3/4G Measurement

3/4G Measurement

During our maths lesson today we focused on capacity. We looked at different containers and estimated how many millilitres/litres were in each container. We then checked our estimations using measuring jugs to see how accurate we were. We love hands on learning and have started to become quite good at estimating the capacity of containers!


Experiences of Sudan with the 1/2 Level

Experiences of Sudan with the 1/2 Level

The 1/2 Level was lucky enough to have a very special presentation with Akuach & Mach Yout’s parents today who taught us about how life in Sudan is different from that in Australia. It was really interesting learning about how children learn in the schools of Sudan, how the people of Sudan don’t celebrate birthdays each year like we do in Australia and also about how children can work in Sudan from as young as 5 years old. Mr. Yout even served in the army at just 11 years old! Sudan sounds like an amazing place to live.

We thank Mr. and Mrs. Yout for coming to share their wonderful experiences with us.



Congratulations Olivia Morris

Congratulations Olivia Morris



Congratulations to Olivia Morris who has been selected to play for Victoria Metro in the under 14’s Southern Cross Challenge to be held at the State Basketball Stadium in January.

The SCC is the highest level of competition for this age group and provides opportunity for our young athletes to play with and against some of the best talent from around Australia.

Well done Olivia and all the best in these Championships.

SSV Knox Division Softball Finals

SSV Knox Division Softball Finals

Congratulations to our awesome Softball teams who today competed at Gilbert Park in the Knox Division Softball Summer Sport Finals.

Both our Boys and Girls teams had a win in their first round match and so progressed to the Grand Final. Both teams competed against St Jude’s.

The boys played really well in the final however lost in a very exciting match where they came up against the Victorian State Softball pitcher. Tough job to get a hit off such a fast pitcher. Well done boys on a great season of Softball, runners up at Division is an excellent achievement.

Congratulations go to our girls team who easily beat St Jude’s in their final and so progress to the Eastern Metropolitan Finals in two weeks time on 3rd November. Well done. Go HT.



1/2 African Drumming Incursion

1/2 African Drumming Incursion

Yesterday all the Grade 1/2’s had a special incursion for our Inquiry unit, ‘Diversity’ in the MPR. 
We learnt about the different types of drums and instruments used in Africa.  Each student got to play a ‘Djembe’ drum, and show off their dancing skills in small groups. We all hadwonderful time learning about Africa, its music and dancing.

Nick “It was very interesting because I’ve never really seendrum like that before.”
Flynn “It was good and funny. I liked it.”
Chloe “It was fun and I liked how the drum they played, was used to communicate.”
Marlee “I liked that we got to dance and that we got to do a beat with the drums.”



5/6W Author Study – Roald Dahl

5/6W Author Study – Roald Dahl

This term our class is learning about and reading books by Roald Dahl.

We have been working on a range of activities which help us to better understand elements of narratives, sentence structure, descriptive language and character traits. We spend time discussing his books in weekly classroom book club sessions.

Did you know that Roald Dahl created his own language called “Gobblefunk”?!?!?! We have found many of his made up words throughout the books we read. If you happen to read one of his books you might find some too!

We really  enjoyed drawing our favourite characters.


Walk to School Month

Walk to School Month

It is great to see so many of our students participating in the Walk to School Month of October. Each class from Year 1/2 – Year 5/6 has a chart for recording each time the students walk to or from school. The school has some great prizes to be awarded at the end of October, not just for the regular walkers but also for students who are making the extra effort to participate. Families can also enter for some other great prizes through Facebook on the link below.


Great start to term 4 Italian classes!

Great start to term 4 Italian classes!

What a fun start to term 4!! The grade 3-6 students had a great time playing a modified Italian version of the TV show The Big Music Quiz. The students had  fun working in groups and trying to work out the Italian versions of popular songs from the radio. The grade 1/2 students are learning about the days of the week and played instruments to the beat of an Italian song about the days of the week. The students had fun playing the maracas, egg shakers and bells. The Prep students learnt how to say their names in Italian and made a poster about it.

All in all a great start to term 4!


Signora Formichelli

SSV Knox Division Athletics

SSV Knox Division Athletics

SSV Knox Division Athletics Championships

Everyone did really well today in the difficult weather conditions and against the best Athletes in Knox. The students who competed were Jake Warrin, Elise Fisher, Samantha Fisher, Mach Yout, Cheyenne Van Ravenstein, Perry Wallis, Andrew Dodd, Andrew Rozbicki, Caitlyn Grima, Charli Hart, Holly Gaul, Cooper Barron, James, Borg, Bruce Vaihu, Ramitha Ramanan, Natalie Apostolopoulos, Amy Mitcham, Olivia Morris and Jasmine Stocks.

