Sacrament of Eucharist Congratulations

Sacrament of Eucharist Congratulations

We congratulate all the children from Holy Trinity that received their First Eucharist during September.

The Eucharist is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation, important steps in the journey to becoming a full member of the Catholic Church (Baptism and Confirmation are the other two). During the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the students received the Blessed Host for the first time. Fr Jerald blessed the bread and wine, reminding us of when Jesus shared the Last Supper with his disciples.

We sincerely thank Fr Jerald for celebrating this important Sacrament. We also extend our gratitude to the families and staff for their support throughout the children’s Sacramental journey.

While many students were naturally nervous about receiving the Host for the first time, they were happy and relieved once the ceremony was completed. It was wonderful to have families and school staff supporting them on such a significant occasion in their faith journey. Afterwards, many families held celebrations to recognise this special milestone.



We held our Great Book Swap yesterday (17/9) and it was a fantastic success! Not only in terms of raising money for a worthy cause, but because of the buzz and excitement it created with our students! We raised approximately $350 for The Indigenous Literacy Foundation! Thanks to everyone for their support!

Prayer Service Celebrating Our Fathers & Father Figures

Prayer Service Celebrating Our Fathers & Father Figures

Father’s Day is a day for people to show their appreciation for their fathers, father figures and grandfathers. This special day reminds us how much we love our fathers, grandfathers and those who are like fathers to us. We take the opportunity to say THANK YOU for all they do for us.

Below is the Prayer Service I planned for Father’s Day. Families are encouraged to pray together as a family using the Father’s Day Prayer Service to recognise and thank the fathers, grandfathers and father figures in their lives.

Italian Day Friday 16th August

Italian Day Friday 16th August

Last Friday we celebrated all things Italiano! In the morning the students participated in a parade, a dance showcase and got to see a Fiat car on display.
The Prep/1/2 students danced il ballo di qua qua, the grade 3/4 students danced the tarantella napoletana and the grade 5/6 students danced the tarantella calabrese.
The grade 5/6 students were part of an Italian Poetry Drama Competition. All students did a fabulous job and the poetry judges were very impressed! Congratulations to the following students:
1st place: Brodie, Sienna and Ava
2nd place: June,Taya and Harper
3rd place: Gloria, Parthvi and Madison
Encouragement awards: Emily M and James G
Many thanks to Isabella Lepore, Kim Baxter and Erika Lagatta that came to HT to be the poetry judges.
In the middle block of the day the students participated in lots of fun games and craft activities. This included things such as: Pin the ‘naso’ on Pinocchio, Mario pop game, bocce, make the Leaning Tower of Pisa challenge, Italian flag cup stacking game, Pick up pasta game, paper plate Italian flag art, paddle ball designing and scratch art masks.
In the afternoon the students were entertained by Michelle from Spectacular Spettacolo. The bilingual show was called “L’ingrediente segreto” – the secret ingredient.

Synopsis of the show:
Giacoma Bonda is just an ordinary girl. She goes to school, walks home and most nights, she helps her Nonna make dinner. But there is one thing that her family doesn’t know…she’s also a secret agent, recruited by “L’agenzia” when she was just 12 years old.
Luckily she’s very good at her job, as Nonna has wandered off again. Giacoma’s mission is to find Nonna ASAP, as she’s the only one who knows the secret ingredient to the bolognese sauce they are making for dinner. Without it, the sauce is doomed…… Giacoma needs your help to solve the riddles and follow the clues. Only you can decide where we go next.
It was a very entertaining show and very interactive as well. The students had lots of fun!
All in all it was a wonderful day!
Check out some highlights of the day:

Viva l’italiano!
Signora Formichelli

100 Days of Prep

100 Days of Prep

Two weeks ago the Preps celebrated their first 100 days of being at school. Everyone dressed up around the topic of 100 such as grandmas or grandpas, wearing necklaces with 100 pieces on them or designing a shirt with 100 on them. All of the Preps costumes were amazing!

During the day the Preps participated in lots of activities including making fruit loop necklaces, decorated cookies with hundreds and thousands, watching the 101 delmations movie and played lots of fun games.

