JAMHOT Music Concert

JAMHOT Music Concert

On Friday the 23rd of August we were lucky enough to see all the students in the Jamhot Music program perform a concert for the whole school in the Community Hall. We had lots of students perform ranging from the Preps all the way through to the Year 6’s. Some of the songs that they performed included Rise, Happier, We Will Rock You and even a Metallica song.

Overall, it was really fun with all the lighting and the students did a really good job in their performance particularly since this would have been the first time that many of the students would have performed in front of so many people.

Well done everyone!

Countries Around The World

Countries Around The World

Currently in 6 Blue we have been learning about different countries from around the world. We have been doing this so we can get a better understanding of different cultures as well as what their climate, landscapes and food is like. For my project I chose Germany because that was where my Pop was born.  In addition we had a choice to pick any other country and I chose Germany because even though I knew a bit I really wanted to find out more.

Here is a few pictures of our draft and published copy of our writing.


Book Week Fun

Book Week Fun

Yesterday morning, 2 Yellow was lucky enough to get a visit from 5 Blue for some brainfood and bookweek reading!

” It was so much fun- can we do it every week?- Tyler G

” I really liked reading with my year 5 buddy, she was so nice!” Siana S

” That was a nice surprise from the teachers”-  Sean C

Literacy and Numeracy Week

Literacy and Numeracy Week

This week we have been celebrating Literacy and Numeracy week. On Friday everyone was encouraged to dress up as their favourite book character or something to do with maths (number, equation, shape, etc) and we had a parade on the basketball court with the whole school. Some of the most popular costumes were superheroes, Harry Potter characters, Cat in the Hat and Where´s Wally. Here are a few pictures of the parade …..

Congratulations from the Art Room

Congratulations from the Art Room

Congratulations to all the students who entered the Art Show poster competition. The posters were amazing and it was so difficult to pick the best ones. All the staff voted on the posters and the following students posters will be used to advertise the art show.

Caitlyn Gunther and Chloe Hall  Grade 6

This poster has been made A1 and will be framed and on display in the School foyer.


Simone Luk Grade 6

This poster will be used as the Invitation to the Art Show opening and wine and cheese.

The following posters will be used for flyers to advertise the show

Zander Downie Grade 6

Chloe McLean Grade 6

Eve McLean Grade 4

Nathan Pinto Grade 3

Congratulations to these amazing artists.

Special music ensemble groups!

Special music ensemble groups!

In Italian/Performing Arts the grade 5/6 students have been learning to play the ukulele. Some of the students have been invited to participate in a special ukulele ensemble group. Over the coming weeks they will be working with Isabella Formichelli – she is an instrumental music teacher, singer song writer and musician – and learning a new song to play on the ukulele for a performance. The students were so excited to start the workshops and are looking forward to performing for an audience!

Check out some photos of their first workshop:

Schools Tree Day

Schools Tree Day

The last Friday in July each year is known as Schools Tree Day. This is a day for schools to focus on their local environment and for children to learn about the values of looking after the plants and trees around them.

Our Friendship Group activities in Week 4, focussed on trees and what they do for us and for the animals in our local surrounds, and at assembly, Nick Wakeling joined us to present a box of native plants to our school.

Every year, Nick very generously donates a box of native plants to us, as part of Schools Tree Day. Many of the plants around our school were donated by Nick in previous years. Nick is very particular about selecting plants that are endemic to our area, meaning that they are not found in many other places in Australia.

Thank you Nick for your generosity and ongoing support of our school community.

Art Show Happenings ….

Art Show Happenings ….

The Grade 3/4 Special Artists have been super busy in the art room creating some amazing animal skin paper . We are planning to use these in an awesome sign for the art show. There’ll be snakeskin, tiger, zebra, leopard and even eagle and peacock feathered paper.  It’s a challenging task and I’m so proud of them.

Mobile Phone Muster for the Gorillas

Mobile Phone Muster for the Gorillas

Our Melbourne Zoo ‘They’re Calling You’ program is under way. We are collecting phones for recycling with money going to the Gorillas in the wild. There is a cylinder in the foyer where phones can be placed. Seven phones so far, it doesn’t matter if the phones are broken or working

If you would like to delete your own data check out the directions on the link otherwise the data will be deleted after the phone is picked up. Melbourne zoo treat data security very seriously and ensure all data on phones is deleted.


