Minecraft Club

Minecraft Club

Ever since our Year 6 Digitech leaders began their leadership roles they have really wanted to organise a Minecraft Club for the students in our school. Unfortunately, due to COVID we have been unable to conduct our Minecraft Club until this week.

Some students in Years 2, 3 and 4 have been given the opportunity to participate in our Minecraft Club where they are learning to use a variety of the tools and skills used in this program. This club takes place during lunchtimes on Wednesdays and Fridays. Our Minecraft Club will continue until the end of the year.

Next year we are hoping to continue our Minecraft Club with our new Digitech leaders as well as to begin a Minecraft Club with a new set of students.

A big thank you to our Year 6 Digitech leaders for all of their efforts in helping to get this club up and running for our students.

Here are a few of our students in action during a recent Minecraft Club session.

Assembly, Term 4, Week 6

Assembly, Term 4, Week 6

Welcome to this week’s virtual assembly.

Congratulations to all of our award winners this week, fantastic effort and some great achievements. Keep up the great work girls and boys.

Congratulations also to all the prize winners. Your prizes are in the office for you to collect at the end of assembly. Big thanks to Mrs Whelan for organising all of these great prizes.

Have a safe weekend.

Wishing all the Years 5 and 6 students good luck for a fantastic school camp next week.

Remembrance Day Prayer Service

Remembrance Day Prayer Service

Please join in our Remembrance Day Prayer Service led by our Yr 6 Liturgy Leaders.

Remembrance Day reminds us to pray for peace, to think about what we are doing as individuals, as a community and as a country to bring God’s peace into the world.

This is a time when a believing community should once again turn towards prayer and towards ideals Jesus gives us in the Beatitudes.

Remembrance Day Prayer Service


Remembrance Day Prayer Service with Captions



Assembly, Term 4, Week 4

Assembly, Term 4, Week 4

Welcome to this week’s virtual assembly.

Congratulations to all of our award winners this week, fantastic effort and some great achievements. Keep up the great work girls and boys.

Special thank you to Mrs Thompson who finishes her pre service teacher placement with us today – we wish you all the very best.

Have a safe extra long weekend everyone.

Book Week Activities

Book Week Activities

As part of Book Week the students shared their favourite books with their classmates. They have decorated a spoon for spoonville to represent one of their favourite book characters. The Prep children have designed their own original book covers. Classes have listened to some of the shortlisted books and completed some class activities reflecting on the stories.



Garden Club News

Garden Club News

Wow! Look at the garden now!

Thanks to all the children that have come and helped over the past two weeks! The garden is starting to look A LOT better! Also a big thank you to Mrs Clarke for helping out! Hopefully we can start planting some summer veggies very soon!

Magic Beach

Magic Beach

This morning, Prep Yellow read Magic Beach by Alison Lester. The kids love how Alison used her imagination in the story. The Preps then used their imaginations to create their own magic beach. They are looking forward to writing about their magic beach next too!

Here are some things the Preps said to describe their Magic Beach –

Aarav: “At my Magic Beach I am so happy I am saying YES because I am at the beach! The sun is making all the air hot and is going on the people.”

Haveen: “On the Magic Beach, the people at the beach play with the sandcastles and they imagine there is a dragon and then a knight comes and saves the castle!”

Phillip: “On my Magic Beach there is a purple starfish!”

Remy: “At my Magic Beach there is an asteroid and a kraken, a big octopus. The asteroid hit the kraken so he won’t take over the beach!”

Evie: “On my Magic Beach, Ana and Elsa are going in the dark sea to see the ship!”

Oliver T: “On my Magic Beach there is Koffing, Gyrados and a crazy monster. Gropede is also on my magic beach! Also on my magic beach there is a giant leg which is filled with traps!” 

Zara Eg: “On my Magic Beach there is a little girl named Willow. She swam in the ocean with my dad. On my Magic Beach you can see a rainbow and raindrops and some colourful waves!”

Zara Ev: “On my Magic Beach there is real sand, calm water and really fierce water. There is a really bright sun and an octopus with lots and lots of tentacles. There is also a green jellyfish and a great white shark!”

Patrick:“On my Magic Beach there is the beach, the sky, the sun and the clouds. There is a moon that comes and goes!”

Angelina:“On my Magic Beach there is the sun and the water and some sand. I love swimming at my Magic Beach.”

