Religious Education- A Time of Celebrations
September and October have been a special time for some of our younger St. Jude’s parish members.
On September, 9 2016, a number of our year 5 and 6 students celebrated their Sacrament of Confirmation. The effort that the students put into their preparation for their sacrament was very evident and Fr. John and Monsignor Greg Bennet, who confirmed our students were most impressed by them. Great job Confirmation Candidates and congratulations on taking on the next stepĀ in your faith journey.
On two of our weekends throughout mid October a number of our Year 3 students celebrated the Sacrament of First Eucharist. The First Communicants did a wonderful job and looked great. So many read and participated in their masses beautifully. Congratulations First Communicants.
Sunday, 23rd October was not only a morning of First Communions, but early in that afternoon St. Jude’s Parish welcomed some new members into our parish community. Among our newest parish members was Pippa. Congratulations to Pippa on choosing to become an active member of our St. Jude’s Parish.