At the end of the day the year 5 students were lucky enough to join the preps for their celebration where we completed a fun ‘100 days’ booklet together.

Overall, the 100 Days of being at school was blast for our Prep students.

Here are some pictures of the day….

Potato Olympics

Potato Olympics

Over the past few weeks we have been learning all about the Olympics and in week 3 the year 5/6’s held a Potato Olympics. We had to select a potato and use posca pens to design it however we wanted. We also got to make up a country and design a flag for it. We held our Olympics in our school playground. The events we held were archery, longest distance, biggest splash, loops in a washing basket and resting.

All the 5/6’s had the best time and when we finished our Olympics we got to take our potatoes home to rest.

Here are some pictures from our Potato Olympics …

Mini Olympics Incursion

Mini Olympics Incursion

Last week the students from years 3 to 6 participated in a Mini Olympics Incursion. Daniel and “Dozza” came to our school and taught us many facts about the Olympics from a variety of countries that we didn’t know. We also did many fun activities involving balance, aim, kicking and throwing.

Overall, everyone really enjoyed the day and we are thankful that the teachers organised this day for us.

Here are some photos from the day…

5/6 Teeball Winter Sports

5/6 Teeball Winter Sports

At the end of last term the 5/6 students participated in Teeball Interschool Winter Sports. We played well against all the schools in Scoresby District competition winning most of our games and making it through to the Divisional champtionships.

In the Division competition we played against 12 different schools and we won most of our games which showed how much we had improved as a team. Unfortunately, we were unable to win enough games to make it through to regionals champtionships but were very proud of our efforts.

Thankful to Mr. O’Brien for his guidance throughout the Teeball competition.





Holy Trinity is participating in the 2024 Great Book Swap, a fundraising activity that supports the Indigenous Literacy Foundation and their works with remote Communities across Australia. The Indigenous Literacy Foundation is a charity that works with 424 remote Communities to supply books and literacy resources, and publish books in First Languages by and for First Nations Peoples.

The Great Book Swap is a fantastic way to celebrate reading locally, learn more about Indigenous culture, and raise funds for a great cause.

WHEN: Tuesday 17th September (during our book week celebrations)

WHERE: Holy Trinity Library

TIME: To be advised


We ask that students bring a  book or two (to be donated) before the event and a gold coin or note to school on the 17th September. Our fundraising site also allows you to make an online donation to your school’s Great Book Swap in the lead up to the event. Use the QR code for  the link to our online donation portal and where you can find more information. On the 17th September the students bring their gold coin and are able to choose a book to take home.

Please only books that are in reasonable condition! Students can either bring them to the library or place them in a tub located in the foyer of the school.

Please contact Wilma Honeysett if you have any queries and thank you for your support!

Prep P Day

Prep P Day

Last term our prep students celebrated Prep P day, where they go to dress up as something that started with the letter P. Some preps dressed up as Princesses, Pirates, Police and some even dressed up as a Pilot. During the day the prep students did lots of fun activities including making pizzas, playdough, and decorating pineapples. They had fun watching a ‘P’ movie with Popcorn which was a real highlight for the Preps.

Here are some photos from the day …

School Promo Video Task

School Promo Video Task

In Digitech during semester one the 5/6 students worked in groups to create their own promotional videos about our school. Groups were required to think about the highlights of our school and to plan a script to put into a two minute video. Students learnt to use the Open Shot video editing program to put together all of their photos, music and videos including those taken in front of the green screen to create their promo video. It was a huge project and most of us appreciate how difficult it is to create movies.

Here are some of the promo videos for you to view and hopefully enjoy. Please like or leave a comment if you get a chance …..

Zoo Designing in Maths

Zoo Designing in Maths

Over the past few weeks the 5/6 students have been designing their own zoos during Maths lessons. We have been applying our knowledge of perimeter and area of shapes to design a zoo that can fit different animal enclosures including giraffes, bears, seals and hippos. The design required us to use our problem solving skills to consider the different amounts of space each animal requires. As some animals use more space than others this impacts how many animals we could include in the zoo as well as influencing which animals we chose to use. We also had to think about which animals are more popular for visitors to our zoo.

