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Author: Shannon Mullavey

Our Torch Bearers for Term 1

Our Torch Bearers for Term 1

Congratulations to our TORCH Bearers  for Term 1. Holy Trinity’s TORCH Values are Tolerance, Optimism, Respect, Confidence and Honesty. This is a very special recognition that only one person from each level receives because they regularly show these values both in the classroom and around the school. They should be proud of being such good examples of our school.


Techy Talk

Techy Talk

Today the staff learnt some  more about using our school blog during our Techy Talk session.

We have Techy Talk sessions every fortnight to learn about different components of ICT and how it can support the learning in our classrooms.

Here are the staff working hard during a Techy Talk session.





It has been a big start to ICT in all levels.

It begun over the holidays with the installation of some new computers onto the round tables of the lab.

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We also purchased some more Chromebooks and moved the Chromebook Trolleys into the Tech Lab. Our Chromebooks are used by students in Years 3 to 6 to support their learning.

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In ICT Years 1 to 6 have been learning about the importance of always using our emails in a responsible and informative manner. We have developed an Emailing Protocol that all Holy Trinity members aimed to undertake. These include making sure we have a welcoming statement in every email, writing in full sentences and making sure we only send emails during acceptable hours between 7am and 9pm.



The Prep level have already become experts with logging onto the computer and many students are getting very good at using the mouse to create fabulous pictures using Microsoft Paint. Today they created pictures about what they enjoy doing at school.

It’s been a busy start of Tech for the year and we have already learnt so much.



2017 School Year begins with a BANG!

2017 School Year begins with a BANG!

Welcome everyone to a new year of blogging at HT. It is exciting to see everyone’s happy faces after a restful break. The students are very enthusiastic and ready to learn.

We welcome our Preps and other new students and hope you are settling into school well.

Keep a look out for more posts to our school blog in the coming days and weeks.


Preps in Tech

Preps in Tech

Recently, in Tech the Preps have been learning about how to use their emails. So many of them were greeted with a huge surprise when they read an email from a special ‘someone’. The way their faces ‘lit up’ with the realisation that someone had sent them a special message was magical. It is a really nice way of showing them how special they are.

Thanks to all the Prep parents for taking the time to organise a special email for your children. Keep an ‘eye out’ over the coming days as the Preps finish their letters and send them to their special person via email. I know they are very excited to share about their first year of school.

The Preps have done lots of amazing work in Tech this year. Well done and enjoy your last few weeks of being a Prep student before you become big Year 1 students!

Mr. Mullavey

Experiences of Sudan with the 1/2 Level

Experiences of Sudan with the 1/2 Level

The 1/2 Level was lucky enough to have a very special presentation with Akuach & Mach Yout’s parents today who taught us about how life in Sudan is different from that in Australia. It was really interesting learning about how children learn in the schools of Sudan, how the people of Sudan don’t celebrate birthdays each year like we do in Australia and also about how children can work in Sudan from as young as 5 years old. Mr. Yout even served in the army at just 11 years old! Sudan sounds like an amazing place to live.

We thank Mr. and Mrs. Yout for coming to share their wonderful experiences with us.



NAPLAN Online Trial

NAPLAN Online Trial

HT has been involved in an online trial of NAPLAN in preparation for completing these tests online (instead of pen and paper) next year. One class was chosen from Year 3 and one from Year 5 to try out these tests over two Wednesday mornings towards the end of last term. The students made many positive comments about how they liked completing these tests particularly the writing test, because they could make edits to their writing without rubbing out and making it look messy. The testing process ran smoothly and the trial was a big success, particularly how well our students took to completing these tests.

We look forward to May in 2017 when Holy Trinity will officially be one of the few schools in Australia who will complete all of the NAPLAN tests online. By 2019, all schools throughout Australia will be completing NAPLAN tests online. Hopefully, by this time HT will be experts.

Techy Talk

Techy Talk

Every fortnight the staff have a techy talk session during Morning Tea time to learn about ICT. Today we learnt about how to use the school blog.

Unfortunately, Shannon forgot to grab the muffins but otherwise it was an enjoyable session.



Farewell to Rosemary (Our School Crossing Lady)

Farewell to Rosemary (Our School Crossing Lady)

Last Friday Rosemary (Our Wonderful School Crossing Lady) had her last day serving the HT & St. Mary’s Community as our crossing lady. She has been been keeping hundreds of children (and adults) in our community safe whilst crossing Riddell Road going for 8 years. Rosemary always greeted our families with a friendly smile (rail, hail or shine) and will be sadly missed in our community. We wish her all the best for the future as she spends more time with her family.

