To create some excitement around the book fair there will be a ‘GUESS THE NUMBER OF PAGES’ competition. There will be a few books bundled together, which each child will have the opportunity to guess. The winner will be the one whose guess is the closest. There will be a winner awarded from each year level, with each winner receiving a $10 voucher to purchase a book at the book fair. I will print off a class list for each class to record each child’s guess. The winners will be announced next Thursday or Friday just before the Book Fair starts! 

Years P-2 will guess a bundle of quick fiction books.

Years 3-6 will guess a bundle of ‘Funny Kid’ books.





From Friday November 5th to Wednesday November 10th




Although  COVID restrictions will prevent us from inviting parents to come and view the books with their child/ren, students will have an opportunity to look at the books during their normal library time! During their library time, they will have the opportunity to fill in a ‘wish-list’ indicating the book/s of their choice. The children will bring these home and parents will be able to review their child’s choices and if they wish to make a purchase, payment can be made online using the details below. 

PLEASE NOTE: that due to COVID restrictions, we are unable to accept cash payments.

Orders will be delivered to students at school if possible. If there is a  high demand for a particular title it may be necessary for us to place the order with Scholastic and have it posted ASAP. Thanks for your understanding, we really benefit from holding the fair as we replenish the library with new books from the commission we earn. If any parent wishes to order book/s as presents, keep an eye out for the school blog, as I will be putting up photos of the books for your perusal. 

Use this link to make a payment: ParentPayments

Assembly, Term 4, Week 2

Assembly, Term 4, Week 2

Welcome to our virtual assembly for this week…

You can also view the captioned version here:

Congratulations to all of our award winners – don’t forget to check your email after assembly where you will find your certificates.

So excited about students starting to come back to school next week.

Students please remember to bring your hat to wear at school.

Have a safe weekend! Girls and boys, don’t forget to be good for mum and dad!!

Cyber Safety ‘Mind maps’

Cyber Safety ‘Mind maps’

During the past few Digitech sessions the students in Years 1 to 6 have been learning to use an online mind mapping program called Mindmup. Mind mapping is a visual way of setting out our learning where we put together similar ideas into groups much like we group our ideas into paragraphs or onto the same slide. Students enjoy the ability to use images to represent a phrase as well as to colour code the different topics that they use. Our Digitech mind maps demonstrated our cyber safety understanding that we have developed during remote learning.

I would like to say a massive THANK YOU to our wonderful parents who supported their children in learning to use this new program. I’m sure they learnt some new skills as well during our unit. This program will certainly be regularly used in classrooms in the years to come.

Here is a small representation of some of the impressive mind maps that have been created over the past few weeks.

Year 1/2’s Mind maps

Year 3/4’s Mind maps


Year 5/6’s Mind maps

Knox Steps Challnege

Knox Steps Challnege

Knox School Steps Challenge

Running until, 9PM FRIDAY 29th OCTOBER is the Knox Steps Challenge.

If you’re a keen walker or looking for some motivation, this is a fantastic way to get out there and get your steps up. This is for the whole school community, students, parents, teachers, neighbours and friends. It is pretty simple to get involved, click on the link below, click enter results and follow the instructions.

Every step you take contributes towards our Holy Trinity community. So let’s get walking!


Colourful landscapes – Grade 5 and 6 Artists

Colourful landscapes – Grade 5 and 6 Artists

After looking at artwork by Ted Harrison a Canadian artist, who created beautiful coloured landscapes, Year 5 and 6 artists had a go at doing a warm and cool colour landscape.
For Ted it was less about a realistic picture and more about playing with colours. What a great approach and these are stunning, super work by some super artists.



Wayne Thiebaud Inspired Delicious Cakes

Wayne Thiebaud Inspired Delicious Cakes

 Year Five and Six students created some awesome ‘pop art’ style cakes this week They were able to choose two methods for designing the cakes. They could use a dice roll to choose the type of delicious cake and decorations or they could free pick them from a chart. I love the variety in all the different works.


TORCH Bearer Assembly, Term 3, 2021

TORCH Bearer Assembly, Term 3, 2021

Hello everyone,

Please click here for the TORCH Bearer of the term assembly.

…or view the captioned version here…

Congratulations to all of our award recipients – fantastic achievements. Your certificate will be waiting for you when we return to school next term.

Have a wonderful break everyone! See you soon.