Congratulations to all our athletes who competed in the Division athletics. Particular mention to Andrew Dodd who came third in high jump, Caitlyn Grima who came third in high jump too and finally Mach Yout who came third in long jump. Congratulations and good luck to Cooper Barron who came second in high jump and has qualified to compete at the Eastern Metropolitan Region Track and Field Championships next week.

By Ramitha and James.



NAPLAN Online Trial

NAPLAN Online Trial

HT has been involved in an online trial of NAPLAN in preparation for completing these tests online (instead of pen and paper) next year. One class was chosen from Year 3 and one from Year 5 to try out these tests over two Wednesday mornings towards the end of last term. The students made many positive comments about how they liked completing these tests particularly the writing test, because they could make edits to their writing without rubbing out and making it look messy. The testing process ran smoothly and the trial was a big success, particularly how well our students took to completing these tests.

We look forward to May in 2017 when Holy Trinity will officially be one of the few schools in Australia who will complete all of the NAPLAN tests online. By 2019, all schools throughout Australia will be completing NAPLAN tests online. Hopefully, by this time HT will be experts.

Grade 5 and 6 in the art room

Grade 5 and 6 in the art room

Over over the last few weeks of Term three, the Grade Five and Six students have been focusing on the Art elements- Form and Shape. Using strips of paper they learnt the skill of quilling and applied this skill to make a small art piece. This was very fiddly and time consuming and many students are still working on their design. They also constructed a figure of an athlete using two pieces of wire, foil and modroc. These were a lot of fun to make and the students should be very proud of the work they have done in the art room during Term three.

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Wheelchair Basketball

Wheelchair Basketball

This term in PE our year 5/6 students have been celebrating the Olympic Games. They have participated in Team Handball, Rugby, Basketball and Mini Olympic Games activities. More recently our focus has shifted to the Paralympic Games. Students have researched Paralympic sports  and participated in Goalball, Boccia, Seated volleyball and table tennis. Today we had Garry from DSR (disability sport and recreation) visit HT and he explained to us the challenges people in wheelchairs face. After a very informative discussion the students and staff at lunchtime played wheelchair basketball/ handball. It was was a fun activity which everyone thoroughly enjoyed.

At the end of the session however we were all grateful to be able to get up out of our chairs and walk away having had a very good work out for our arms and lots of fun, others are not so lucky.



Springtime in the art room

Springtime in the art room

In the the art room, Spring has sprung!

The Grade One  and Twos used drawing and paper skills to make beautiful Japanese inspired Cherry Trees.

The Preps used the new water colour paints to paint a wonderful wise owl that they had drawn. These look amazing and we are so lucky to have a fabulously practical brand new drying rack for all of our paintings.🎁🎨


Bucket fillers in 1/2 R

Bucket fillers in 1/2 R

In 1/2 R this week we have been learning how to be a bucket filler.
We read “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?” And discussed how we fill each other’s buckets by saying and doing kind things to each other. We also learnt about bucket dippers. Are you a bucket filler or a bucket dipper?
Parents are invited to fill their child’s bucket with a little positive message.


5/6 Genius Hour

5/6 Genius Hour

The year 5/6’s this term have been investigating innovation in our world. Students have been exploring, researching, and creating work pieces that detail how innovation surrounds our world. Some of the topics include animations in movies, how SMART phones have evolved, how school technology has evolved and how martial arts have changed over time. Next week is D-Day, students will be presenting their findings to the whole level. Stay tuned to see the results next week!

Father’s Day Breakfast & Blokes and Books

Father’s Day Breakfast & Blokes and Books

Last Friday, the students, dads/special friends and teachers enjoyed a magnificent Father’s Day breakfast. It was great to see so many attending and enjoying a social chat with others over breaky. Congratulations to all those who won a raffle prize, especially to Benjo Panlilio who won the hamper organised by the PA committee. We hope that all dads and special friends had a wonderful Father’s Day on Sunday!

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To finish off the Literacy, Numeracy and Book Week  many dads/special friends and children enjoyed reading together at the “Blokes and Books” session. It was great to see families enjoying time together reading. Thanks to all who attended to make the day such a success.

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Character descriptions

Character descriptions

In 3/4 J we wrote character descriptions based on the book characters we dressed up as on dress up day. These were the illustrations we drew …..

20160902-160523.jpg  Mia dressed up as a panda.

20160902-160547.jpg   Ashton dressed up as Darth Vader.

20160902-160601.jpg  Jayden dressed up as a minion.

20160902-160623.jpg  Zach dressed up as Harry Potter.

What do you think of our drawings?