Literacy News
Classroom Helpers
Many thanks to the parents who attended the Classroom Helpers Information Session. If you have nominated a time that you are available to help in your child’s classroom, your child’s teacher will contact you to confirm if that time is an appropriate time for them.
Prep Reading Information Workshops
Thank you to the Prep parents who attended the Reading Information Session. You play a most important part in the development of your child’s reading. The time you share with your children, enjoying picture stories or hearing them read their first take home books is precious valuable time that can instil a love for reading and give them a positive start to their literacy learning journey. Please ensure you help them engage in the text and use the picture clues along with the text to help them read.
Our Amazing Preps
It is wonderful to see how our new preps have settled in so comfortably to school. They are all working very well and are already reading texts and writing!!!
LOOK at these wonderful wizkids at work!!! Fantastic work PREPS!!!!