Fun in the art room

Fun in the art room

News from the Art Room

For the Olympic Games in Rio the Grade5/6 and Grade3/4 students made posters that were used to decorate the athletes rooms in Rio. The posters were bright and colourful and had messages of encouragement for the athletes. Go Aussies!!

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Prep Fun

Prep Fun

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Preps have been reading “Piranhas Don’t Eat Bananas” this week. We have been doing various activities about the book including a piece of Art work.

We made the background using tissue paper, then we decorated Brian the piranha by rubbing pastels. We then gave him a tail and a fin.

Literacy and Numeracy Week & Book Week

Literacy and Numeracy Week & Book Week

This morning we had our dress up parade as a part of Literacy and Numeracy & Book Week celebrations.  It was great to see students, parents, teachers and toddlers join in on the fun. Students costumes looked amazing! Thanks to all parents who assisted their child in preparing for this day. Maths and reading are a part of children’s daily lives and it was a great opportunity for our students to embrace these in a fun and enjoyable way! We look forward to doing this again next year.

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On Wednesday 31st August the Year 3-6 students were fortunate to be visited by a guest speaker. Matt Stevic is an AFL umpire and he kindly spoke to the students about his job. All of the students found the information he shared to be very interesting. They were also given the opportunity to ask questions.

Matt spoke about his journey from playing sports as a child to becoming an AFL umpire. Although he played football as boy, at the age of sixteen he stopped playing and focussed on umpiring. He also loved playing basketball when he was younger.


When asked if he had another job aside from umpiring Matt said that he used to be a teacher of Year 7-10 students and he now works in finance. Matt shared lots of details about his umpiring job. He was fortunate enough to umpire AFL Grand Finals in 2012, 2014 and 2015! To get to this elite level he had to progress through the ranks, starting with local footy, followed by regional. He then worked at VFL level and currently umpires AFL

Matt gave the students an insight into why playing sport with a positive attitude is vital. He encouraged the students to try a range of sports to build their confidence and skills. He spoke about the importance of hard work and perseverance to achieve their best in any endeavour that they are passionate about because if they love what they do it makes it a pleasure, not a chore!

As an umpire he trains each week by participating in a range of activities (running, swimming, gym work and bike riding). The umpires train for most of the year. When speaking to the students about their approach to sport he highlighted the value of sportsmanship regardless of the result or individual performance of team members. The focus is enjoyment and being a supportive team member who avoids negativity. Being an effective team member who achieves their goals and dreams does not involve negativity. Sport is hard and disappointment is part of the experience which can be used as motivation. When motivated, skills practice and team encouragement builds team spirit.


We are grateful to Matt for his insights and advice and wish him well as the footy finals draw closer!

A Great Beginning to Literacy and Numeracy Week

A Great Beginning to Literacy and Numeracy Week

We had fun today for Literacy and Numeracy week when we went to all of the 1/2 classrooms. In Mrs Campbell’s class we did measuring, in Miss McGing’s class we played ‘Location Location’ and used a grid and we did some mapping, in Mrs Capron’s we played a number game and with Miss Ryan we made play dough fractions. We had a great time doing the activities because we got to do lots of maths.

Yesterday we did a level book swap where we shared our favourite books from home and we also did a whole school number activity.

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Book Week art displays in the library

Book Week art displays in the library

We have been looking at all of the Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year nominated books in the library.

In art class Mrs Laming used the book My Dead Bunny as inspiration for students in Grades 3/4 to become illustrators too!

Zombie illustrations








The students in 5/6W were inspired to explore Aboriginal Art by the Book Week theme of Australia: Story Country.


story country 56W display

Visit the library and have a look at these fabulous works of art!

Summer Sports Round Robin

Summer Sports Round Robin

Student sports reports Softball.

On the 26th of August, the Softballers participated in the Summer Sports, which were held at Gilbert Park, Ferntree Gully. The girls won their first game 0-7 against St Bernadette’s and we won our second game 0-9 against Knox Park. In our last game, we drew 4-4 with Bayswater South.

Altogether it was a great day and we all had fun!

The boys and girls are also going through to the district finals which is in two weeks.


