much as possible that our Google Meet timetable is subject to change. Any changes to the timetable will automatically update on this page once you have refreshed the blog page. This timetable can always be accessed via the Student Portal (just look under the Announcement section of this webpage).

Emailing Guidelines for Everyone at HT

Emailing Guidelines for Everyone at HT

Hi everyone,

With most of us sending a lot more emails since we began our ‘learning from home’ program it is easy to forget that when we are sending an email it is just like sending a letter in an envelope like they used to do many centuries ago ….. Actually only 20 years ago letter sending was still the most popular way of communicating to others.

In addition, we often learn about the importance of using your manners when you speak to others such as please, waiting your turn and speaking to others in a calm manner. So too, is it just as important to use your manners when sending an email. For this reason we have some important guidelines that all people in our community are expected to keep.  These include making sure you write each email with a subject, using an appropriate welcome such as ‘How are you going today?” and making sure you finish the email with some kind of farewell such as ‘Thank you for your time.’

Finally, we all recognise the importance of walking away from our devices and having some non screen time as well and hence no emails are to be sent to others before 7am and after 9pm. If an email must be sent outside of these hours some people may choose to use the schedule send option where you can time it so that receiver gets this email at a better time such as 9am the next morning.

Here is the document that we revisit in Digitech sessions each year for everyone to refer to. Thanks for all the wonderful efforts with your learning  already and keep up the great work!

Photos of our first day of Learning from Home

Photos of our first day of Learning from Home

Hi everyone,

One day down without hopefully too many meltdowns or technical issues. Thankfully, we all survived and we lived to share the story. Thanks to all the families who shared their photos from during the day. If only we could have a similar document for how the parents looked at the end of the day. …..

Feel free to keep sending your photos in to me at and I will update this document as they come through.

Cheers and keep up the great work!

Home Learning is ‘up and running’

Home Learning is ‘up and running’

Hi everyone,

Welcome to term 2 – a completely new way of learning from outside the four walls of the school classroom. Today is a ‘settling in’ day like most of us would normally do for a new term. Our parents (who are also our first teachers) may need some guidance during the day as many of them have not been to primary school since the dinosaurs roamed the Earth (well maybe not that long).

Today, here is a simple activity for all parents to try to do sometime during today’s day of learning. I would like parents to take a picture of their child/ren completing some of their learning. It may be of them working at a desk, practising some meditation skills, watching a video that their teacher has shared with them or having a brain break doing one of Mrs. Harrison’s fantastic PE exercises.

I then would like parents to send this photo to their class teacher as a quick way of touching base with them. Class teachers may not necessarily reply to these emails as they will be teaching throughout the day but it is a nice way to show them that your child is engaged in our home learning program. I would love to put some of these photos onto the school blog as well so if you give permission for me to post a photo of your child/ren please CC me in on the email to the class teacher. My email address is

Please also note that the Prep to Year 2 online program will begin after the students have made their way through the pack that was provided at the end of last term.

Below is a list of all teaching staff’s email addresses for your reference.

Cheers and have a great day with your beautiful families.