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Author: Caroline Laming

Eric Carl Inspired artworks -Grade 4

Eric Carl Inspired artworks -Grade 4

We are so happy to be in the art room and finishing off some awesome work we started months ago.

The students painted A3 paper creating patterns and textures using cardboard shapes. They made one from warm colours and one from cool colours. This week they created an artwork  using collage and the painted paper.

You can see from the end results how committed to completing these the students were, I’m very proud of them for their focus and enthusiasm.

Colourful landscapes – Grade 5 and 6 Artists

Colourful landscapes – Grade 5 and 6 Artists

After looking at artwork by Ted Harrison a Canadian artist, who created beautiful coloured landscapes, Year 5 and 6 artists had a go at doing a warm and cool colour landscape.
For Ted it was less about a realistic picture and more about playing with colours. What a great approach and these are stunning, super work by some super artists.



Wayne Thiebaud Inspired Delicious Cakes

Wayne Thiebaud Inspired Delicious Cakes

 Year Five and Six students created some awesome ‘pop art’ style cakes this week They were able to choose two methods for designing the cakes. They could use a dice roll to choose the type of delicious cake and decorations or they could free pick them from a chart. I love the variety in all the different works.


Cute Complimentary Coloured Birds

Cute Complimentary Coloured Birds

Wonderful Grade One artists created cute as a button birds this week.  They were encouraged to use one colour for the bird and the complimentary colour as the background. They did a super job, sometimes the rainbow calls and it’s hard to confine yourself to two colours and that’s the benefit of being an artist, there are no rules. I love them all.

Wonderful Worry Monsters

Wonderful Worry Monsters

Grade Three and Four artists created wonderful worry monsters.this week in Remote Art.

They drew sock puppet monsters or made an actual sock monster. They really look amazing such vibrant  colours and so many details and patterns.

Well done on creating some of the cutest Worry Monsters.

Wonderful work