Student Voice Heard for our New Playground

Student Voice Heard for our New Playground


The 1/2s have been busy giving Mr Mutimer some ideas for the new playground by making models. We really liked making our playgrounds and being innovative. Being innovative means creating and making stuff in our minds and improving things.

When we spoke to Mr Mutimer he said, “There are some great ideas, but we can’t do them all.”

We tried our best and we didn’t give up when we had problems.

Written by 1/2R

Prep Prayer Service

Prep Prayer Service

The Preps and Prep families enjoyed a reverent and peaceful morning remembering Mother Mary. 

Monday the 15th  August was the feast of Mary’s Assumption. The Assumption means that Mary was taken up into heaven not only with her soul, but also with her body.

Thank you Preps and families for joining us.


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3/4G’s New Word Wall

3/4G’s New Word Wall

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3/4 G are very excited by their new Word Wall! Check out the comments below to hear what they have to say for themselves –

“I think the Word Wall is good for people as it encourages us to use new and interesting words in our writing.” Andre

“The Word Wall is extending my vocabulary a lot and helping with my spelling.” Jack. W

I think the Word Wall is a really good idea. It will help us with our spelling, writing and language. I can’t wait for my knowledge to grow bigger and bigger.” Ella

“I can learn more words on the Word Wall.” Logan

“The Word Wall’s purpose is to make you use more interesting words in your writing. My opinion of the Word Wall is that I think it is good and works really well.” Ben. S

“I think that the Word Wall is great because it helps me with my learning. I use some of the words in my writing and reading. A lot of them are really long and interesting.” Declan

“I really appreciate the Word Wall and I think it really helps everyone with their vocabulary and their writing.” Lizzie

“I think the Word Wall is a real big help with spelling and vocab. Big thanks!” Will

“I think the Word Wall is a big help on assisting us clarify words and share our great words in our writing.” Audrey

“I think the Word Wall helps us learn more with our spelling and writing.” Izzy

I think the Word Wall is good because people can learn new words from it and can use the words in their writing and speaking.” Jack. J

“I think the Word Wall is great. It helps us learn new words every day. The Word Wall is organised from A-Z.” Luca

“I think the Word Wall is really good because in the class people can expand their vocabulary and learn more words to put in their writing e.g tests, Naplan, narratives, recounts and way more”. Raghubir

“The Word Wall really helps me with my descriptive writing and using interesting words in my school work, at home and when I talk. Also, I get to find out words I didn’t know before or might have forgotten.” Cheyenne

“I think the Word Wall is reliable because it helps the kids do fantastic writing and if one kid does a clever word, other kids can learn more words every day.” Jasmine

“I think the Word Wall is a really good learning tool to use and make new words in your writing and you are learning what things mean. I also think that you can learn and read hard words.” Araliya



1/2 Inquiry rotations – Innovation

1/2 Inquiry rotations – Innovation

On Tuesday, all of the Grade 1/2 students participated in rotations to create different pieces of playground equipment. There were 4 rotations; See-saws with Mrs Campbell, tunnels with Miss McGing, swings with Mrs Capron and round-abouts with Miss Ryan. The focus of these rotations was how to be innovative, creative and work effectively in groups. Everyone had a wonderful time creating their playground equipment and can’t wait to design and create their own, over the coming weeks.



Preps enjoying ICT

Preps enjoying ICT

Over the past few weeks in ICT lessons, the Preps have been learning how to take a good photo on the iPads. The photos had to include a head and shoulders photo, a full body photo and a background photo. They learnt how to position the iPad for the best results. We have some budding photographers among our Preps.



This is a background shot from one of our Prep students. What do you think?

Confirmation Preparation

Confirmation Preparation

Yesterday 5/6M revised their knowledge and understanding of the 7 Gifts and 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit in preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.  Each student selected a Dove from the internet and printed 2 of them.  They then wrote the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and their definition on one dove and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit and definition on the other dove.  This is how they decided to display them.



Techy Talk

Techy Talk

Every fortnight the staff have a techy talk session during Morning Tea time to learn about ICT. Today we learnt about how to use the school blog.

Unfortunately, Shannon forgot to grab the muffins but otherwise it was an enjoyable session.