Ria: “On Sunday I went to my Magic Beach and I saw sparkling water and a bright sun. And I saw squishy land! I also saw fluffy clouds.”

Caitlin: “At my magic beach there’s a superhero. There’s some fish and a shark in the deep, blue water. There is a big castle! There are some shells in the water. There is a girl tasting marshmallows on the bonfire.”

Avery: “On my Magic Beach, there are shells. There are decorations because a mermaid is having a party! There are waves in the sky and there is a purple sea!”

Aarjav: “My Magic Beach has blue water and the sky has blue water too! My neighbours are on the magic beach and going in the cold water!” 

Moses: “On my Magic Beach, a water volcano erupted. Then there was a star on top of my water volcano!”

Bastian: “On my Magic Beach there are golden and silver nets that will catch a shark. There are rainbows on my magic beach too!”

Asha: “On my Magic Beach, I have a pink sun, it’s going down. I have a blue sky and water and my family at the beach.”  

Madelyn: “On my Magic Beach I make sand castles. The sun is very hot so that is why we went to the beach.” 

Phillip: “On my Magic Beach I see a starfish on the beach. And I see a jellyfish. The water is really cold! 

Oliver W: “My Magic Beach is fluffy. It is fluffy treasure! On my Magic Beach there is lava!”


Assembly, Term 4, Week 2

Assembly, Term 4, Week 2

Such an exciting week for everyone…students excited about being back with their friends, teachers excited about seeing students face to face…and parents, we could hear some sighs of relief as you drove off on Monday morning.

Well done for a successful first week back.

Congratulations to all of our award winners this week.

Mrs Harrison has put all the results of the first ever Holy Trinity “At Home Olympics” into a slideshow for you to look through and find the results for your year level. Fantastic effort from everyone who participated. A big thank you to Mrs Harrison for putting this idea together and collating all of the results.

Garden Club News

Garden Club News

Garden Club News

It’s nice to see the echeverias and alyssum flowering!

The children and I planted the echeverias from cuttings and the alyssum were grown from seeds.

We also have a lot of weeds growing  and vegetables that have gone to seed. 

So that means we have a lot of work to do over the coming weeks if we are to grow some Summer vegetables!  I need a lot of helpers to come and help! Garden Club happens every Friday afternoon at lunchtime and we have a lot of fun and it’s very rewarding to see the plants and flowers growing! 

Weeds, weeds and more weeds!

Lots of silverbeets ready to harvest and the potatoes are growing well!

We’ll know the potatoes are ready to harvest when the leaves die off.

This kale has gone to seed. I wonder if the flowers are edible?
This is the alyssum the children planted as seeds. 
Year 6 narratives shared with their buddies

Year 6 narratives shared with their buddies

The Year 6 students have been busy writing narratives to share with their Prep buddies. As they haven’t been able to share their narratives with their buddies at school yet, they have sent their buddies a video reading their stories to them.

We are certain their buddies will love their stories.!!!  Please scroll down and view some of the Year 6 students reading their stories.


Writer’s Award Term 3

Writer’s Award Term 3

Congratulations to all the recipients of the Writer’s Award for Term 3. Please scroll down to view and read their wonderful writing pieces. These students will receive their awards along with a $10 voucher for the next book club. Congratulations to all the following students

Term 3 TORCH Bearer Assembly

Term 3 TORCH Bearer Assembly

Welcome to the TORCH Bearer Assembly for Term 3.

At this Assembly, we also have some special Writer’s Awards and some other announcements.

(Click here if the video doesn’t connect for you)

Congratulations to all of our award winners for today.

Have a great rest over the break! Students, teachers, mums and dads, you all deserve it!

Prep Photography in Digitech

Prep Photography in Digitech

This term in Digitech the students have been working hard learning about taking different types of photos. Some of the different photos that they took included a full body photo, head and shoulders, background, action, selfie and group shot. They then put these into a Google Doc and uses some of the features in this program to create a poster.

Everyone (students, parents and even the Digitech teacher) learnt a lot  of new skills during this unit and I am very thankful to everyone for their wonderful support.

Here are a selection of a few of Prep Blue’s posters …….

International Dot Day

International Dot Day

This week the Grade One students celebrated International Dot Day.
They listened to ‘The Dot’ by Peter Reynolds and created an artwork. They could start with a dot, or the dot could be the artwork. Here are just a few of their amazing creations.

So proud of their super work.




Emily W





Owen B



Owen V