Remote Learning 2021

Remote Learning 2021

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone in our community is keeping well and that we can all be back at school soon.

Whilst we are learning from home here are a few resources that may assist you with getting set up over the next few days.

This document shows you how to access the student’s learning via a variety of devices.

The following videos show you how to use Google Meet (some things have changed since our last remote learning).

Google Meet on a laptop or chromebook …..

Google Meet on a tablet or smart phone ….

Here are a few guidelines that students are reminded to keep during each Google Meet session. It is worth talking with your child/ren about these guidelines to ensure they understand how Google Meets will be conducted.

It is important that all Google Meet users are aware of the following guidelines ……..

  1. All Google Meet sessions should be conducted in an open and suitable area free from distractions (not in your bedroom). *Every meeting should have an adult nearby to help supervise the session.
  2. Keep your microphone on mute unless you have been asked to speak by your teacher (or host of the meeting). Raise your hand to speak like we would do in the classroom.
  3. If your device uses a camera then it must be left on throughout the entire meeting (even if you need to go out to get something).
  4. Only use the comments section of the meeting if you have been directed to do so by your teacher (or host of the meeting).
  5. Remember to wear suitable clothing for learning to your Google Meet (ie. no pyjamas). 
  6. Avoid constantly changing the background of your Google Meet. This can be very distracting for the other members in your meeting.
  7. All Google Meet sessions will be recorded and saved into the teacher’s Google Drives. These recordings may be used for future reference (eg. placed in the Google Classroom for students to refer to support their learning).

* Any user who fails to keep these Google Meet guidelines may be removed from the Google Meet for the remainder of the meeting.

Finally, sometimes technology does not always work the way it is supposed to work. If for some reason you have some ‘technical’ issues I would suggest to direct your focus to any non-technology based tasks until these issues can be resolved. Reading, practising counting skills or times tables facts, preparing for literature group circles or upcoming topic talks are some simple examples of non-technology based tasks that the students could work on during this time. As is skipping, jumping on the trampoline or kicking a ball just as worthwhile for everyone’s wellbeing. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at and I will try to work through any ‘technical’ issues over the coming days.

Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support and we look forward to seeing everyone back in person soon.


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