We have been very busy in the garden this term harvesting our tomatoes, corn and zucchinis.

HT’s Environment Leaders for 2024 are Parthvi and Alexandria. They have been a big help with watering, harvesting and organising all the children that come to the garden.



HT’s Learning Leaders for this year are Alyssa and Charlize. They have been a terrific help when the library is open at recess.

Some of our students enjoyed reading in the library today (where it was lovely and cool).

Congratulations – Catholic Education Melbourne Visual Art Exhibition 2024

Congratulations – Catholic Education Melbourne Visual Art Exhibition 2024

Three amazing Holy Trinity artists have had their work accepted to be exhibited at the Catholic Education Melbourne’s Visual Art Exhibition this year.


Maya Kansaker Year 1

Ellie O’Halloran Year 1

Benjamin Xu Year 3

The details for the exhibition are as follows

Celtic Hall, Catholic Leadership Centre 576 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne 3002

The exhibition will be open for public viewing on the following days and times:
Tue 12 March: 9am – 4pm
Wed 13 March: 9am – 7pm
Thu 14 March: 9am – 4pm
Fri 15 March: 12pm – 7pm
Sat 16 March: 11am- 4pm
School Groups and family groups welcome.

Our First Assembly for 2024

Our First Assembly for 2024

Hi everyone,

With our 2024 underway we have begun the new school year with a bang!

This year we are having our Friday afternoon assemblies in the Great Space (space in between the 1/2 and Prep classes). Last Friday (9 February) we gathered to welcome our new Prep students as well as to present our Year 6 students with their jackets and badges.

These are the videos of these presentations for your viewing pleasure.

Please feel free to comment (first names only) or give a thumbs up if you enjoyed this post.

Stunning Stars For Christmas

Stunning Stars For Christmas

This year Knox Westfield contacted us to ask if we were interested in decorating two stars to be displayed at Knox Shopping Centre. Of course we said “Yes”.

Some very talented and committed Year 5 and 6 artists spent several recesss, lunchtimes and afternoons designing and painting these beautiful stars.

The brief was ‘Starry Starry Night’, so we decided to paint one of the stars in the style of Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night. Nicky drew and painted Santa’s sleigh and reindeers flying across the sky. Lara, Cara, Alexa and Michaela added a Christmas tree, elves and presents. Everyone helped to paint the sky and stars in the style of Van Gogh.

We decided to do the Nativity on the other star, in keeping with the brief we went with a night time version. Marilyn designed the nativity scene and Emily S,  Yvonne, Parthi and Kayden drew and painted angels and the surrounding hills.

Well done everyone they look awesome.

We don’t know whereabouts in the centre they will be displayed, so if  you’re shopping at Knox keep your eye out and see if you can find them.





Look out for your child’s wish list in their school bag! They should be coming home on Thursday 16th or Friday 17th of November.

The book fair is open on Friday 17th Nov. from 3pm to 4pm.

Monday 19th Nov. from 8.30am to 9am & 3pm to 4pm.

Tuesday 20th Nov. from 8.30am to 9am & 3pm to 4pm.

Wednesday 21st Nov. from 8.30am to 9am & 3pm to 4pm.

Parents, Grandparents & students most welcome!




Yesterday in the garden we planted corn & tomato seedlings. We had a great crew of kids helping to plant, mulch & water the garden. Last week we planted pumpkin seeds in the garden bed closest to the mandarin tree. We usually plant seedlings, so it will be interesting to see how well they grow.

Lego Engineering Program

Lego Engineering Program

This term in Digitech the students in years 3 to 6 have been participating in the Lego Engineering program. The students work in groups to build the Lego model whilst learning about the forces that help to make it work. Most models require a motor and some use a special bluetooth motor that can can be controlled using the Wedo program on our Chromebooks.

The 3/4 students have built a variety of models including a crane, railroad barrier and a towing vehicle. The 5/6 students have built a forklift, battle-tank and a caterpillar robot.

We are all learning lots of skills and knowledge about how different machines work in our world as well as having fun with building the different Lego models.

Here are some photos of models that we have built recently.

Keith Haring -Year 5 and 6

Keith Haring -Year 5 and 6

Year 5 and 6 artists are just completing a unit on Street Art. The last artist they explored was Keith Haring and after drawing a joyful artwork in his style they created a clay wall hanging of a figure. These have been a lot of fun to make. Next week they will use Paint pens to decorate the figure. Super work




During our reading lessons the Year 3’s and 4’s have been working on Readers Theatre.

Readers Theatre is a reading activity that involves reading a script aloud in small groups.  It is a fun and interactive way to improve our reading skills, such as improving our fluency and expression as well as developing our confidence when speaking in front of an audience

The first group is called ‘The Foiled Robbery’. The second is called ‘The Science Experiment’. We hope you enjoy our presentation.

Prep “P” and 100 Day Celebrations

Prep “P” and 100 Day Celebrations

This year the Preps have had many special celebrations for their first year of school including “P” day and “100 Days of School” celebrations.

On June 21, our Preps celebrated “P day.” P day is a day when our preps dress up as something beginning with the letter P. Some examples include are pirate, princess, police, piggy and even Peter Parker. The preps really enjoyed “P” day and there were so many pretty and perfect costumes. P Day was a real hit for our Prep students.

Another major day for our Preps was when they celebrated 100 days of being at school. On their 100 days celebration they dressed up as something to do with 100!  Lots of students dressed up as grandmas and grandpas and so many of the costumes were very creative. The Preps got to decorate 100 biscuits and made a necklace with 100 lollies on it ….. yummy!!!

Safe to say I think the preps really like both of these days.

Here is a few photos from the Prep celebrations ….

Clever Preps creating Clowns

Clever Preps creating Clowns

The amazing Prep artists have been creating crazy colour wheel clowns.
The little artists first of all created colour wheels using red, blue and yellow paint.
these were used for the clowns tummy.
Next they drew clown faces, mittens, bows and shoes. Finally they added some juggling balls.

These are super cute, well done Preppies


SSV – Hoop Time

SSV – Hoop Time

On Thursday 3 August the 5/6 girls and boys All Star teams went to Boronia Stadium to compete in the Division finals for Hoop Time. The boys came close to making the semi finals but lost. The all star girls had hard competitions at the last two finals.

HT girls won all their games against:

Bayswater West, Knox Park, Kent Park, Scoresby and Wattle View Park.

HT boys played against:

Kent Park  (Won) ,

Bayswater West ( Lost)

Scoresby Primary ( Lost)

Boronia K-12 ( Lost)

Wattle View ( Won)

Even though the boys didn’t win a trophy, they were still very happy where they made and supported the girls

The girls came very close to losing the grand final to win HT a trophy but pulled through and won by one point against Kent Park.

A big thank you to Mr D for organising this amazing event . A thank to the girls coach, Stephanie Schimizzi and a thank you to both teams for always supporting each other




The Book Week theme for this year was: READ GROW INSPIRE!

The students wrote on a leaf a character from a book or person that inspired them or that they admire and it was lovely to see our ‘tree’ grow! Some of their inspirations were: Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Ahn Do, Matilda, Taylor Swift, Ella Diaries, LeBron James, Messi and many more…..


The students enjoyed many activities throughout the week organised by Mrs Dowling, with the highlight being the book week parade! Here are some of the photos…….