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Category: Digitech Posts

The 1/2 Students are Typing Champions!

The 1/2 Students are Typing Champions!

In Digitech, the 1/2 students are developing their touch typing skills using a program called Typing Tournament. In this program the students complete a series of skills and activities practising different letters and symbols on the keyboard. They start with the ‘home row keys’ where the students learn about where to place their fingers and then as they become more efficient the activities become more challenging. At the end of each level the students complete a test on the keys they have been practising and if they reach a certain level of words per minute they can progress through to the next level. The students get very excited when they reach the goal and progress through to the next level of the program. The students have their Typing Tournament details on their computer cards. This program can be found at

Here are some of our 1/2’s in action …..



Lego Engineering with the 3/4’s

Lego Engineering with the 3/4’s

The Lego Engineering program has begun with the 3/4’s having lots of fun building a spinning top together with its own launcher. They learnt how different forces help to make these models work and how they can help make them work better. Here are some of our students in action …..


Our day out at the Grand Prix

Our day out at the Grand Prix

Today (Friday 23 March) ten students from the 5/6 level were lucky enough to have the opportunity to go to the grand prix for a day. Whilst we were there we focused on learning about STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths].  We got to look at Formula 1 cars and saw how they work. There was a VR station that had different modes and there was a robot that danced to music. We saw a lot of drones and we got to race ozobots. While we were waiting for the race to start we saw some airplanes that did loops and cool tricks overhead. We learnt lots about engineering and how a car works and most importantly we had lots of fun. We thank Mr. Natoli and Mr. B for giving us the opportunity to go to such a wonderful day.

Here we are in action …..


Digitech in 5/6

Digitech in 5/6

This term Digitech will look a bit different for our 5/6 students, because they won’t be going to the Tech Lab each week to work on the computers for their lessons like they used to. Instead the students will be lucky enough to participate in the Lego Engineering program where they will get to build lots of different types of machines such as an amusement park carousel, a laundry drier and a conveyor belt. This is part of our new Digital Technologies Curriculum that incorporates STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) within our Digitech lessons. Whilst building different machines our students will be learning about different forces that help to make them function such as centrifugal force, belt transmission and traction. The 3/4 Level will participate in the Lego program next term and then 5/6’s in term 3. All the students are very excited for the program to begin so please keep an eye on our school blog over the coming weeks to see some of our learning in action.

Gamers Weekly Tips #1

Gamers Weekly Tips #1

Hi Holy Trinity Jack and Will here.

We are going to begin a weekly blog post for gamers.

Please keep a “lookout’ on the blog for tips and game recommendations over the coming weeks.

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eSafety Week

eSafety Week

This week (September 4 to September 8) is eSafety week which means that we are reminded about always acting in a ‘cyber safe’ manner whenever we use the Internet. Here is a link to the eSmart website ….

During this week our ICT leaders shared their cyber safety tips on a video discussion platform called Flipgrid. Year 6 leaders in other catholic primary schools throughout Melbourne also shared their tips and I would encourage you to look at some of these to discuss as a family.

The 3/4 Level take on ‘the Ozobots’

The 3/4 Level take on ‘the Ozobots’

Today, the students in the 3/4 Level explored the world of robotics through learning to use our new Ozobots. They learnt how robots have helped to make so many aspects of our lives easier and safer. The students explored how they can use different coloured codes to help tell the Ozobot what to do. Sometimes the Ozobots do what they are coded to do but other times they can be a bit like a ‘naughty student’ and not do what they are told. Nonetheless, they all learnt many new skills plus had lots of fun along the way.








Ozobot Classes

Ozobot Classes

On Wednesdays during this term the 5/6’s have been learning about Ozobots and how to use them. We created a track to accomplish some tasks where the Ozobots follow some colour commands. We even got to play a game of Bowling with them where the Ozobot knocked over some pins like in the real ten pin bowling game. We also learnt about using a website called where you can code the Ozobots to do different things.

Here are some pictures and videos of our lessons.








Tech Club

Tech Club

On Wednesday lunch times the Tech Leaders have been teaching interested students about different parts of ICT. Lately we’ve been learning about hardware and the parts of the computer. The students have been taking apart some of the older computers in the school and learning how they fit together.

The students think it has been ‘really cool’ learning about some of this stuff.

Here is a few photos of the students in action.




Techy Talk

Techy Talk

Today the staff learnt some  more about using our school blog during our Techy Talk session.

We have Techy Talk sessions every fortnight to learn about different components of ICT and how it can support the learning in our classrooms.

Here are the staff working hard during a Techy Talk session.





It has been a big start to ICT in all levels.

It begun over the holidays with the installation of some new computers onto the round tables of the lab.

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We also purchased some more Chromebooks and moved the Chromebook Trolleys into the Tech Lab. Our Chromebooks are used by students in Years 3 to 6 to support their learning.

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In ICT Years 1 to 6 have been learning about the importance of always using our emails in a responsible and informative manner. We have developed an Emailing Protocol that all Holy Trinity members aimed to undertake. These include making sure we have a welcoming statement in every email, writing in full sentences and making sure we only send emails during acceptable hours between 7am and 9pm.



The Prep level have already become experts with logging onto the computer and many students are getting very good at using the mouse to create fabulous pictures using Microsoft Paint. Today they created pictures about what they enjoy doing at school.

It’s been a busy start of Tech for the year and we have already learnt so much.



Preps in Tech

Preps in Tech

Recently, in Tech the Preps have been learning about how to use their emails. So many of them were greeted with a huge surprise when they read an email from a special ‘someone’. The way their faces ‘lit up’ with the realisation that someone had sent them a special message was magical. It is a really nice way of showing them how special they are.

Thanks to all the Prep parents for taking the time to organise a special email for your children. Keep an ‘eye out’ over the coming days as the Preps finish their letters and send them to their special person via email. I know they are very excited to share about their first year of school.

The Preps have done lots of amazing work in Tech this year. Well done and enjoy your last few weeks of being a Prep student before you become big Year 1 students!

Mr. Mullavey

NAPLAN Online Trial

NAPLAN Online Trial

HT has been involved in an online trial of NAPLAN in preparation for completing these tests online (instead of pen and paper) next year. One class was chosen from Year 3 and one from Year 5 to try out these tests over two Wednesday mornings towards the end of last term. The students made many positive comments about how they liked completing these tests particularly the writing test, because they could make edits to their writing without rubbing out and making it look messy. The testing process ran smoothly and the trial was a big success, particularly how well our students took to completing these tests.

We look forward to May in 2017 when Holy Trinity will officially be one of the few schools in Australia who will complete all of the NAPLAN tests online. By 2019, all schools throughout Australia will be completing NAPLAN tests online. Hopefully, by this time HT will be experts.

Preps enjoying ICT

Preps enjoying ICT

Over the past few weeks in ICT lessons, the Preps have been learning how to take a good photo on the iPads. The photos had to include a head and shoulders photo, a full body photo and a background photo. They learnt how to position the iPad for the best results. We have some budding photographers among our Preps.



This is a background shot from one of our Prep students. What do you think?

Techy Talk

Techy Talk

Every fortnight the staff have a techy talk session during Morning Tea time to learn about ICT. Today we learnt about how to use the school blog.

Unfortunately, Shannon forgot to grab the muffins but otherwise it was an enjoyable session.
