Garden Club

Garden Club

The children that came to garden club really enjoyed picking and eating the fresh peas and mandarins!

They all left with a fresh lemon to take home and a few extra mandarins for their families! ( if they make it home!)

Reading in 2 Yellow

Reading in 2 Yellow

This term in 2 yellow the students have worked hard to improved their fluency when reading. They have focussed on using punctuation to help with pausing, reading in meaningful phrases and making sure they are reading not too fast and not too slow! They all sound amazing when they are reading as they are also trying hard to add expression!
Keep up the fantastic reading 2 Yellow!

Term 2, Week 10 Assembly and Farewell message

Term 2, Week 10 Assembly and Farewell message

Hello everyone,

Welcome to our assembly for Week 10 of Term 2.

Congratulations to all of our award recipients for today – some outstanding achievements!

We also farewell a number of people today…

The school assembly with captions can be seen here:

Wishing everyone a safe holiday, and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at the beginning of Term 3.

Sacred Heart of Jesus Prayer Service

Sacred Heart of Jesus Prayer Service

The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was on June 11, 2021. The Feast reminds us how deep God’s love is for each and every one of us. The Sacred Heart of Jesus represents not simply His physical heart but His love for all humankind. We remember Jesus’ great love for us and His example of care, compassion and support for those less fortunate. Following Jesus’ example and as an expression of our love and care for others, families generally supported the work of St. Vincent de Paul’s Winter Appeal and gave to those in need in our Parish and the local community.

Below is the Sacred Heart of Jesus Prayer Service that students and teachers prayed at school on Friday. As we were not allowed to have anyone on site to join us, families may like to us it to pray together.

Today’s Assembly Postponed

Today’s Assembly Postponed

Hi everyone,
I hope you are all doing your best with learning from home, and managing all the changes at the moment.
Today’s assembly has been postponed until next Friday, as we think it will be a great opportunity to celebrate successes next Friday, when we return to school.
Have a great weekend and stay safe.

Google Meet times

Google Meet times

Hi everyone,

Here is the Google Meet timetable for this week.

9:30 – 10 am – Preps

10.00 – 10:30 am – Year 1

10:30 – 11:00 am – Year 2 & 3

11.00 – 11:30 am- Recess

11:30 – 12.00 pm – Year 4

12.00 – 12:30 pm – Year 5

12:30 – 1:00 pm – Year 6

The post below this one provides everyone with  some further instructions on how to access Google Meets via their school Google account.

More information about the student’s home learning can be accessed via Class Dojo (Preps), Google Classroom and their emails.

We welcome any photos of the students during home learning. These can be sent to (for the school newsletter) and (for the school blog).

Good luck and we look forward to seeing everyone back at school soon.

Holy Trinity Prayer Service

Holy Trinity Prayer Service

Sunday May 30 is the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, also known as Trinity Sunday.

Teachers will share remote learning activities with students to do that focuses on Holy Trinity.

Below is a Holy Trinity Prayer Service that families may like to pray together.

Remote Learning 2021

Remote Learning 2021

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone in our community is keeping well and that we can all be back at school soon.

Whilst we are learning from home here are a few resources that may assist you with getting set up over the next few days.

This document shows you how to access the student’s learning via a variety of devices.

The following videos show you how to use Google Meet (some things have changed since our last remote learning).

Google Meet on a laptop or chromebook …..

Google Meet on a tablet or smart phone ….

Here are a few guidelines that students are reminded to keep during each Google Meet session. It is worth talking with your child/ren about these guidelines to ensure they understand how Google Meets will be conducted.

It is important that all Google Meet users are aware of the following guidelines ……..

  1. All Google Meet sessions should be conducted in an open and suitable area free from distractions (not in your bedroom). *Every meeting should have an adult nearby to help supervise the session.
  2. Keep your microphone on mute unless you have been asked to speak by your teacher (or host of the meeting). Raise your hand to speak like we would do in the classroom.
  3. If your device uses a camera then it must be left on throughout the entire meeting (even if you need to go out to get something).
  4. Only use the comments section of the meeting if you have been directed to do so by your teacher (or host of the meeting).
  5. Remember to wear suitable clothing for learning to your Google Meet (ie. no pyjamas). 
  6. Avoid constantly changing the background of your Google Meet. This can be very distracting for the other members in your meeting.
  7. All Google Meet sessions will be recorded and saved into the teacher’s Google Drives. These recordings may be used for future reference (eg. placed in the Google Classroom for students to refer to support their learning).

* Any user who fails to keep these Google Meet guidelines may be removed from the Google Meet for the remainder of the meeting.

Finally, sometimes technology does not always work the way it is supposed to work. If for some reason you have some ‘technical’ issues I would suggest to direct your focus to any non-technology based tasks until these issues can be resolved. Reading, practising counting skills or times tables facts, preparing for literature group circles or upcoming topic talks are some simple examples of non-technology based tasks that the students could work on during this time. As is skipping, jumping on the trampoline or kicking a ball just as worthwhile for everyone’s wellbeing. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at and I will try to work through any ‘technical’ issues over the coming days.

Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support and we look forward to seeing everyone back in person soon.

Chemistry Science in Year 6

Chemistry Science in Year 6

This term the year 6’s have been learning about chemistry science. In one of the most recent experiments we tested out how a tablet dissolved in different water of different temperatures. In this experiment we placed a tablet into glasses that had cold, room temperature and hot water.

We discovered that the fastest time for the tablet to fully dissolve was when it was placed in the hot water.

Here are some photos from our tablet experiment.

Give me some space!

Give me some space!

On Wednesday the 19th of May each class at Holy Trinity stopped to enjoy a short story read by an astronaut in outer space! It was really cool how people from all around the world joined in this amazing experience.

Here is a link to the world wide simultaneous reading session.

Everyone enjoyed the experience and the story was quite cool too!

Here is the Year 4’s in action (thanks to Mrs C for sharing this great poster) …..

Andrew Chinn Concert

Andrew Chinn Concert

All students had an amazing day today working with Andrew Chinn in year groups throughout the day, and then finishing with a whole school concert.

Andrew is a singer songwriter of liturgical music, and we use a lot of his music for our Masses and liturgies here at school.

Many thanks to Andrew for allowing us to record the concert so that we could share it with our community. I know that many students are really excited about sharing this video with families so that they can show off their talents to you…