Remote Learning Rules by Xavier

Remote Learning Rules by Xavier

Hello everyone,

Xavier from 4 Blue has created a video to share some rules with you all about how he ensures all his work he does is done to the best of his ability. These are great things to try and remember to do before you submit your work to your teacher.

Thanks to Xavier and his mum for creating this awesome video!


Eucharist – Chalice & Host Activity

Eucharist – Chalice & Host Activity

Last week the Grade 3 students got creative for their Eucharist activity. They were asked to create a 3D chalice and host using what they could find around their house. The Grade 3’s could use items they already had available or could create their own using anything they liked including, cloths, leaves, dry pasta, playdough, paper, etc.

Mrs Wahrenberger and Miss McGing were so proud of the effort that was put in and wanted to share some of these creations with everyone.

Awesome – Behind the Mask artworks

Awesome – Behind the Mask artworks

Some wonderful art works being done by Grade One students and siblings. 😊 Looking behind our masks to find our awesome qualities. Thank you for sharing these they made me so proud of you, I could tell how hard you worked.❤️ Grade 3 artworks will be coming soon.



Google Meet Timetable

Google Meet Timetable

Welcome back everyone to term 3 and to remote learning 2.0. I hope everyone had an enjoyable school holiday break and are refreshed for another great term of learning.

Below is the Google Meet Timetable for classes (including Specialist Google Meets). As you will notice the times for class Google Meets should be the same each day.

There is also a specialist Google Meet time for each class during the week where you will to some learning with the Specialist teachers at the allocated time. It is important to remember that no matter what specialist lesson you have it will always be the same code, You will also stay on your Google Meet throughout the session and your specialist teachers will swap over half way through the session. Most class teachers will explain how to access their specialist Google Meet but here is a quick summary …..

6 Yellow & 6 Blue enter the code …… year6
5 Yellow & 5 Blue enter the code …… year5
4 Yellow & 4 Blue enter the code …… year4
3 Yellow & 3 Blue enter the code …… year3
2 Yellow & 2 Blue enter the code …… year2
1 Yellow & 1 Blue enter the code …… year1
Prep Blue enter the code ……  prepb
Prep Yellow enter the code ……  prepy
Below is video explaining how to access Google Meets – both class and specialist meets.
Maths in Art

Maths in Art

The Grade 5 and 6 students worked hard at the end of term to complete an artwork using folded paper. The art elements they had to consider were colour, value, line, shape, harmony and balance. They learnt three origami folds, the hat fold, the kite fold and the Samurai fold to create an artwork that showed Radial Symmetry. Here are some of their fantastic artworks.



This is a video that the students have made to thank everyone for all they have done to help them during remote learning time. Thank you to all staff and parents for their support and help during this difficult time.

It has been a pleasure to see all of the students smiling faces again and it was great to see their enthusiasm in helping to put this video together.


Signora Formichelli


Online Assemblies

Online Assemblies

This term we have been doing online assemblies because of COVID-19. Each fortnight Mr Downie records the assembly in his office and then places this onto the school blog for all to see.

Lately, The School Captains (Aiden,  Sienna, Joshua and Jessica) have helped with online assemblies by reading out some of the student of the week awards which we have enjoyed doing.

Today’s online assembly is scheduled to take place at 2.30 pm on the school blog.

DFL in Year 5

DFL in Year 5

Since we have all come back from online schooling the Year 5’s have been participating in DFL (which stands for Dice Football League). At the start we were all randomly given our own football team but it was not the football team that we barrack for. To play the game were each given two different coloured die and we had to choose one dice to be the goals and one to be the behinds. At the moment the Demons (me) are on top after we defeated the Swans in a classic. We are looking forward to continuing the DFL next term.

Here is the current ladder positions in our class.

Learning in Prep Yellow!

Learning in Prep Yellow!

This term the students in Prep have been learning lots of new skills both during home learning and since they have been back at school.

Some of the areas that the Preps have been learning about since returning to school include …..

Literacy – writing recounts. The Preps were using bubbles when they were writing recounts and it looked like a lot of fun. They have also been learning how to write their work on dotted lines.        Here are some pictures of the Preps hard at work …..

In Maths, Prep Yellow have been learning how to order numbers both from smallest to largest and largest to smallest. One of the activities they did for Maths included looking through LEGO catalogs and ordering the items from the ones they wanted the most through to the one they wanted the least.

Here are some pictures of this activity …..

Overall, I think the Preps have had a great job with their learning and have earned a nice long break over the school holidays.

We look forward to hearing about what the Preps will learn about next term.

Minecraft Club for the Students in Years 2 and 3!

Minecraft Club for the Students in Years 2 and 3!

The Grade 6 Digitech leaders leaders have some exciting news for students in Year 2 and 3.

We will be helping to run a Minecraft Club for students in Grade 2s and 3s (who haven’t participated before). We have been working hard in lunchtime sessions to help set things up and I am sure the students who participate in these sessions will learn lots of new skills as well as having a lot of fun.

Information for our new Minecraft club will be sent out in a letter shortly after the holidays.

Garden Club Update

Garden Club Update

We had a great week in Garden Club.

Thank goodness Mrs Clarke came to help because we had a lot of children come.

Thank you children for being involved in our growing of flowers, fruits & vegetables.

We planted potatoes and flowers in the wheelbarrow.

We picked two buckets of mandarins and the last of the cauliflowers.

Mrs Honeysett

Amazing Designers and Creators

Amazing Designers and Creators

This week in the art room we went back in time and worked on practising the paper folding skills we had begun before COVD19.
The aim was to use these skills to  design and created a 3D bird using 2D paper. The brief was to create a bird that could stand, sit or be hung.

I am so proud of the way they approached design problems and persisted to create these awesome birds. They were very proud of themselves too.



It was so great seeing everyone’s smiling faces yesterday and hearing laugher in the playground again!

During our remote learning it was wonderful to see students participating in the Italian home challenges and the singing and dancing activities. Here is a video with a few highlights of the home learning that students participated in.




Signora Formichelli


Amazing Paper Construction Art

Amazing Paper Construction Art

This week the Grade One students worked really hard to create some 3D imaginary lands from paprr. They used the paper skills they had learnt to create playgrounds, gardens, parks, aquariums and even a race track.
They were very proud of themselves.