Physical Activity at home…
Keeping active throughout these times is extremely important, with so many after school activities cancelled kids still need to get out and off the couch. Here is a list of activities that can be done at home.
Shoot some hoops
Kick a ball
Throw and catch a tennis ball
Throw and catch with family
2 square
Lazy Monster App (Free)
PT in my pocket (small cost)
Tap a tennis ball on a racquet
Hit a ball against a brick wall
Go for a walk / run
Ride a bike
Set up an obstacle course inside or out depending on space
Tap a balloon, how long can you keep it up
Family plank challenge
Simon Says…
Hop scotch
Get out in the garden and weed
Yoga for kids Daily fitness App (Free)
Hide and seek
Turn on some music and dance
It Apps (free)- Stretch It, Work It, Jump It, Balance It
Stay tuned for more activities.
Take care and stay active!!
from Mrs Harrison