4 Yellow onomatopoeia poems

4 Yellow onomatopoeia poems

In 4 Yellow we have been learning to write onomatopoeia poems. These poems include words that sound like the sound they make. For example crash, boom, bang, crunch, kapow!

We used an image of fireworks to base our poems on. We also changed the font and colours on these words to make them look like they sound. We had lots of fun! Here are some examples….Fireworks  Fireworks (1)Fireworks onamatoepia poem Poem Fireworks onamatopeia poem1

Art show Poster

Art show Poster

Exciting times in the Art Room with the Art Show Poster competition. Such a lot of beautiful posters We will need all the teachers to help pick a winner.

One poster will be blown up poster size and will be displayed in the foyer of the school.

Other posters will be selected to be used in the flyer for the art show.

A few others will be used around the school as advertising.

Well done to everyone who completed a poster.

Here is is just a few of the wonderful entries.

Mrs. Laming

Prep 100 Day Celebration

Prep 100 Day Celebration

On Thursday 1st August our Prep students celebrated their first 100 days of school. The dressed up as something to do with the number 100. One example included dressing up as a grandpa or grandma with a knit sweater, cain and fake hair. Some kids dressed up by wearing 100 things like 100 dot or 100 batman logos. They wore capes, bling and all sorts of colours.

The Preps gathered in the Community Space for a parade and throughout the day they did activities based on the number 100.

Below is a few pictures of the day along with a slide show of what each student might look like if they were 100.

Year 6 Confirmation

Year 6 Confirmation

In Week 1 of this term our Year 6 celebrated a special milestone in our lives by receiving the sacrament of Confirmation.

We had been preparing for Confirmation since last term with researching a special saint as well as learning about the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit. On Thursday the 18th July all the Year 6s students went to St Jude’s Parish to prepare for this special day by having a Spirit day.  During this day we completed a series of activities aimed at preparing us for our Confirmation as well as practising for the ceremony at St. Jude’s Church. Monsignor Ireland also came to visit us during the day and spoke to us about the importance of Confirmation as well as easing our nerves leading up to the day. We were lucky enough to have pizzas for lunch and play down ball and basketball during our break times.

We celebrated our Confirmation with the Year 6’s from St. Jude’s on Saturday 20 July where we all had  a lantern and stole. When we received our Confirmation Monsignor Ireland blessed each of the candidates and called them by their chosen saint name. Overall, it was a very special day and we will treasure this special event for the rest of our lives.

Here are some photos of the occasion ……

Year 4 Hoop Time

Year 4 Hoop Time

On Wednesday the 31st July the Year 4 students all went to the state basketball stadium to compete in the Hoop Time basketball competition.  All the year 4 students had been been training for the last three weeks and we have improved heaps with our basketball skills. Most teams got to play at least four games with some future stars teams making it through to the finals. In the final we had two Holy Trinity teams playing off with the HT Tigers winning in a close contest against HT Taipans. It was such a close game that both teams will get to play off in the regional finals in October. Overall it was very exciting to play against other teams in the Hoop Time competition and everyone had heaps of fun!

Thank you to Mrs. Harrison for organising all the teams, to the parents that came to help coach on the day and to the 5/6 students who helped our teams to practise for the competition.

5 Blue Geography

5 Blue Geography

This term in 5 Blue we are learning about other countries in our Inquiry topic where we are focussing on Geography. We are drawing maps of some different countries around our world using a group of key points which help us to remember what we need to include called BOLTSS (border, orientation, legend, scale and source). We are placing these maps into a slide show that we are creating about a chosen country in Europe.

These are some of our hand drawn maps.…..

Art Show Project

Art Show Project

Today the amazing Grade one artists started work on an exciting whole school collaborative project for the Art Show. Feathers, Fur and Fins is a clue. They are such enthusiastic hard workers, I’m so proud of them 😁🦆🐶🐎🐔🐁

1/2 History Incursion

1/2 History Incursion

This morning, the Grade 1’s and 2’s were visited by the amazing team at History box. They talked to us about what things were like in the past. From the 19th century to the 21st century, we looked at artefacts they used in schools and houses, as well as took part in activities such as different games played back then and writing with a pen and nib.