Friendships Groups – Meditation

Friendships Groups – Meditation

As the students have been introduced to calm breathing as a focus for concentration meditation, in the last Friendship Groups session we introduced a physical object as a point of focus for meditation.

“Object focused meditation is a visual meditation involving an external physical item. Since we are conditioned to be task-oriented since childhood, we have learned to keep the mind from drifting by giving it a task to focus on. Object focused meditation makes use of this conditioning by getting the mind to focus on the object in front of you. It tricks the mind into staying in the present moment. . .

The external object of attention is useful in as much as it acts as a point of reference to which the mind can easily be tethered. Every time it strays, you simply need to bring it back to the object.”

Holding a certain posture or doing some simple, such as repetitive movement may help children focus their concentration. A meditative gesture repeated again and again can also help them begin to develop the initial stages of concentration if used as a focal point. You can focus on a physical object or one you visualize in your mind. Some students have already been introduced to the use of a mandala.

Object focused meditation is good for beginners, it helps them to still their mind and the more they practise they will find that thoughts (which may be causing worry or anxiety) disappear.


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