Overall, everyone really enjoyed being the desingers of a new zoo.

Here were a few of the designs from 5/6 Blue.



Many hands make light work!

Today there were lots of helpers helping to pull out weeds.


The silverbeet continues to grow very well and last week we planted Pak Choy and Strawberries.


🏉5/6 Girls Footy 🏉

🏉5/6 Girls Footy 🏉

🏉 On Thursday 23 May a team of 5/6 girls were chosen to represent HT at footy 🏉 at Kings Park. Some of the schools we played against included Bayswater West, Kent Park, Karoo and the Basin.

It was a very fun experience to play against other girls and we all learnt lots of new skills. Overall, we won 4 out of 6 games with most games being quite close.

Here is a few photos from the day ….

Digitech – Pivot Projects🐴🦈

Digitech – Pivot Projects🐴🦈

This term in Digitech the students have been learning to how to use the Pivot program to create different types of animations. Pivot is an animation program on the tech lab computers where the students learn to move a stickman (or other figures) in a series of freeze frames. Once you combine all these frames together and push play this creates an animation.

The Preps have been learning to pass a ball between two characters, the 1/2’s are creating an animation about what the start of the day looks like in their classroom and the 3/4’s are creating an animation about an atheltics event.

Here are some pics of the different animations created throughout the school ….

These are the 3/4 animations …..

Here are the 1/2 animations ….

Here are two of the Prep animations ….

Overall, it appears like everyone is learning lots of new animation skills and we are excited to see how their animations turn out.

3/4 Animation Club

3/4 Animation Club

This year the ICT leaders have started an animation club for students to participate in on Thursday at second break. This term we have been working with the 3/4’s who have been working very hard on their animations using an app called FlipaClip. The students have learnt how to use the app and have created lots of fantastic animations!

This week the students worked on creating different emotions including upset, surprised and joyful. Here is a sneak peek of some of the 3/4’s animations …..


Andrew Chinn Concert

Andrew Chinn Concert

A few weeks ago our school was lucky to have Andrew Chinn join us as part of our celebrations for Holy Trinity Feast Day.

Andrew Chinn worked with each year level practising different religious songs and then in the afternoon the whole school gathered together in the Great Space for a concert. It was cool how almost a quarter of the students performed some kind of role up the front from singing with the chorus into the mic or doing the actions to the songs. Everyone had so much fun at the concert and we are thankful to Mr. Harvie and the school for organising this wonderful experience for the students.

Here is what a handful of our students thoughts about the experience ….

Harry (Prep Y) – I liked singing and doing the actions in the concert.

Leni (Prep B) –  I likes singing the songs in the concert and that everyone was sitting together. 

Parker (1/2 G) – I really like performing in the concert and doing the actions in the songs.

Marcus (1/2 Y) – I liked doing the actions in the concert and singing the cool songs.

Emilia D (1/2 B) – I liked how the whole school sang together for the concert. 

Zara (3/4 Y) – I liked the singomg the rainbow song and learning the different dances.  

Caitlin (3/4 B)  – I liked performing in the concert and all the singing and dancing that we did. 

Ella (3/4 G) – The concert was fun and my favourite was the rainbow song. I also got to call out “By Andrew Chinn” during the concert. 

Here are a few pictures from the concert for you to enjoy….


Italian Poetry Competition 🇮🇹

Italian Poetry Competition 🇮🇹

In 5/6 Italian this term we have had a poetry competition. The students have had to learn an Italian poem off by heart and present it to an audience using correct pronunciation, expression and drama skills. The students were all great and it was amazing how well they went! The students with the highest scores will go to the second round of the poetry competition which will be performed in front of the school.

Here are a few photos of the students presenting their poems ….

Art Show News

Art Show News

There is a lot of excitement in the Art room as we start creating artworks for the 2024 Holy Trinity and St Mary’s Art Show. 

The theme for the art show is 

‘You and Me and the Deep Blue Sea’

Dates for the Art Show are 

Opening Night – Tuesday 10th September

Here Are a few sneak peeks